Crossover Consideration Station

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Musarex

    Musarex Active Member

    The potential for Malazan / Discworld crossovers is utterly amazing, but I don't think there are any Malazan fans here to talk about it :(
  2. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    GOD this brings me back........i literally still have the whostuck url and the like 5 whole posts on there
    my version was entirely HS but swapped into a dr who setting? i think it was set up like, gallifrey and alternia were sister planets in a twin sun system, aradia was a 'time troll' (god that sounds so fucking dumb) and filled the role of the doctor in this universe i think??? and dave was gallifreyan and a pseudo-master type, though not quite an Entire Villain... and earth was an alternian colony experiment that the condensce populated with political prisoners bc then if it went wacky at least no one important was at stake, so there were trolls living on earth too? i think torchwood was run by sollux and jade?????? it was wild
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  3. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Ciel from Black Butler would make a perfect yugioh season 0 villain.
    • Agree x 4
  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i never considered this before and now i cannot stop considering it
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  5. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Yes hello everything with Redwall please because every story is more fun if the characters are cute animals.
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  6. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    right?? He's got the fixation on games, the skewed sense of justice, and the meddling with malevolent supernatural powers, now all he needs is a worse haircut and a creepier grin
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  7. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    Okay, but someone else please scream with me about endless possibilities of The Penumbra Podcast crossed with Assassin's Creed.

    Look Juno is a hot mess who can't keep himself out of trouble and is absolutely Desmond's favorite lady in the galaxy, fight me.
  8. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    So Archetype Cafe is a great song, and I am going to write a multi crossover in which various ladies from various fandoms stumble upon it in times of need and interact.

    Iris West from the flash meets Adora Bell Dearheart from Discworld and comes away even more badass.

    Hermione Granger of harry potter meets Granny Weatherwax, also of discworld, and is both awed and intimidated.

    So on and so forth.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
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  9. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Yet another so-and-so as Harry Potter fic. This time, Leonard Snart of legends of tomorrow and the flash (2014).

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  10. For some reason I’m imagining an NGE/Rick and Morty mashup, with Rick as Gendou and Morty as Shinji (of course). “You gotta- you gotta get in the robot, Morty. Get in the fucking BURRRP robot, Morty.”
    • Winner x 2
  11. YggiDee

    YggiDee Well-Known Member

    I kinda want a series that's just the Gurren Lagann crew popping through the multiverse and punching other anime in the face.

    Are they young Simon and Nia or adult Simon and Nia? Whatever works best for the plot at the time. Didn't some of these folks die? They're here anyway. Do other TTGL folks show up? If they wanna be in the episode that day.

    First stop, Simon gives Shinji Ikari a brotherly punch of Burning Courage while Kamina tries to figure out if you can Gattai with an EVA unit. The answer is you can, but maybe... Shouldn't. Rei and Nia talk about being dolls. Yoko finds out that Spiral Energy shreds AT fields like confetti. Winner: Shinji decks his dad in the face.

    Ultimate throwdown, the Incubators vs the Anti-Spirals! One is trying to violate entropy to prevent the Heat Death of the Universe. The other is trying to cause entropy to prevent the Spiral Nemesis. Notably, both sides are trying to achieve this by causing human suffering and despair. Solution: both sides can get fucked. Someone punches Kyubey with so much Spiral Energy that the entire Incubator species explodes. This somehow makes a happy ending.

    Cowboy Bebop doesn't particularly need punching, I just think Kamina would have a ball being a Space Bounty Hunter for a few weeks. Viral can be in this one.

    I haven't actually thought too hard about potential TTGL/Naruto interactions but I am dead certain that at least several characters need a good punching.

    Forget Earth, while Dragon Ball is happening, at the other end of space the Gurren Gang are starting an intergalactic rebellion against Freeza. They're real good at intergalactic rebellion.


    And so on.
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  12. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    *sees @GlassesBlu in Naruto thread*
    *Immediately remembers the other thing I associate glassesblu with*

    "I wonder what the midnight crew would look like as shinobi"
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  13. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

    Oooh consider it considered heheh
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  14. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    I don't remember if I ever brought up my grimdark!Jason Todd idea here, but here's the art for it, with transcript!
    Your name is Jason Todd, and you know better than to accept help from grey-skinned ladies with glowy black eyes. Problem is, you've been a little grey and glowy yourself lately. ...oh hell. What have you got to lose?
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  15. Cate

    Cate Man Door Hand Hook Car Door

    I really want a fic where Violet Baudelaire from ASOUE makes a deal with one of the demons from Black Butler
    They have the same kinda nebulous time/tech level thing going on.
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  16. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    The entirety of quadrantstuck dctv so far! Can you tell I'm stuck on this?
    It was shortly after they got Len back - yes, the real Len, their Len, yes all the tests check out, yes they're sure about it - that things start going… weird.

