Crow Puns And Other Bullshit

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by TheMockingCrows, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    took almost 4 fucking hours but half my mouth is now good and one of my temp crowns is on
    i go back on the 20th for the permanent and to work on the other half of my mouth + the other two crowns
    my jaws all jacked up lmfao
    also given the current situation here in the states im ordering a pizza to cope
    • Witnessed x 1
  2. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    oh owies the numbing has almost entirely worn off now
    tmj is angry
    the site of all the cavities that were worked on is angry
    i cannot chew on that side at all
    save my ibuprofen, ibuprofen save me
    • Witnessed x 1
  3. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    room clean edition
    • separate garbage out and bag it
    • take out garbage as needed
    • laundry 1 (be sure to include Fox)
    • laundry 2
    • laundry 3
    • get out broken exercise bike and take to trash in pieces to reduce weight
    • vacuum when able
    • wash grody litter mat after roomie leaves so there's no immediate rush to sanitize the washer afterwards in case she suddenly does laundry while here
    • spot clean
    • figure out rug cleaner and get up ick spots from kricket
    • move bookshelf and replace bedframe with newly acquired room? (hopefully)
  4. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    ya'll i just ate some of my childhood and feel so nourished by it
    idk why ive not made it in years since its simple enough i can do it in the fucking microwave
    can of oysters, pat of butter, salt, pepper, and milk to fill out the bowl. eat with an entire sleeve of saltines like an animal
    my tummy is warm and my soul is somewhat at peace finally

    also ive got new taps in the tub/shower and it took 3 hours to fix them with increasingly confused/disturbed "Oh, wow"s from the maintenance guys
    my bathroom fan also works now :)
  5. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    resume: workshopped and submitted
    field placement application: submitted
    preferred field placement sites: chosen

    time to melt into a fucking puddle of goo why was that so stressful.
    • Witnessed x 1
  6. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    scared the shit out of myself by somehow forgetting my dr appt and immunization appt today. had a panic of "FUCK AM I LATE???" before realizing the time was fine for this afternoon lmfao
  7. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    dr appointment went well. she said i seemed healthy enough, and that the probable sinus infection seems to have cleared up on its own. the dragging ass feeling i've still got is just my body catching up on clearing out all the remaining bits of infection. as well apparently liver enzymes can spike during acute infections so my levels might've been a little elevated on top of where it normally would be from that.

    got my pneumonia and covid shot afterwards. already got my flu shot a few weeks ago.

    loaded the dishwasher, swept half the kitchen, grabbed a bag of garbage from the living room/bathroom, three from my room (it was bulky stuff in 2 bags, and the third was the existing one from my trash can). gonna go back down and keep poking at things in the kitchen after i've rested a bit. arms hort. jaw tmj Horts.
  8. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    2 cannisters but her room is vacuumed and more or less in order save for one big spot im gonna have to figure out the floor cleaner for later when i spot clean krickets spots in my room. my room is almost cleared and ready for vacuuming as well. need to sit down and rip apart this defunct exercise bike piece by piece tho, there's no easy way to do it sadly. gonna take multiple trips to get rid of it as well from the look and feel of it.

    down side is my back is only letting me work for brief periods of time at a go. i hope this is fast enough for the landlord
  9. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    my back hurt too much to stay the entire class time :C i white knuckled for 2 hours and then tapped out when we were gonna split up for practice lab. sucks bc it was my last in person class/last official practice before my final on the 2nd online but.... well. can't be helped now. hoping i can get it under control enough to clean some more/vacuum later
  10. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    im meant to go to the dentist tomorrow and get my crown put on and the other half of my mouth all drilled up and i just.... do not have it in me rn. im gonna call bright and early and see if they can squeeze me in next week instead ol-< i am just too fucking dead to handle that.
  11. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    i accidentally abused the grubhub system oops
    i ordered salad, fries, and chicken wings
    they get delivered to the wrong building, 1668 instead of 1698
    put in for a refund replacement order bc it never turned up
    realize afterwards i can contact the dasher, so i ping'em like "Hey, wrong building"
    lil back and forth later of her saying the application said 1668 and me saying "I'm looking at the form rn dude but ok"
    she was able to Recover the food, nobody had taken it yet
    my replacement order was already being made
    my food arrives a second time
    i have eaten two salads to get my Veggies up, some fries, and some chicken wings
    but i have a fucking kings ransom of wings for later/tomorrow and more fries as a side
    i am so fucking full of salad dude
    • Winner x 1
  12. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    im so happy... i had three fucking days straight of insomnia/painsomnia, the kind where you're very alert but are also a walking husk. straight up couldn't sleep, couldn't nap. the one time i DID sleep it was during the day and i still felt exhausted afterwards. but it broke last night! slept the whole night through! AND had a nap when i was still tired, bc i only got up when i did bc of the jaw pain starting up again!
  13. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I've also been drawing a bit, which has been nice. just need to finish my class stuff and then im free till spring semester.
  14. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    B+ in Substance Abuse class
    B+ in Research class

    all other finals taken except for the interview final and easy to do reflection paper which is happening tomorrow. i'm so nervous ahh, just need to not choke.

