Cursed images

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by IndigoRiffRaff, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

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  2. Corvus

    Corvus old fashioned hurgusburgus

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  3. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    this kinda straddles the line between cursed and blessed


    A mouse hippocampus, stained with a fluorescent protein technique cutely called Brainbow. It is both lovely and useful but I can't help feeling that it looks a bit...eldritch
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  4. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Definitely full of energy! Does the technique "stain" different types of cells/structures different colors, or is that just an artifact? ("Stain" in quotes because I understand it's not a dye staining technique but it's still an easy word to get across kinda what I mean.)
    • Agree x 4
  5. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    Not quite! Each cell has multiple copies of red, blue and green fluorescent proteins linked together, so that switching green on switches off blue and red, and so on. The switching is random and unlikely to be similar from cell to cell - one cell might be green-green-green-green, the next green-red-green-green, and the next green-red-blue-green, and so on. The coloration is therefore stochastic and arbitrary - it's mostly in use for mapping the paths of axons and dendrites in complex sections of nervous system - the big advantage is that you can take a look at the tissue living and in situ, instead of having to kill the cells like actual staining methods.

    I think in that picture only the neurons are switched on, so to speak, but no, the colors are just to tell cells apart! No information besides that
    • Informative x 6
  6. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I 4ee9bc2f-acbe-4ce6-bdb5-578182e465b7.jpg
    • Agree x 5
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  7. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    • Agree x 5
  8. Irrational Geographic

    Irrational Geographic i am merely a vessel through which the posts flow

    • Agree x 4
  9. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Wow, these cacti have got a great Dave Strider cosplay going on
    • Agree x 5
  10. Wormwitch

    Wormwitch I wish the Affini were real :(

    Sudden urge to drink beer with cactus.
    • Agree x 4
  11. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    For me, it's cursed because:
    • Extremely eerie energy
    • So many paddles without glasses, can they see me or not?
    • The intensity with which eyeless entities are regarding me
    • Cactus is in a very nondescript place, I feel like it should not be where it is
    • The looming feeling I get from them
    • A visceral fear reaction when I saw the image for the first time
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  12. hyrax

    hyrax we'll ride 'till the planets collide

    Screen Shot 2017-09-04 at 11.14.38 PM.png

    to be fair this is in fact a pocket pussy, so there is a "realistic vagina" on the underside. BUT YOU HAVE TO CLICK THROUGH TO KNOW THAT.
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  13. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I wouldn't call a vagina that encompasses someone's entire lower torso realistic either...
    • Agree x 5
  14. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut


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  15. Bunny

    Bunny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    That managed to hit on my love of various water horses. Soggy up that horse and it's perfect. Cursed but perfect.
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  16. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    ...if it was a little different it'd be a dragon
    • Agree x 6
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  17. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

    were horses regular mouths not bad enough
    • Agree x 3
  18. IndigoRiffRaff


    the more I look at this the more I love it? I fear it but I want to befriend this beast.
    • Agree x 13
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  19. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

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  20. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    • Agree x 7
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