    Mick notices it first, strangely enough. Suddenly he finds himself staring at Len, thinking about how stressed he looks, how tired, how he takes so much on himself and rigidly controls himself to the point of absurdity, paranoid and tense all the time. The others can't see how deeply he was affected by the oculus, his ever-present mask of cold, smug ruthlessness going as strong as ever, but Mick can. Mick’s known him for thirty years, of course he can.

    He could wave it off, push it away and pretend it's nothing more than concern for a friend, but, well... it's not just that. He is hit, every time he sees Len, hell, every time he thinks of him, by the overwhelming desire to bundle him into a nest of blankets, somewhere out of the way and safe, and talk with him - actually talk! with words! - and cuddle and pet and sooth and curl together until both of them are warm and content and can drift off to sleep.

    And it ain't even sexual! No, that would make too much sense - not that Mick going mushy over attraction would make sense, but at least there’d be something to blame this on. But no, Mick’s just as aware of Len’s attractiveness as ever, but where before it was in a vague sort of yeah-I'd-tap-that semi-interest, now all he feels when he thinks about it is protectiveness. Suddenly Mick is quietly disgusted by the thought of sex with Len, and bound and determined to make sure anyone who does end up having sex with him is good enough. The thought of Len getting together with someone who doesn't appreciate him is enough to make Mick practically growl.

    ...He's seriously starting to freak out about this.

    Sara faces her crew. “So,” she says. “I'm not the only one experiencing bizarre but unquestionably romantic feelings in ways that weren't there previously. Correct?”

    They glance uncomfortably around at each other before nodding or muttering agreement with various levels of reluctance. (Ray has virtually none, of course.)

    “Right. I've contacted teams Arrow and Flash as well as consulted with Gideon, and it seems that this is universal and began abruptly in early March, 2018. It seems to be divided into four categories and has been christened “quadrants” as a result. Gideon?” Sara steps to the side to make room for Gideon’s informational holograms.

    “Thank you, Captain Lance. [Quadrants explanation]”.

    [Sara’s observations throughout: during pale romance Amaya glances at Mick and Mick and Len keep trying and failing not to look at each other; during flushed Nate says “So that's basically normal romance” and everyone agrees and Ray blushes in Mick’s general direction; during ashen everyone is confused; during pitch Ray says “that sounds really unhealthy” and Jax nods, looking alarmed.]

    “So.” Mick waits until he and Len are alone before biting the bullet and confronting the elephant in the room. He did see those glances during the explanation on moirailegence.

    “So.” Len replies. His face is set and impassive to anyone else, but Mick can see the nervousness he's trying to hide.

    This was, he supposes, pretty much inevitable.

    Len is stretched out on Mick’s bed, Mick draped over top of him because there is something deeply comforting in the way Mick can cover him completely, heavy as he is. Mick’s head is nestled into his neck, and Len finds himself gently stroking his fingers back and forth over Mick’s shaved scalp without really thinking about it.

    They haven't talked. He knows they need to talk; there's too much left unsaid between them, too much baggage and hurt. He isn't looking forward to it. He's never enjoyed talking about feelings.

    Seeing Barry again is a revelation.

    Len has always wanted to build Barry up and tear him down, to challenge him, best him, be bested by him - it was a dance, a game, and so, so much fun. Now - now it's more than that. Len has always been attracted to Barry, and he'd be lying if he said he hadn't fantasized about him a time or two, or ten - but this.


    This is fire. This is passion, but not softness. No, there's nothing gentle about the way he feels. It's like anger, like hatred, but somehow indefinably positive. And strong, god, the only people he feels this strongly about are Lisa and Mick, and that's nothing like this.

    It feels amazing.

    “Snart.” Barry is smiling at him, and there's something in his eyes, something that he thinks might echo the whirling in his mind. “I told you there's good in you.” God, and he's so fucking smug about it too. Len wants to punch that look off his face and then kiss him senseless.

    Cisco is mad at Barry about Dante, and will probably always be mad at Barry about Dante, and it sucks.

    Oh, he deserves it. He knows he deserves it. That doesn't make it any less painful.

    The thing is, well. This quadrants thing that everyone is so worried about - and he's worried about it too, really! - it… didn't really change things that much for Barry. He's spent so much time thinking that he's in love with Iris, but now that moiraillegence is on the table and such a perfect description for how he feels - has felt - about her ...He just doesn't know what to think.

