Current Music

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Lissa Lysik'an, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

  2. IndigoRiffRaff


    Current confidence-boost / "I need to feel like a badass, like, Right Now" music:

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  3. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    Love Vigilantes as covered by Iron and Wine has been a recent favourite of mine. Its subject matter is a bit dark but sometimes it's more about the quiet melody and voice- makes for nice background music while I'm working around the apartment.
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  4. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

  5. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    @IndigoRiffRaff Dessa is amazing :D

    I'm listening to A Noite by Tiê a lot these days.
  6. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

    can't get enough of Dragon's Dogma lately
  7. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

    pretty into this track too, i know it's kinda overplayed to compare this game to Shadow of the Colossus just because you can climb on the monsters, but the music definitely does give me SotC vibe at times. Actually you know what one of the most SotC-y tracks in this game is, is the cyclops battle theme. here enjoy:

  8. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

  9. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    This is such an abomination. I love it.
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  10. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

    still think the Demon's Souls soundtrack is the best out of all the Souls series. like not the most technically accomplished, for sure... but i love its eerie, minimal vibe, and i think the unpolished, dissonant nature of it is very fitting for the game's atmosphere.

    also woodwinds looots of woodwinds, yesssss. and harpsichord, yesssss. and fairly prominent harps and weird digital choral bits in places. its real good y'all. i have been thinking back on this soundtrack a lot lately.

    enough prattling here's some of my fave tracks just listen for yourself

    Theme of Old Hero:

    Theme of Adjudicator:

    Theme of Old Monk:

    Theme of Dragon God:

    "One Who Craves Souls"
  11. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

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  12. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

  13. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    Gov't Mule doing "Beautifully Broken", where they added Prince's "When Dove's Cry" as intro and extro sections. The blend of the two tunes is PERFECT.

  14. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

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  17. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

    man valtari is a great album tho. i think my favorite track off it is this one

  18. I think I might like that if I even knew what language it was in.
  19. SpruceZeus

    SpruceZeus 2 spoopy 2 live, 2 creppy 2 die

    sigur rós are from iceland! all their music is in icelandic... all their music that isn't in vaguely icelandic-sounding made-up gibberish, anyway :v
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  20. Ha. I knew it was a Scandinavian language cause of the accent marks but I didn't know much beyond that. TY. :)
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