> can't just make bi()wire sushi? > nah i guess that'd be ~irresp()nsible~ > i'll give it a g() He sinks deep into his consciousness, then tries to spread himself along the tendrils that branch out from himself. It's easy enough, though he's slower than he used to be. Feels stagnant, like old sopor. He picks his way through the network until he finds what he thinks is the outside power port, and he pulls gently on it, trying to bring it back to him. Luckily, the column is only being powered by him and his mind at the moment, so it listens without complaint, and several tendrils of biowire slip back through the hull away from the power port. Some remains, but it looks quite dessicated; an old abandoned tendril, presumably. Cyzsos ponders briefly, then tries to worm his way out of the main databanks. That doesn't go as well: the biowire is firmly rooted there, since it's supposed to be there in the first place. He does manage to get a few of the tentacles out of the consoles, though. His next project is to see if he can free himself at all. This is trickier than simple removal - he needs to push it away from himself, but not into the ship. He focuses hard, trying to force the bioware to conform to a standard helmscolumn layout. It's exhausting, and he doesn't get it as far as he'd like, but he feels air on his torso instead of biowire, and his horns come free - his head flops forward, the muscles in his neck severely atrophied. He considers bringing some tendrils back to fix this new problem, but ... no. He needs a minute. He drops his focus, feeling like he needs to sleep for an eon. The tendrils bristle slightly, threatening perhaps to undo his work, but then they quiet and lie still. > i think i freed up the p()wer p()rt. tried t() give y()u access t() the main c()mputer. > anything else i sh()uld try?
Nazuma has meanwhile located the batpack in the aft, bringing it back towards the helm column just in time to watch Cyszos rework it while trying to free himself, cringing when he sees the helm's head flop forward. Looks like the poor guy's been in there awhile. > Delphi just told me that you pulled the biowire back through the hull and wants me to pass along a Good Job. > But be careful there! If you pull it back to far you'll start venting atmosphere. > Must be some biowire plugging a hull breach. > Good job also on getting the wire off of your body. > I'm gonna hop back to my ship and get you a backboard first before you pull anymore of it back. > Or you're gonna fall out of that thing and do the floppy chicken.
> yeah ()kay > s()unds g()()d > x_x > d()n't w()rry ab()ut hull breaches > th()se cables are c()ld > i w()n't m()ve them He's slightly astonished at how tired he is. He wonders how long he was in low-power mode - or maybe the bioware sucked him dry as it went malignant? Thinking's hard. His extremities feel numb. Or maybe they aren't there at all? He can't remember. ...He wonders how much of him is in the ship now. How much will he leave behind? Does it work like that? Maybe he should ask Nazuma, he seems to know... > hey > am i leaving any ()f me behind in this thing > am i still me > h()w d()es this shit w()rk