Feeling very powerful! My roomie hoarded a fuckton of frozen food for ages and ages. Long past its expiration and long after freezerburn. She never tossed any of it for some fucking reason. WELL NO MORE. I can now access/use the ENTIRE fucking freezer for food i AM going to use/eat and I'm so happy. I'm tired bc it was heavy to heft out, but I got it and the normal garbage from the kitchen and changed the bag, so i will take that as a little win. :) been feeling kind of off today, but not in a bad way? more just. unsettled. uncomfortable. like... nothing is wrong, I'm just feeling off balance for some reason. maybe it's bc I'm kinda out of it in general....? or bc i was such a sleepy bitch yesterday? maybe because i havent showered in an obscene length of time to the point its embarrassing as fuck. I'm hoping I can get the spoons/focus together to do that tonight finally. eugh. I'm so embarrassed about my hygiene struggles. like... it should not be this hard to shower regularly, or at least wear clean clothes. and Yet.