I would say visually this looks very nice it's a shade of blue that's woefully underrepresented in (actual) foods
I understand the back skirt but the front one...? I'm trying to work it out... I may need to draw a diagram... *edit* OOHHHH what if it ZIPS UP AT THE BACK or something! then it only needs to go over her head and then it gets done up behind her front legs! (...does she have a butt there or no?) (actually, you know what, this could be a neat solution to the "playground next to the sewer" issue with human anatomy! huh)
I feel like you may have accidentally posted this in the wrong thread, since this is clearly a blessed image.
nah those dogs are definitely a cursed image it's hard to tell what facial expression the white dog has but the black dog has the rictus grin of a very stressed dog. also they're both really brachycephalic and almost certainly can't breathe well