Chills, Thrills and Spills: A Horror Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Newlyread, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    AUGH okay yes I am on this thread like white on snow.

    I LOVE horror, but I have to say it's never gore that really draws me. I mean, after one or two attempts with Resident Evil films and a few others - and a distant, scarring childhood memory of watching a film
    where some guy put a pencil through a girl's palm while she screamed
    - it kind of bores me?

    I really, really love creepy stuff like the more mainstream asian horror - Ju-on/The Grudge is definitely one of my favourite film series of all time, even though I haven't been able to get my grubby english-speaking paws on the whole story, which makes me sad. I tend to be a bit of snob towards horror films in my own language as a side effect - although The Babadook (which gave me a slightly Candle Cove experience, because I could swear blind we had that book around when I was a kid in australia) and It Follows in recent years have been wonderful exceptions to the rule.

    (Also Guillimo del Toro's The Orphanage, which really, really disturbed me. I guess it counts as western horror because Spanish?)

    I also like reading horror stories, and I'm a sucker for a good creepypasta. Has anyone else here read Neil Gaiman's short story, Click-Clack the Rattlebag? It's in his new collection, Trigger Warning, and I loved it to pieces. It's got a really fun twist ending that you can see coming a mile off, and yet is really satisfying in conclusion XD

    Oh, also, @Ruevian, I love Found Footage as well! I've avoided V/H/S on the account that I've heard it's pretty gory and serial-killery, which is a bit dull to me, but have you heard of Noroi: The Curse? It's got the double pedigree of being both Found Footage and Japanese in origin, and I think it does pretty well living up to that. XD
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  2. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    OH DUDE, NOROI IS MY JAM. Thank you for reminding me that it exists, I definitely agree and everyone should watch it ASAP.

    I still haven't seen It Follows. I keep waiting for it to show up on Netflix, dang it.
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  3. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet


    -breathes- But yeah, Found Footage is awesome and my absolute favourite genre. Also I watched a pretty good one on Amazon last time I was sick and downstairs on the sofa bed. I think it was called Alien Abuduction? Also The Lost Coast Tapes are FANTASTIC and I will fight anyone who says otherwise XDD
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  4. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I love Noroi because it's creepy, and because it includes the exposition "she hasn't been the same since that demon ritual."
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  5. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Oh, I meant to make a post here and I don't think I did. Thank you brain fog.

    I'm a fan of almost anything horror. That's kind of my go-to genre. My big spergy interest right now is Calgary's Gideon Keys, which this thread introduced me to and I think it changed my life so thank you, and Asian horror movies. I don't know why Asian horror movies, specifically, but it's become a persistent Thing with me. I've seen quite a few - White, Best Seller, Dead Friend, Phone, The Eye, Yoga, the Red Shoes, the entire Whispering Corridors series, Shutter, Exte (which was surprisingly good all things considered. Or maybe I just needed more cheesiness in my diet), Sick Nurses (which was surprising awful), Dark Water, Cinderella, Muoi, Face (although I think I spaced out for like half of it, which doesn't mean much because most of it is filler anyways), and I think there are a few more that I've forgotten. I started Noroi but haven't finished it yet, but I intend to. I also recently watched the Korean hospital horror called Coma - it was pretty good!

    One of my favorite horror writings is the Dionaea House, which scared me so badly I couldn't navigate my own house without shaking and feeling clammy and unreasonably terrified for hours.

    My favorite movie of all time is Silent Hill, but I like it because it's sad - it didn't scare me, necessarily, it just broke my heart. The sequel was very bad though.

    My favorite video game series is Silent Hill (there may or may not be a theme here) and I actually did like the last installment. The map drove me fucking crazy, and I didn't like it as much as, say, SILENT HILL 2 which required capital letters to express the full depths of my undying love. I also recently watching playthroughs of Siren, which has a similar premise, and Ku-On, which I only recently heard of. It seems I enjoy it!

    I also love those cool rpgmaker games. Ib is probably my favorite because it was the first one I ever found, but I watched a playthough of Mad Father and it seems cool. Yume Nikki didn't capture my interest like I'd hoped but I'm sure if I try it again I'll like it better. Misao was a fun watch.

    Also I like American Horror Story, although whether it's more horror or drama varies depending on the season and episode. I loved Asylum - I have a huge weakness for hospital horror. For largely that reason Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital has been on my to-watch list for pretty much forever.

    Okay I need to stop now, I'm just rambling.
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    so i JUST FOUND OUT that the dream suite in animal crossing is good for going to other people's towns and people have been making INTERACTIVE HORROR STORIES that you can visit with your dream suite. does anyone else know this? does everyone else know this? i spent today frantically scraping up the bells for it. it feels very inception, i'm buying a dreaming device in my cute videogame world to dream about horrifying videogames. ok.
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  7. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    oh goddamn it, like I didn't already crave animal crossing ENOUGH
  8. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    YEESSS I need this.
  9. Pumpkageist

    Pumpkageist Warning: I Shitpost

    I haven't watched an Asian horror film for ages, but this post is making me want to seek some out again. Are there any you'd particularly recommend? (I've seen Eye, Shutter and Dark Water, and like you, I've watched most of Noroi. I really couldn't get into it, but I've never seen anyone who's seen it not sing its praises, so I want to give it another go at some point.)

