Crossover Consideration Station

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    Imperial Radch meets Undertale: The Justice Of Toriel.
    (no actual ideas, that just popped into my brain and demanded to be shared)
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  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Undertale vs OFF
    aka Chara and the Batter fight so hard they destroy the entire universe in an attempt to kill the other
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  3. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    [wastes hours and hours of my life in the background combining the ATLA and TOTA elemental magic systems]
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  4. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

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  5. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    So the Undertale thread just pointed out to me that there's some similarity between Kingdom Hearts and Undertale.

    So. In Kingdom Hearts lore, at least as I know it from KH1/KH2/CoM, there's the whole thing where there's bodies and there's minds and there's hearts.

    When someone's heart is taken, they fade away and are replaced by their heartless. Most people are level 1 commoners with no special strength of will, so they're just basic run of the mill heartless. Increasingly strong wills = increasingly strong heartless, and there's some loophole exceptions where the heartless can resemble their original self and have memories and a personality and shit. (Hi "Ansem.")

    At the same time, in another location, their nobody also forms. These, too, have a bunch of basic fucking mook versions, and then some stronger ones... but, significantly, people with strong enough wills/hearts form nobodies with their old bodies (because why the fuck not have nobodies be made of their bodies but not their hearts, and have heartless actually have their hearts inside them somewhere, let's just make a whole fuckton of misleading and confusing terminology. i mean, i complain, but mostly because i didn't keep up with the games so i don't know what the in-universe sense of any of this shit is.)

    There's this whole organization of Nobodies who have at least some of their memories, and are working together... sort of... toward a mostly mutual purpose. They insist that they no longer have emotions, so they no longer feel their friendship or loyalty or anything toward each other anymore. And yet somehow they find it in themselves to bicker a lot?

    Apparently extended canon has that a nobody who's sufficiently loved can slowly regrow their emotions.

    hi axel :(

    didn't i see spoilers of you being (a) not dead and (b) somehow wielding a keyblad in a later game????

    So: imagining Flowey as the nobody!Asriel.

    Something got fucked up and he's a flower instead of his own body because fucking reasons, man. I don't know. There's wizards and greek gods and shit, maybe someone turned his body into a flower.

    Frisk's the current sole/new keyblade bearer, carrying the blade that used to be Chara's.

    Gaster's a scientist who used to work with hearts and shit but he kinda blew himself up in amazingly catastrophic ways and probably set all this shit off in the first place. Sans and Papyrus managed to survive it, Sans has some scattered memories of things, Papyrus seems not to. (Like the Radiant Garden crew). So Sans knows a bit about this shit, and knows to keep an eyesocket on Frisk in case the kid gets drawn too much into the light/dark dichotomy and starts destroying worlds like their predecessors did.

    Uhhhh... Idk how else to incorporate Chara because I don't know the extended lore enough.

    Toriel and Asgore are like the fucking Minnie / Mickey Mouse equivalents in being powerful mages who rule(d) their world and probably have keyblades because why not keyblades for everyone

    mettaton as a ghost controlling a robot body originally designed to fight keyblade bearers and heartless because their world almost got destroyed before

    and keychains from a bunch of the friends made along the way, the ones who aren't involved as like player characters. napstablook and catty&bratty and fucking temmie with a SORD quality blade

    idk people, what do you think, anything that would be even better another way? thoughts/characters i didn't start into?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
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  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    so Asriel Dreemurr, God of Hyperdeath is his Heartless Boss form, yes/hell yes/hell fucking yes? (I mean the design incorporates a shitton of hearts already that could be changed into the heartless-symbol easily)
    (I'm talking about his FINAL FORM lmao)
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  7. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    I don't think he'd be a heartless... the most direct analogue would be more like a Nobody who just managed to absorb a shit ton of hearts and is now absurdly overpowered. Since Flowey is an empty shell, and then he takes in the six human souls and all the monster souls and becomes the god of hyperdeath. Also I'm pretty sure that that was Xemnas's plan with Kingdom Hearts, so there is that.

