Now I'm just reminded of my first-ever experience on LiveJournal, when I was eleven. See, LiveJournal had a really weird way of doing passwords back in the day (this was in 2004, for reference). There were no specific requirements for your password whatsoever, except for one: it could not match the password of any other user on the site. Yyyyyeeeeeaaaahhhhh. Probably pretty counterproductive, honestly.
A possibility is that they were worried that if someone figured out the password to one account, they might then know the password to another account. This might also slightly (ever so slightly) mitigate the issue of common, easy-to-guess passwords as those would probably get snapped up early on, forcing latecomers to use somewhat more robust passwords. Both of those reasons are dumb, but given that it doesn't sound like they were very security conscious, it could be that they did come up with either of those concerns and somehow managed to not come up with any others. It's not like computer security was a mainstream concern back in 2004.
I've been screaming angrily at this image on and off for the past half hour. Spoiler: I'm at a Loss for words. Spoiler: A hint if you don't get it
The number of times I want to reply to this thread with just :[ is too dang high This is my favourite thread
I just binged this entire thread and with all the wacky furby stuff going on I'm surprised nobody remembered that this was a real product for a while
I actually love shelbies but the first time I saw one it was a display item in a store and the their shells shut when they sleep, so I waved my hand infront of this weird technicolor clam and it opened to reveal furby eyes and I literally screamed