Awwww he's very cute! For the real one though, I would probably go with non pill fleece, and would use fabric paint to paint the eyes on- much easier than sewing them haha. If you would rather someone else make it though, I do take commissions c: here's one of my most recent plush: He's pretty big, but I can also do smalls c:
When I sewed the eyes on, I finished by pulling the needle through the bottom of its head and tying it off, and it gave the face some cheek poof that yo can't really see here. It loosened a bit after I finished, which is bad news bears, because it looked really good at first. It's definitely a keeper! Annnd, I think I wanna try and finish this thing myself. It's been really fn! However, I don't know how well this thing on its own works as a Christmas present, so about how mch wold a, let's say 12" tall plsh from yo cost? Also, sorry if this is hard to read. Keyboard is screwy.
That's good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! And yeah, things like that will work better with fleece, since it doesn't stretch as much and so the knot it less likely to get sucked into the plush lol. And sorry for advertising lol, I suppose I got a little ahead of myself ^^'(would have probably forgotten though if it hadn't- I can't win XD ) a 12in of about that complexity would be around 65, including shipping (I'm assuming you meant long instead of tall, since it looks longer than it is tall? Correct me if I'm wrong though!). It would be done in non pill fleece, and I could add some weighted beads if that's something that interests you, but it'd add on probably 5-10 because of shipping.
Oh, okay! Just like that, or in fanart do they have arms or legs? since I can't see all of them and I don't want to assume lol
Hey! I made a knit chart to guide color transitions on a Davesprite scarf my friend wants, and I thought maybe someone else might have some use for it. It's just feathers falling into a pile of feathers, but eh, I like it. Also gonna make knitting this scarf a little more fun. (I need to take pics of the hat, mitts, and scarf I knitted for myself, sorry craft nerd herd.)
She has legs. I'd like her in the upright, shopkeep pose, though. Gah, keyboard skrewery is seriously fecking with y talks. Sorry. not explaining well. Will switch copters fck it, sorry.
Ok. Wold that be a bit more expensive, case it's got a lot of colors to it. more than the chocobo. Or does $65 about still stand?
It really depends on whether or not I can find fabric that's already striped like that- if I can't, would you be okay with one color fabric glued on top of the other to create the stripes? Its secure, would be nicer texturally than painting them on, and the stripes are way too thin to sew them all on without making it kind of ridiculously time consuming and thus way more expensive. If that's okay then I'll set it at 90 at the highest- if I can find prestriped fabric I don't need to order online I can lower that to 75.
Yup! I'll send you a pm so you can't lose it c: and I take half before starting, and the other half after its finished, before shipping it out(I'll post pics, of course).
Holy fuck, knitties, help me. Google isn't helping, cause it thinks I want actual gradient yarn. Nope, I want a way to transition between colors that makes them look more blended or mixed. Or even a way to term it so that google goes "Oh, you don't actually want gradient yarns." *chews on knitting*
@NuclearVampire: here is the pattern I used. I found the black and white version on the net on a free crochet pattern site, then coloured it myself.
Oo, thank you. I don't know when I'll be feeling the embroidery bug (Been stuck on knitting, maybe cause it's getting cold here,) but maybe I can add it as a motif on some knitting. It's just so swirly and colorful and pretty! *big fan of blended colors and rainbows*
@NuclearVampire I'm on my phone so I can't make you a chart, but your best bet is this technique (pic stolen from Pinterest): See the way the bright pink blends into the grey? That'll be even more effective with less contrasting colours.
Spoiler: BIG I made a doll thing! What kinda face do you think would look good? Has to be something I can embroider. Also! Felting is fun. Spoiler
I made things that are basically rainbow loom creations but with bigger rubber bands, that also have a different texture and smell so I can actually stand making and wearing them. Spoiler: Pictures!! first attempt at making anything out of rubber bands, dont mind the mess around the blak and white bands, that was me showing where clasps would go if I had any clasps7 (also I fucked the end parts up on the first one so I did another) the next one! (now with practice!!) tricoloured, with the same clasp system as the other one, just better executed. and I also fiddled around with some red and black bands, and got a big knot that works like a charm. (hahahaha that wasnt intentional)
Thank you, you've now introduced me to the pain of colorstranding. Every guide I've ever read indicated there would be a tendency to be too tight, but nope. My issue at first was being too loose. Either way, it's working out good, and this transition from white to pale cooked egg yolk looks natural, although I kind of want to get a better cream yarn..... (Texture's a bit different, so I'm disliking how it looks against the other 2 colors. *frowns*)