    I loved the first Silent Hill film, for pretty much the same reasons as you. Alessa :(.

    Yume Nikki was the first RPGMaker horror I heard of (possibly the first made?), and it's my favourite to this day, but pretty surreal and has no real narrative, and it's not to everyone's tastes. OFF isn't really a horror game, and it has a narrative, but it's also pretty surreal and disturbing. I also liked Ib a lot, but I think a lot of RPGMaker horror games can be hit-or-miss, particularly with their recent boom in popularity (horror hipster strikes again).
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  10. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    Watching It Follows online because I'm tired of waiting for it be accessible to me otherwise and I wasn't impressed until WOW

    Acting is a little stilted but the creepy elements...

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  11. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I hear you about the RPGmaker games. And I will get back to Time Nikki eventually - I think I'm gonna work on a few other games first, but I'm sure I'll go back to it!

    As for recommendations: I do have some!

    I watched White a while ago, and it was one of the first Asian horror movies I'd seen. I really like it! It's about a cursed song discovered by a Korean girl idol group. There's a lot of commentary about the nature of being an idol, and I think they mix that in well. Also, I thought the song in question was really catchy, but obviously that's a subjective opinion.

    Best Seller is about a famous author accused of plagiarism who goes to a quiet lake house to try and escape her disgrace. If you're into a lot of supernatural happenings you may not like this one as much, because it's more heavily psychological.

    Muoi is great if you like twisted revenge schemes! It's about a woman who meets up with an estranged friend. She's a writer, and she's staying with the friend to find inspiration. However, the tension between them is very thick - the author wrote an extremely unflattering book about the estranged friend. I definitely don't regret watching it at all.

    If you're a sucker for good visuals, Yoga is a really pretty movie! It's also a lot less stereotypical than I thought it would be. It's about five women who join an intensive yoga class requiring them to cut themselves off from the outside world and follow some important rules. If they can do this, they win the chance at awakening a really powerful spiritual beauty. Also the building's really great to look at. So.

    The Whispering corridors series is good... Up to a point. I didn't like the fourth all that much, the third just seems really mean-spirited (although it seems to be kind of the favorite, so what do I know), the first was good, and I lived the second. The second has lesbians and a super-cool shared diary! I think the second is my favorite. As for the fifth, well. It wasn't terrible, but there's a reason they didn't make another one.

    If you like Silent Hill, Dark Water has some of the same mother-daughter relationship themes. It wasn't really scary so much as sad, bit it is definitely still a good movie, although you kinda know what happened before the reveal.

    I liked Dead Friend more than I thought I would. It's about a girl who's lost her memories. She's trying to piece together what happened to her before she lost them. I liked the plot twist. I actually didn't see it coming, but you might. I think even if you do, it's still cool to watch it play out.

    And finally, Exte. Exte deals with themes of child abuse, so it's a hard watch. It's about a corpse whose hair grows out of control from pretty much all her body. The hair is distributed in the form of beautiful extensions with, as you may expect, dire consequences. The movie shifts tone a lot because the parts with the main male psycho are incredibly cheesy, but I found that it didn't make me enjoy the movie any less - I honestly found a lot of his parts funny enough to keep me engaged and watching. The heartfelt parts are very hearfelt, and the cheesiness doesn't manage to take away from that. Overall I really liked it.

    If I think of another movie I'd highly recommend I'll add it in here. I will also say I think Best Seller is free on Hulu, and I believe it's the same deal for White.
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  12. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

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  13. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

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  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    Thanks for introducing me to this, I've been going through them all, I'm about halfway through.

    I liked His Wife's Memories.
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  15. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    this podcast on a youtube channel is pretty neat. it's called Chilling Tales For Dark Nights and the first episode i've listened to seems like it's a sort of twilight zone sort of thing.
  16. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    this is pretty tame for this thread but i was watching jontron cause i needed some laughs and i saw his Are You Afraid of the Dark? review episodes. AYAotD was a show like tales from the crypt but for kids on nickelodeon, and occasionally actually got pretty terrifying from what i hear tell. even with him constantly cracking jokes, the ending still got a solid NOPE from me so i thought i'd stick it in here. it actually caught me off guard:

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  17. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    wtf I was literally just watching that

    get out of my computer
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  18. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Yo I'm just gonna leave this here (partly for my own later viewing)

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  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    (I wrote a horror short story and posted it over in the general writing thread, may I crosspost/quote it here?)
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  20. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    Yeah, dude, go for it!
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