I usually don't have issues with textures of things, but imagining stepping on that bread is giving me the jibblies. Definitely cursed
I refused to have PBJ sandwiches in my lunch as a smol after a while, because the jam always soaked into the bread so by lunchtime the bread was soggy and I still remember how fucking gross that was.
I love PBJs, but only if they're very freshly-made. The bread cannot be allowed to get soggy, or I will cry.
I get around it by my pbjs being 95% pb, 5% j. just a thin smear of jelly, barely even enough to taste and def not enough to feel.
Peanut butter and honey is good. When the honey soaks into the bread, it gives it the texture that honeycomb looks like it should have.
Pfffffffffffft, it may be cursed, but it made me laugh. The red photo eyes really make it in my opinion
Spotted on Tumblr: Spoiler: in case anyone in unaware why this is cursed If the airbag deploys, the driver is going to get a face full of high-velocity rocks.