    But oh my god his God of Hyperdeath form would make such a badass KH boss to fight. I wonder if it would be possible to incorporate the [SAVE] thing somehow? Through reaction commands maybe? I've never actually played the games, just watched them, so i'm not super familiar with the game mechanics.
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    it was more in reference of @swirlingflight thinking about flowey being asriel's nobody so the logical extension would be his hyperdeath form being the resulting heartless in opposition to that nobody *le shrug*
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  9. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Yeah, it's not accurate to Undertale lore. I figure, since the KH1 villain was a heartless with memories/plans/etc, I'm cool with fudging it to let God of Hyperdeath be a final boss heartless. Like @IvyLB said, the hearts aesthetic is a big thing for him.
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  10. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I'm not sure what to do with Madoka Magica/Undertale, but there's some really cute magical girl designs, so...? I mostly want all of these characters in frilly dresses.

    I guess there's something to be said for determination vs despair? The former doesn't entirely prevent the latter, but being determined can help up to a certain point. And soul gems vs souls. (Frisk isn't ever at risk for becoming a witch, because the determination spots are the equivalent of grief seeds, so they always have a way to purify their soul.) UT witches are more coherent though-- Asriel and demon!Chara probably count, and Sans probably gets really really close to becoming a witch but manages to keep it together? Maybe the melting/fading thing Undyne does when she dies in canon would be replaced with her starting to change into a witch and keeping just enough determination to fight and die as herself.

    But it's been so long that I've watched PMMM that I wonder if I've gotten this right or not? Whatever.
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  11. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    Continuing this train of thought:

    Sans is so lazy that he never actually transforms unless Frisk murders everyone and he has to stop them, while Papyrus does a load of training, to the point that his magical girl form is the equivalent of his 'battle body' in canon-- he never takes it off. Which, for anyone else would be a huge despair-inducing strain, but this is Papyrus, he somehow never falls into despair.

    Oh, I hadn't even thought about Mettaton yet, I don't even know where to begin with that.
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  12. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    One of the things I like about Madoka, that the TV Tropes Be Careful What You Wish For point describes pretty well, is that the vast majority of the magical girls asked for wishes that weren't what they really wanted. Kyuubey catches girls when they're in very desperate situations, unlikely to think things through, and goads them into making a wish quickly. That that's part of the design to push their emotions to extremes, to get the whiplash from hoping for all they want, to not getting it and blaming themselves for wasting their wish.

    Madoka does okay in both timelines because she wishes for what she wants! Both of her wishes are earnest, selfish things. She doesn't get the whiplash of hope and despair. And her last wish... well.

    Her last wish is pretty damn determined.

    But so is Homura, constantly resetting the timeline to try and fix things.

    But... there's a few things to ask here. From where do they get the transform powers? Is it still Kyuubey, an uncaring entity seeking the energy they'll give off as they degrade into witches, and who therefore has a motivation to select people likely to degrade? In which case Sans might have been an accident, and murder!Frisk a sideplan to get Sans back in the ballgame.

    But what if there isn't a scheming Kyuubey, but say, a desperate research into power that would allow monsters to fight back against humans, one that comes with unfortunate costs if it's used too much? One that the monsters' royal scientist(s) developed, that Alphys has been working on improving? That could cover for Mettaton, if his normal robot and his upgraded body are both transforms.

    Sans would know what causes witches to form, so he'd specifically avoid fighting except when absolutely necessary, so as to avoid the risk. While Papyrus is the sort who would go way too into it, so he's been kept out of the real fighting.