    And then there's Cisco.
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  17. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic/Circle Opens/Circle Reforged and DCU!
    • everyone is in com world!
      • bb!Jason Todd tries to steal from Briar. This goes very predictably.
      • I'm envisioning Jason in Dedicate Moonbeam's office (that is the right dedicate, right?) going ??? what just happened?
      • Jason is an academic healing mage. Fight me.
      • Tim is from some country that is not Emelan, but he has heard of the quartet. He has heard a lot about the quartet. Tim is very good at knowing things he shouldn't, necessarily, know. Kids his age are not supposed to have spy networks. Why does he have a spy network?
      • Tim's parents take him with them on a business trip to Emelan when he's thirteen. He meets Lady Sandry. He is incredibly flustered.
      • Sandry is unsure how to feel about her tiny fanboy. The others tease her, but then they find that he admires them just as much.
      • Alternately: the Drakes are Emelan nobility. They flit in and out of court and country, and Sandry is reminded painfully of her parents - except they actually took her along. Is it any surprise that she bonds with Tim?
      • Dick's parents are friends with Lark. Also they don't die. So there.
      • Dick has no magic whatsoever. That's all pure skill, babey.
      • I don't know what Babs is doing? I want her to meet Tris.
      • I also want her to be Oracle.
      • Maybe she's Sandry's spymaster?
      • I'm just sort of avoiding Bruce because I don't know what to do with him. He's not a vigilante.
      • Don't know what to do with Damian either.
      • Stephanie is great but I don't know what she's up to. She volunteers at Urda's House sometimes?
      • Cass ends up living at Discipline and it's very healing for her.
      • Sudden swerve into dctv land!
        • I am entertained by the idea of Leonard Snart and Briar knowing each other pre-series.
        • Also Barry's got running magic. No, no one else thought that was a thing either.
        • That's about it.
    • everyone is in the dcu!
      • I... actually don't really have any ideas?
      • Huh.
    • dimension hop, emelan to dcu!
      • Briar and Rosethorn disapprove of Ivy.
      • idk
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  18. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    i'm pretty sure no one needs or wants an Undertale/Imperial Radch crossover, but my brain keeps insisting that Justice of Toriel is a thing.
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  19. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    I don't know if two different D&D podcasts count as potential for crossover, but I'd love to see a temporary DM/setting swap for Critical Role and the Semolo Plateau run on Dice Friends. I think Matt Mercer's thoughtful style could lead to some interesting developments and Dragon's Orders proved the Semolo crew work great when taken out of their environment.

    Meanwhile, the Mighty Nein having to do almost anything in Dale Friesen's rendition of Chult would no doubt be a nightmare, and I'd be keen on seeing just how they played up/played into the various horrors of that jungle hellscape.

    EDIT: For context, Dale's Chult is one of the least hospitable places in the Forgotten Realms. It is populated mostly by dinosaurs, undead, undead dinosaurs, various kinds of bugs, and worse. Think of an animal that shouldn't exist because it's an affront to life itself. It probably lives on Chult.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
  20. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    • Wixen: wicca/hedgewitches
      • Poets: creativity and structure

      • Intent and belief

      • Ambient magic, basically

      • Squibs are this
        • Need to approach magic differently
      • Can draw magic from surroundings even if they have none of their own
    • Sorcerers (like sorcerer supreme)
      • Singers: self control and discipline
    • Wizarding World (hp)
      • Scientific approach by necessity - became traditionalist and hidebound over time - in the West)
    • Wizarding world babies CAN go in any direction, but wizard or sorcerer is easiest - also are hard to redirect once chosen

    • Extra-dimensional magic/energy
      • Wood between worlds
        • Narnia is a collapsed world

        • Susan has resonance with Narnia magic and subconsciously uses it
      • Yggdrasil
        • Another conceptualization of the wood
      • Sorcerers can access the place between worlds’ magic/energy to a degree
        • This takes so much training

        • Sometimes other worlds’ energy

        • Part of why they emphasize CONTROL - they need it!

        • Why so many ancient texts
          • How to attract/use/the rules of other energy

    • After Susan Pevensie graduates college, one agent Carter approaches her with a job offer

    • Susan becomes a sniper and diplomat and CAN go in and fuck your shit up Peggy style but prefers not to
      • Eventually v high up in SHIELD and friends with fury (inasmuch as fury HAS friends)

      • Has SUSPICIONS about Hydra but no proof
    • Luna after the war goes about studying world's magical creatures
      • BUT ends up also righting wrongs
        • This is how she comes to SHIELD's attention and eventually meets Susan
      • First thing Luna Sees is that Susan is Of Narnia
        • They become friends
    • Hermione
      • After war works on Reforming wizarding britain!
        • Educational!

        • Political!

        • Social!
      • First wizarding nation to form peace treaty with SHIELD
    • Harry
      • Travels to come to terms
        • On foot! By car! By bus! By horse! Etc
      • Wants to CREATE after so much destruction

      • Part of team of magical experts brought in to deal with Loki

      • Magical artificer

      • Befriends Tony

      • Magitech!!
    • Godric Gryffindor: Thor's descendant

    • Soul energy
      • Chi
        • Straightforward

        • Extra energy drawn from soul

        • Can be used for spiritual defense
          • Like with dementors!

          • This +magic is a patronus
        • Learnable by anyone

        • Generally goes along with martial Arts and meditation

        • Wizards have trouble with this - difficult to separate from magic
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
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