Cursed images

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by IndigoRiffRaff, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Hoo boy, I was warned, I was arrogant, I thought nothing could be that cursed... But my hubris has toppled me, my o'erweening pride has been my downfall, and holy shit I think I'm cursed for life now
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  2. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

    well i guess i didnt really need those eyeballs anyhow. thats where the images lived.
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  3. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

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  4. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

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  5. Irrational Geographic

    Irrational Geographic i am merely a vessel through which the posts flow

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  6. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    • Agree x 4
  7. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    • Agree x 5
  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I found an even more cursed Minions pic.

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  9. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    You warned me and I looked anyway.
    • Agree x 7
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  10. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I feel like I need to post a bunch of blessed images in the other thread to balance out the evil that has occurred here today
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  11. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Do I really want to see this, I ask myself. Nope, I answer as I click anyway. Yes I judged correctly and I did not in fact want to see this, I confirm to myself with a vague sense of satisfaction.

    I was a pretty good *chan user tbh.
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  12. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    It is your solemn duty to balance out the wacky tic tacs
    • Agree x 5
  13. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    i am cackling maniacally irl
    • Like x 5
  14. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Acey, you have unleashed an evil you cannot hope to control
    • Agree x 7
  15. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Is my punishment the fact that I now have the phrase "minions porn" in my search history?
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  16. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    *digs hole*

    *throws computer in*

    *sprinkles with holy water*

    *sprinkles with salt*

    *sets the motherfucker on fire*
    • Agree x 8
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  17. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    • Agree x 6
  18. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    *throws salt all over this thread*
    • Agree x 11
  19. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 10.24.40 PM.png
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  20. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    • Agree x 3
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