Alas, that's the one thing chrono can't do... hm, but I bet there's some technomancy workaround for that... hmmm...... *goes off into the wilds of google looking for ANSWERS* (More lightweight platforms also a good idea. Anyone have recs? I'll be looking for one soon too.) In unrelated news: is making a monster design that accidentally imply that ceratopsids are immensely powerful magical beings that can shoot laser beams out of their mouth a bad thing?
NOO ITS NOT A BAD THING PLEASE DO THAT that aside -- ive been sideyeing this a webcomicker i know uses this and their pages load basically instantly when at my average wifi (rn my wifi can take up to 20 minutes to download a 5 min video tho.. geesh) though again im terrible at coding and im not entirely sure how to implement this.. but if anyone could help that thing looks awesome!!
since my first chapter is the Throw at the Wall and See What Sticks chapter im officially painting over every page there was compression issues so im making it HD and also painted because i paint faster than i draw. and its better to be going at it when i have 40 pages rather than 400 i began 2 days ago and i already have a few pages done with, have 7 weeks to do all of it so i should be fine tho
:O what beautiful mountains! I'm currently stuck on drafting the ~first page~ of my thing - it has a little prologue segment with combat, and I can't decide what and how big the place they're fighting is... and also the MC's face keeps going off-model whenever I try to draw it bigger than a thumbnail. Argh. Luckily I should be able to avoid showing his face in detail after the first few pages. What're people's thoughts on flashbacks? I'm currently thinking that I'm going to do a really short (2 page, one of them is basically a single frame) flashback/memory sequence instead of telling the intro in chronological order, but I know people sometimes don't like those...
thank you! i coincidentallly just right now got done with that page aha hMM as for the mc face thing, the best advice i have here is to have a huge sheet and just draw them over and over again (gesture sketches and stuff, nothing too refined just to get the Feel) flashbacks pitfalls is usually cluttering the story and making it confusing who the mc is/what is and isnt real. people ususally dont like them because they may contain a lot of exposition and create a "false" narrative where they get dissapointed when the setting is actually all different. but i think if you only have a brief one where at the end its clearly implied its a flashback (2 pages sound just fine imo!) then you should be all good
also repainted pages yay, trying to convey more depth and also it will make my workflow faster in the long run bc im mainly a painter
a good day to draw pissed bros also i figured that thumbnailing pages on paper was p easy for comics?? and bought a bunch of colors (im also considering buying an ipad pro with comfcash bc my pc is failing and its very easy to carry around , thoughts?)
I've also been considering an ipad so ^^signalboost that. Also, lovely fangs there. And sky. And painting. (I'm really curious what the updated pages will look like...) @Lerxst Read up to the update point last night and it's looking good! I... Actually finished a filler panel! Could conceivably finish the other panels by the weekend!!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!! ( steps... baby steps... Someday I'll actually manage to do the first six pages...) Spoiler: Alien foster dad is trying really hard life is so difficult when you have tiny baby arms Darn, this is super off-model... oh well, guess I'll be giving it another shot tomorrow. Sadly he's mostly a bg/flashback/telepathic dream sequence character, but I went and worldbuilt The Whole Damn Thing Spoiler: A little about the aliens bc lord knows I won't shut up about them until someone's heard about them Here we have the joking mental image that inspired it all... They're called Fiddleheads! I've thought about plants a good long whle, and come to the conclusion that they're literally aliens. A lot of the design was thus inspired. Individuals have 2-8 genetic parents and 6 or 8 copies of each chromosome. They start life looking like a planaria, and swim around in the water column eating stuff, turn into something that looks like a polychaete worm but more charismatic, and then metamorphosis into something roughly like this, at which point they also gain the approximate sentience of a human toddler. The tail and the 'head' are both coils - the mouth is at the very inside of the head, but they have two little grabbers that can stick out from the side to haul in food. Chemoreceptors are mostly inside the head coil, but they can vaguely tase and smell with other parts of their body too. Their surface is covered in tiny eyes, primarily on the back face of their body. Their vision's not great, but they make do. They can see most colors used as signalling by Earthly organisms, including UV and some IR. They have four genders, Scroll (alien dad), Bach (above) Turn and Weave, which are determined by which direction their tail curls. Some cultures ascribe a subgender based on which plane the stack goes out in. Reproduction is............ really different. They're like ferns (fiddleheads, incidentally, are a name for still-curled fern leaves) and have an alternate generation, in their case of lilypadlike things that grow from seeds. These leaves can reproduce asexually by budding and division. The animal forms 'garden' these religiously. It's not a fiddlehead home unless there's a tastefully designed, lushly planted waterfeature. While they have relationships pretty identically to humans (except for 3+ people being the norm), there's no equivalent to having sex. Crossplanting leaves (which allows fertilization to take place) is a symbolic act. Gardening is... gardening. They have the exact same impulse with other plants, although they prefer ones with similar leaf shapes. Imagine a group of these guys fiercely debating whether African Violets or pothos are cuter in the same way that humans talk about puppies vs. kittens. Just imagine, Bc 'worms' basically don't have brains, they're treated like people treat bettas. (If you're rich, you put hormones in the water to suppress pre-metamorphosis. If you're not, small tanks with poor water quality do that for you.) They consider abnormal appearances, especially special colors/patterns especially attractive. This has gradually been getting stronger and stronger as more people get access to glass-walled tanks. A whole new level of designer baby! There's a cultural expectation that you'll help raise a kid, but it's also typical to fill that by like, being a teacher at a preschool or babysitting. They tend to be better at math, especially abstract and geometry, than humans are, and are also very exacting at manual labor tasks like cleaning. Their human social skills are... lacking. Humans tend to see them as a bit childlike, and consequentially underestimate them. The lack of obvious 'face' is a lot of it - they pick up hand gestures quickly, and can limitedly warp the shape of their head,but it's not a lot. In areas when both species are high density, esp. if it's a place where there are a lot of recently-post-college people, Fiddlehead/Human apartmentmates are pretty common - once you get past the... everything, they're a good compliment to humans bc they're good at things we're bad at and vice versa. In an indirect way inspired by these: \off to parentally mandated vacation wheeeee
I caved in and bought the iPad Pro.. my old pic is still the good coding/drafthorse thing but ho boy r the art apps on this thing sexy as hell and I've been more efficient than in weeks
Do you all ever suddenly realise something about your comic that never occurred to you before? I just realised last night that in three years and almost two hundred pages of Maria, I've only drawn the main character smiling like ... five times, and one of those was a fake smile for a magazine shoot. *runs off to draw Chika smiling*
I MADE A PAGE AND A HALF just gotta slap SAI overlay watercolors on it and then I'm... In buisness??? What is this???
My one issue is that the mc has a nasty head wound and I draw stylized enough you can't always tell what's lip and what's blood smear