Crossover Consideration Station

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So @Inkblot and I came up with the worst/best possible crossover ship: Giffany/Monika.

    • Winner x 4
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  2. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    A recent conversation on the subject of a doc which I may or may not write:
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  3. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    I had another of my stupid serial killer/supernatural monster dreams and once I woke up I got to wondering if anyone's considered having the Inception guys run into Freddie Kruger
    • Agree x 1
  4. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    South park did it, but honestly almost anyone else could do it better
  5. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    It is kind of an obvious idea.
  6. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    In Elementary, Mycroft Holmes is a chef and restaurant owner!

    In Shokugeki no Souma, the title character's father is sometimes found serving gourmet elites in New York!

    Surely someone could do something with that?

    With a single bite, Joan was transported back in time. She was sitting in the little kitchen of her family home, receiving smiling praise from her mother for her good grades over a warm, delicious family meal.

    She found herself back in the restaurant's vast, metal-plated kitchen with a start. Was there a tear in her eye? She hunted in her purse for a handkerchief.

    The Japanese chef, meanwhile, had presented Sherlock with another dish, and his cheerful goading was relentless in the face of Sherlock's best glare. At length, he grabbed one of the mystery... objects? with his fingers, and stuffed it in his mouth.

    Their new acquaintance watched eagerly as Sherlock chewed, his face completely impassive. Once, twice, three times... but when it came to swallowing, he could no longer suppress a grimace of disgust. He remained silent for a while, and then opined in a cheerful voice: "Well, that's about what I would expect from 'high gourmet' food."

    Jouichirou Saiba laughed heartily as he slapped Sherlock on the shoulder, and Mycroft joined him.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2018
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  7. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    If there are not trollstuck fics for the fandoms I want them in, I will write them myself. Many trollstuck. All the trollstuck. Yes.

    This but is actually suddenly-everyone-feels-in-quadrants, not trollstuck, but still. It qualifies

    Gentlefolk, I give you: quadrantstuck dctv, specifically legends of tomorrow, specifically coldwave:

    It was shortly after they got Len back - yes, the real Len, their Len, yes all the tests check out, yes they're sure about it - that things start going… weird.

    Mick notices it first, strangely enough. Suddenly he finds himself staring at Len, thinking about how stressed he looks, how tired, how he takes so much on himself and rigidly controls himself to the point of absurdity, paranoid and tense all the time. The others can't see how deeply he was affected by the oculus, his ever-present mask of cold, smug ruthlessness going as strong as ever, but Mick can. Mick’s known him for thirty years, of course he can.

    He could wave it off, push it away and pretend it's nothing more than concern for a friend, but, well... it's not just that. He is hit, every time he sees Len, hell, every time he thinks of him, by the overwhelming desire to bundle him into a nest of blankets, somewhere out of the way and safe, and talk with him - actually talk! with words! - and cuddle and pet and sooth and curl together until both of them are warm and content and can drift off to sleep together.

    And it ain't even sexual! No, that would make too much sense - not that Mick going mushy over attraction would make sense, but at least there’d be something to blame this on. But no, Mick’s just as aware of Len’s attractiveness as ever, but where before it was in a vague sort of yeah-I'd-tap-that semi-interest, now all he feels when he thinks about that is protectiveness. Suddenly Mick is quietly disgusted by the thought of sex with Len, and bound and determined to make sure anyone who does end up having sex with him is good enough. The thought of Len getting together with someone who doesn't appreciate him is enough to make Mick practically growl.

    ...He's seriously starting to freak out about this.
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  8. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    There is more!
    • Like x 1
  9. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    I'd love to see something between Monster Prom and Rosario + Vampire, but unfortunately the only idea I have is "wow, those two things have similar situations, but also some differences, how would mixing them work?" which is less an idea and more... this entire post?
  10. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    More Homestuck crossovers! Specifically, dctv trollstuck.

    Lenard Snarrt:
    • Sign: Capries
    • Blood: mutant purple
    • Derse Dreamer
    • Rogue of Time
    • Lusus: basically Lewis; freshwater amphibious goat lusus; abusive; Mick helped Len drive him off, although Len couldn't bring himself to kill him
    • Ancestor: Mikael "Shofld"; fake name for disguise purposes; Summoner's rebellion/revolution
    • Yes it's Wentworth Miller's character from prison break. No I do not know anything about prison break beyond the basic plotline.
    Mickae Rorrie
    • Sign: Leicorn
    • Blood: olive
    • Prospit Dreamer
    • ___ of Rage
    • Lusus: bighorn sheep, supersized
    • Ancestor: Lincon "Burows"; fake name again for rebellion purposes
    • Yes that's Dominic Purcell's character from prison break. No I don't know any other characters either of them has played.
    Unusually, both ancestors and descendants are moirail pairs. Prison break basically happened: Mikael rescued Lincon just before his execution date. He is actually guilty though - of rebellion, which is what he was charged with.
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  11. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    I don't know what to do with Harry Potter x The God Eaters, but it was put into my head by I tumblr meme and now it won't go away.

    @theprettiestboy said:
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  12. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Harry Potter x The Flash

    Harry took a year or so to help with the rebuilding efforts &c before his friends convinced him that it's okay to take some time to himself. He looked into his mother's family as a starting place and found a cousin of Lily's living in America.

    This cousin, of course, is Nora Allen.

    Etc etc, Harry gets custody of Barry post murder and ofc believes him; the plot changes from there.
  13. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    I checked the timelines, and Harry would be 20 when Nora is murdered. This totally works.
  14. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Also I am GOING to write a fic about the adventures of 15 year old Jade Harley in a nonSBURB au, who, upon getting her ged online decides that it's high time she familiarize herself with the rest of the world - and what better place to start than the activation of the particle accelerator at star labs?

