It's not really an image but i had a very cursed conversation with someone yesterday. Extended conversation about tea. here are the horrible highlights. Lee: Let me go grab my tea pot and I'll make tea for everyone! Me: We're... doing it at my house because Avi's dog isn't allowed in the dorms. Lee: I'll make it at your house! Me: ...You... are going to make tea... in my house? (He didn't end up making tea in my house but we did talk a lot about how he makes tea) Lee: yeah, I have a really nice tea pot. It's probably better than yours. Me, handing him my second nicest antique bone china tea pot: incorrect. Lee: my tea is usually a lot more bitter than this Me: What temperature do you usually steep at? Lee: I don't know, exactly. I fill my tea pot with water and microwave it until it's boiling, let it cool a little, and then steep the tea. Me, externally: Mmm. I like to use a kettle. Me, internally: Screaming
I’m not sure how to link gifs from twitter and honestly it may be for the best, but I can’t stop laughing at how cursed this is:
I have another tale of tea time horror for you guys. I went over to another new-ish friend's apartment to make dinner and noticed he had two kettles, one pretty nice one, one super cheap one. Me: what's up with the two kettles? I dig the temperature controlled one, but why the crappy one if you have a nice one? Him: that's the spaghetti kettle