:crawls to life: i no longer regret doing 4 illustration updates during the move. i'm on schedule again for the most part, but -wow- i severely underestimated how much that much travel and time on a plane would utterly destroy me and my ability to work. >A>; Never again, this cutting it close thing. I had 7 hours left before my usual update time, and I've got Monday's loaded and ready as well. I like hitting my updates on time, but I like being early better personally, for anxiety sake and sudden low spoons.
In like a week, someone poke me to start working again, I am in art hibernation because school is freakinf me out
question: how many pages sounds like a good number to have done as a buffer before one starts posting?
:o I think a lot depends on your planned update schedule and how long it takes you to produce a page. You'd want enough ahead of time that you're not scrambling constantly if you can help it early on.
:BEATS CHEST AND BATTLE CRIES: I TOOK A BREAK DAY AND MISSED AN UPDATE BECAUSE BRAIN WAS REFUSING TO FUNCTION AND I COULDN'T PHYSICALLY DO MORE TO MEET DEADLINE. I beat myself up over it, hated myself for it, and yet. Earlier i realized i wanted another page between last and next. So i sat, sketched it, inked it and put on the flat colors in one go. The last page just needs shade/highlight and words, as now does this one. I'm slowly ekeing out being ahead of the 8ball again if I can keep this going.
hockey season was FINALLY over and i FINALLY had time to work on the comic and my FUCKING shit wrist gave out on me
I have no idea, but it's been happening for years so it's probably chronic or if it was an injury it didn't heal right. I've finally gotten my parents and doctors to listen to me about it and not immediately write it off as repetitive motion strain from using the computer too much, so hopefully whatever it is will finally get fixed.
We finished chapter three last week and now I need to work on chapter four, which ought to have been chapter two, except chapter one somehow turned into three chapters so now it's chapter four, but we yoinked the entire plot from chapter two and fit it into a single page in chapter one, so we have to replace it with a plot from a later chapter, but there are still elements from the outline/script from chapter two that need to be grafted onto the new plot, and I'm thinking I should write this together with chapters five and six and plan on getting through an entire small arc in three chapters, but that requires even more hacking-to-pieces and stitching-messily-together of things from scripts we already had written, and I'm just *screaming* Writing the script and getting all the plotty bits right is hard.
I've decided to only update on Mondays but because I fell so far behind I'm already falling behind because I can't focus. I've been throwing my energy into making fancy outfits for homestuck characters because it lets me just play with color and shapes instead of laying on the ground miserable about not being able to piece a story that was/is so coherent in my mind together. I'm not giving up. I'm having a really rough time rn and my brain is not helping at all. but I'm not giving up.
Chapter 1 cover is almost done, I just need to touch up a few things And I have no motivation whatsoever to get off the floor and do it
@TheMockingCrows I just want to put a hug emoji here but we don't have one. You have my sympathies. Writing is hard. @Bel Capricorn That is a pretty nice cover. What's the name mean?
Oh, interesting! :D Also I saw your comparison of the cover from before - you really have improved quite a lot. I mostly do line-art stuff myself so I love seeing people do painting-style comic covers or whatever. It's so pretty.
: D I couldn't possibly do this for the whole comic but Wes said it was okay if I did the covers in different styles so that is what I am doing. I get to mess around with weird art without burning myself out on it! I'm going to go back to working on chapter 1 thumbnails tomorrow, and then I'm on vacation next week - I should be able to get a massive chunk of chapter 1 done at the absolute least