    Like Stien, the experiment she's carrying at the time merges with her, and she ends up with powers of matter manipulation.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
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  15. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Headcanon that the reason why Seto Kaiba goes to a seedy public school is because he was enrolled at Ouran at first, but he had an encounter with the Host Club and immediately fucking booked it for the nearest educational establishment that didn't contain Tamaki Suou
    • Winner x 10
  16. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    This isnt much of a crossover because i cant think of what the meat and potatoes of it would be, but i really like the idea of izuku midoriya and gon freecs being half brothers or cousins or something, solely because theyre both very stubborn and both have dark green hair.
    • Agree x 2
  17. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I don't even know if this counts, but I do fully intend on drawing it, so...yeah. (Apologies for the weird formatting, idk why Discord logs paste like this...x_x)

    aceyyyToday at 12:23 PM
    Dinosaur Comics except instead of T-Rex it’s Alexandrite

    Mikephisto the CyberPunkToday at 12:23 PM

    aceyyyToday at 12:24 PM
    I wanna draw that now
    Who would the others be
    Dr. Maheswaran is the tiny woman
    Because Alexandrite hates doctors

    Mikephisto the CyberPunkToday at 12:24 PM

    aceyyyToday at 12:25 PM
    Dromiceiomimus could be Stevonnie
    ...Utahraptor is Malachite by process of elimination

    Mikephisto the CyberPunkToday at 12:27 PM
    the house is steven's beachhouse, the car greg's van

    aceyyyToday at 12:27 PM
    • Winner x 2
  18. kleric

    kleric Member

    hi I love crossovers I barely write but I love them I specifically went and dug in my old ideas folder to find everything I love
    • Like literally everybody else, I have considered HPstuck, albeit I change even my own sorting every now and then.
    • Admittedly for literally every character I care about, including OCs, I must figure out both classpect and hogwarts wand+house.
    • Then there was HP/Person of Interest, with some obscure stuff about Finch being British and Lily's much older brother? But no, he didn't raise Harry, he just met Harry in modern day when Solving Crimes. The HP/Castle one where Kevin Ryan was Seamus Finnegan grown up ended up bleeding into this one.
    • Then there was the one were Finch was a Time Lord in human disguise and got turned back right before he got shot (like Master) and regenerated into Lucy Liu, also Jack Harkness was Reese's old fling. Plot what plot I just wanted some Lucy Liu in there. Also Root sort of literally became The Machine? but timey-wimey so they co-existed.
    • I always wanted Elementary/Person of Interest really badly and when they did the actual crossover promo clip I nearly died. I occasionally threw other cop shows into the melting pot too, but EL/POI was the main point. There was a crime but I can barely recall what crime. It was not the point anyway moirail shenanigans were the point.
    • There was a time where I tried really hard to figure out a way to make LOSTstuck work - did humans crash and trolls are the Others? reverse? did they both crash? dancestors are Others? so much time travel? I even had an outline, which I can't find so I probably chucked it, all I can clearly remember right now (it was years ago) is that the island was Jade's Island, of course, and the Others were stationed in Harley manor, and Jade was Rousseau, and instead of the Big Foot it was the Frog Temple, and I think Aradia was in the hatch instead of Desmond? maybe? 4-6-10-12-13-25. (I suspect Hussie might have been into Lost, if just for all the names beginning with J)
    • Also Homestuck + Stand Still Stay Silent. They somehow kicked off the game, gods only know how because they barely know about computers, and I spend A Long Time figuring out classpects. I'd need to dig for that document too, but - Reynir as Page of Space (Iceland has volcanoes and all), Mikkel as Sylph of Time (which I would likely rework nowadays), Sigrun as something of Breath, Emil as Prince of something, Lalli as Mage? of Doom, Tuuri ???. Sigrun and Reynir had same ancestor, Mikkel and Emil, and Lalli and Tuuri (their grandmother was the ancestor, Onni as their guardians, in an Egbert analogy).
    • HP/Doctor Who, where Rose and Tentoo tried to make their own Tardis, crashed it into HP, Barty Crouch Sr took them in, Tentoo got corrupted (?) and became the Barty Crouch Jr we know, Rose became a professor at Hogwarts. (Fun fact: it was before Cursed Child, and Rose's name on ministry paperwork was Rose Delphinus Crouch.)
    • I've always been prone to trying to cross everything with Doctor Who just because it's easy to do and extremely fun. (My favourite so far is yoinking Gyda and Athelstan out of Vikings and into space because honestly they deserved so much better.)
    • Very Important: Doctor Who/Homestuck. Space! Shenanigans! Apocalypses! Doctor being extremely disappointed by all the murdering! Having a small army of homicidal children in the TARDIS! "I'm a Time Lord" - "oh shit he's another Caliborn" -"hi i'm a Time Maid!" - and i'm a Time Knight sup" - "you all are children". Also I want Rose and Rose to have a talk please. Combining the Scratch with the cracks in the universe from Eleven's run? Paradoxes, things bigger on the inside, "how are you guys even doing that", oh man, I love this.
    • Bonus: extremely obscure crossovers by crossing the RPs/LARPs I've played over with Homestuck and/or Doctor Who. And anything Estonian is by default obscure fandom because non-Estonians have close to zero idea about these things.
    • Bonus 2: speaking of obscures, I actually wrote a Les Miserables / Madoka Magica for a prompt.
    • There is more. I know I've thought about a Lot More. I will be back after work.
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    • Winner x 1
  19. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Yes. Yes good. I love this, this is amazing.
    • Agree x 3
  20. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    open sorcery + steamworld

    vectron sprites are light+order spirits, so are voltbots but like, a different kind of light+order

    steambots are Weird and show up to spirit scanning as fire+water over the top of a typical sapient nonspirit soul
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