    also been anxious all day for some reason, not sure why. prey animal response.
  15. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    B in media class.

    i have done. so much more cleaning. i have chucked so much garbage. i have moved so much shit and spent so much time moving and bending and reaching i am so dead. god. i even mopped the basement and the stairwell. i wouldnt eat off of it, but its cleaner than it was, and i TRIED.

    all thats left is shuffling some laundry around so i can put my dirty clothes in the basket for later and finally get all the clean stuff put away, spot cleaning two icky spots on the living room floor (its not carpet thank god, its just somewhere that had something spilled and dried on it by roomie), and... take a bit more trash out (my rooms bin needs emptied, empty cat litter box, and empty box from my walker needs to be tossed in the bin)

    and thats as much as i can do. thats as much as i can get done. i've busted so much ass over this apartment, i've reclaimed it from hell itself, BY myself, and im still so scared that i'll be penalized and yelled at and have my home threatened. like all my hard work wouldn't be enough. that the remaining shit of hers will count against me so much it wont be fixable. idk what to do if i have to move its not like i can afford to live on my own, i guess i'd have to find somewhere renting with a roomie(s) already and hope to god we get along.

    but no, gonna think positively. i've put my walker together on a friends recommendation, and its clearly visible from the front door, so people who come in can see a disabled person lives here and maybe, possibly, perhaps, they'll be less anal about things during the walkthrough and give me a little leniency.

    im on my clear liquid diet as of midnight, and 6pm tonight ive gotta start taking the obscene amount of laxatives and stool softeners. its weird to think that friday is the day i get the camera up the butt. they're probably not going to find anything, i haven't bled in a while, but. eh. i guess it couldn't hurt to have a base line exam, since it was already scheduled. so i guess i'll at least get to know whats goin on in there and make sure i don't have polyps or whatever already.

    i still need to shower... haaa.....
  16. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    pro: it went well. they only wanted to see the kitchen and the basement. they were nice and cheerful and the walker i think maybe gave them a bit more understanding. all clear. took ten minutes.

    con: i've started my bowel prep and i crave death
  17. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    procedure went well. dude said meds might feel a bit warm but not to worry bc it'd stop feeling warm soon, I said "no prob" and then i was immediately waking up in the recovery bay afterwards.

    no polyps which was great news! no other major issues, they did notice internal hemorrhoids though which was probably the source of the bleeds I had. he said more fiber + stool softeners should help, but was confused bc i have diarrhea way more often than i have any kind of constipation. will still try tho. got home safe and sound, was kinda loopy for a few hours and thought i should take a nap. woke up 13 fucking hours later. i remember briefly waking up a few times in the night but i was just. so tired. so out of it i just rolled over and passed out again. feeling a little out of it today as well but a lot better than yesterday.

    gonna take a bit of time to adjust to the realization that i am, in fact, safe again for a while. nobody breathing down my neck.
  18. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    surprisingly good day today. or neutral, at least, i guess. ate sweet potatoes last night and today. have had my christmas lights on, the white ones, since yesterday and its been cozy and nice to be in low lighting this whole time. relaxing. slept decently. had good naps. played some videogames (mostly adjusting my animal crossing island and moving a metric ass ton of flowers bc im inviting a friend over for the new years countdown lol) and worked on penpal letters. didn't... really feel bad? no breakdowns no sads no major loneliness. just. kinda chilling.

    also got a message yesterday that january 3rd there'll be another realtor and clients coming through the units, and its nice that i don't have to panic and go nuts about it. just very very mild cleanup in the kitchenand maintenance cleaning in the bathroom. and maybe one more mop in the basement to get rid of traces i missed last time to make it look nicer.
  19. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    For better or worse, classes start tomorrow. I'm nervous but kind of excited too. I hope I do well this semester.

    I've been doing fairly well since New Years. Been having trouble sleeping, sometimes it's great sometimes it's impossible and I'm miserable and in pain. Hard to tell which it'll be at any given time sadly. Mood has been fairly stable. Coming to a head in other ways, though. I've been journaling each day and am going to be trying to expand into some kind of a prompt each day, and maybe expanding into longform typing ideas that come to me that i want to expand on more but don't have the energy/stamina for handwriting since handwriting means upright + pain fast. and fighting my cat, who is twice as pushy now that the weather is cooler.
  20. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    spine doctor went well!!! He took my FULL file into consideration even before the exam where i was flinching at barely being pressed on, and decided that rather than bank on injections that Might help or, with my conditions, might even make things worse.... he wants to ping my primary care doctor to start me on Gabapentin to see about treating the fibromyalgia which may be making everything so much worse than it is.
    so all in all: success!
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