    +1 to liking the idea of Undyne nearly melting out of despair, but making a last willpower save to at least survive that fight with her own mind intact.
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  13. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    Well. Hm. I think QB would find monsters as good of a source as humans, because I feel like it wouldn't just be the monsters who can do it? Based on the monsters vs humans war, there's some basis for the idea that the humans who created the barrier were magical girls or used their wishes to make the barrier. And QB could maybe pass as a monster well enough to infiltrate the underground and create more magical girls. (I was wondering how it'd get through the barrier, but I guess it's more likely that the collective would just toss one in, and if it couldn't get back out, that's no huge loss.) Maybe it started the first war and then tried to create another one (through Asriel and Chara, then again with Asgore), just for the energy of it?

    Which is a hell of a long con, I wonder if QB could pull it off. Obviously Sans knows the repercussions of it, but maybe he tried to tell people in past timelines to no avail and just gave up? Same with Flowey.
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion


    What if QB started out offering wishes to human kids, and thus causing magical girls/witches to form. And the humans assumed that QB was a witch, and assumed that witches were monsters that had consumed the lost kids' souls?
  15. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I think I'm on board with that: on one hand, QB would encourage more anti-monster rhetoric in humans, but that would probably be a disadvantage in the long-run: if humans think it's a monster, then it'll be harder to recruit human magical girls. And I'm not sure how it would go in the other way. What explanation could QB give to the monsters that would 1) explain the existence of witches and 2) make sure that monsters would still be willing to become magical girls?

    edit: While keeping in mind that QB technically never lies, just omits important information.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
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  16. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    Upon further consideration:

    QB obviously got the six fallen humans to contract and they all inevitably witched out. Of course monsters are going to make wishes so they properly defend the underground. Or there's the text in Waterfall: "If a monster defeats a human, they can take its soul. A monster with a human soul... A horrible beast with unfathomable power." Maybe that's what they think the witches are? I'm not sure if there's a connection to make in that.
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  17. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    So my week in Harry/Draco Hell has, of course, concluded in a World of Darkness AU

    Specifically, Draco Malfoy as a changeling who has escaped from True Fae!Voldemort after two years (earth time), and runs into Harry
    who is Voldemort's Fetch (the double left behind when a changeling is taken) because there's at least one version where True Fae are what happens when changelings reach their maximum power and association with fae magic

    and it's just. a deliciously right kind of awful.

    #I blame @rats and @garden for this hell #fuck you guys
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  18. Neurogabu

    Neurogabu Garbage Day

    Currently working on building a Gravity Falls/Digimon crossover fic. And a Gravity Falls/Earthbound/Mother ROM hack. Now that I know Gravity Falls (as we know it) is ending I'm actually a little bit comfortable in coming up with the former's timeline.
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  19. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Not quite sure whether this belongs in the fic rec thread or the crossover thread... whatever, I'll leave this here.

    feralphoenix's latest Undertale fic is an Undertale/Steven Universe crossover... or, one could say it's an Undertale/Steven Universe fusion.

    3.5k, focus on Chara and Frisk. (link)
    The clock is on the wall behind you, right where they’re probably looking, and you hug them tighter and wish for the thousandth millionth time that there was something you could do to fix all this.

    There isn’t.

    When the rest of their family is off on missions, Frisk and Chara are left to look after the temple, and each other.
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  20. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    So uh, because reasons, I compared Papyrus from Undertale to Aang from ATLA. And now I'm thinking about it more, and it's a fun comparison. I'm not sure if he could make it as an air nomad, though. He's a little too attached to the ideal of joining the Royal Guard, and to being popular and prestigious, and to nagging his brother into being better. So maybe he could be a post-LoK era airbender, once family becomes more of a thing for them.

    Undyne, with her face danger head on, is either an earthbender or a firebender. I'd rather earth, if only because she's a fish lady and making her into a firebender just seems unkind.

    Besides, Toriel and Asgore are definitely firebenders.

    Sans is a waterbender. He's got the passivity of water, that difficult with taking initiative, but the lethal will to turn things back on those who start shit.

    Alphys is a non-bender, I think. Partly since we never do see her attack, herself, and partly because she's an inventor, and who has time to be a bender and an inventor?
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