I don't think they do provide the file? I mean, I'm far from computer-literate, but there's nowhere I can see to access it—those are just screenshots. it gives you a preview of what the file looks like but not what's actually in the file, if that makes sense.
(gee I sure am posting in here a lot sorry guys I've acquired a Special Interest I fear) GUESS WHO SPENT PROBABLY FOUR OR FIVE HOURS TURNING HELLMURDER ISLAND INTO A D&D MAP! THIS GUY!!! Spoiler: I even watercolored it?? I haven't used watercolors for years but I wanted the Aesthetic I have no experience with maps and suspect that I'd have to grid this one for it to be of any use whatsoever, but, uh. there it is? commentary from people who actually make/use their own maps appreciated?
OMG that's really cool. In my experience, having non-gridded campaign maps just for distance and location reference is super helpful! Gridding only becomes important when you're zoomed in to the point where 5-ft squares become relevant IMO. @Novas Memoria has made tons of maps for our homebrewed setting!
Spoiler: Celestial Events Table, first phase Roll d100 every 24 hours 1-64: Ordinary stars and sun NIGHT 65-70: Ordinary stars, a couple of them in the (d4 for direction) sky flicker 70-72: Single isolated meteor 73: Single meteor with strange characteristic (1 unnatural color, 2 changes direction suddenly, 3 moves slowly and dropping bits of glowing material like a roman candle, 4 roll again twice) 74-76: Meteor shower 77: Meteor shower, a few meteors have strange characteristics 78: Meteor shower, all meteors have same strange characteristics 79-80: Moon glows a strange color (1 flickers, 2 lasts a few minutes, 3 an hour, 4 rising to setting) 81: Shadow passes over the moon (1 brief darting shape, 2 black blotch that lasts a while, 3 multiple brief darting shapes like negative meteor shower, 4 incomprehensible pattern) 82: Light flares in shadowed part of the moon (1 brief, 2 lasts a while, 3 multiple brief flares, 4 multiple sustained lights) 83: Two moons at the same time 84-86: Aurora phenomena DAY 87-88: Unnaturally colored sunrise 89-90: Unnaturally colored sunset 91-92: Bright star visible in daytime (persists multiple days and nights) (d4 for direction) 93-94: Sun-dog 95: Multiple suns 96-97: Sun is red and dim BUCK WILD 98: Roll twice, happen at different times 99: Roll twice, happen simultaneously (even if one is normally night and one is normally day! pick whichever is more unsettling) AAAAAAAA 00: roll three times or make up some crazy shit i'm having fun
okay, guys i have a question so, i'm co-dming a game, and i have to write down my sections any advice also i need scary murdery deer, can i make those
I went to do a Google search for fantasy/mythology scary deer examples and learned that real life deer sometimes eat birds, so.... I sure guess so. O_o
@emythos well it's a MOOSE, not a deer, but (minor spoilers for the hecka sweet webcomic A Redtail's Dream) Also, something I keep forgetting to ask the possibly more well-read people here- does anyone know or have links to any core DnD (or less core, but still made by Wizards for the DnD system?) creation mythology? Whether or not it's CANON canon or just a canon legend told by folks, I want to get my mitts on whatever legends may exist about how the Material Plane/the universe/sentient people/whatever were created and which (if any) core deities might have been involved. For sneaky game-planning things. >_>;
@The Mutant the core D&D 5e stuff (and, to my knowledge, three published adventures) all seems to be in the Forgotten Realms setting (like, the Players' Handbook's descriptions of races correspond to that setting), so you could focus on stuff from there! from what I've seen it's p much Classic D&D. ...I suspect different groups of people within that setting might have different creation stories, though. <_<;
For the Murder Deer, if you just mean stat-wise, I'd suggest using either the Elk (or the Giant Elk), adding a 1d6 (or 2d6) bite attack, and then sizing them down one. Lets them be as strong as an elk while the size of a deer, or as strong as a huge, fuckoff moose while being the size of a small, less fuckoff moose. For the planning stuff, it's harder. I'd say the best person to talk to would be your co-DM, there, because lots of people plan differently, and that's even more true of co-DMing. Like, are you building effectively a preplanned adventure together, just laying out a sandbox of possibilities, wanting to have some plot hooks in common, running two separate games in the one world, or something else? All of those could change what you need. That being said, I think 5e has some of the best first-party advice and resources of D&D's storied history, even if the basic CR guide tends to be a bit on the wimpy side from what I've seen. EDIT: Sizing down just by changing size. I don't recall 5e's procedures for size changes, but I recall 3.x possibly making changes to stats with size of monsters? AC changes (if made better) might be worth it, but otherwise probably better to leave them alone. Figured that probably went without saying, then remembered what happens to things that go without saying. On same note, might be worth keeping the bite and ram attacks separate, letting them do one or the other. Maybe add something to make the bite more dangerous (a "poison" of some kind?) to make the trade-off make sense after an initial charge. Also, looking at them again, deer only have a bite attack in 5e normally, it's Elk that get the ram/hooves stuff. So just buffing regular deer to make them stronger, faster, harder, etc. would be another way of doing it that might be closer to the intended goal, I dunno.
so for an early birthday present my dad bought me both the Tyranny of Dragons adventures from Wizards of the Coast (Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat; they're 5e, and I think the first adventures published for that edition, actually), which tl;dr take place along Faerûn's Sword Coast (in the Forgotten Realms setting) and bring a party of four-ish characters (could be modified for up to eight or so) from first to fifteenth level (first adventure's 1st-8th, second's 8th-15th). there are lots of dragons! anyway, I haven't DMed before, and admittedly this is a very ambitious project to cut my teeth on, buuuuut I think this forum (where I know a lot of people, and where I can take some time posting instead of ad-libbing in real time) is the perfect place to try this campaign on for size. so would anyone be interested in going on this journey with me? no experience required; I can help you with 5e nuts and bolts (I'd like to think I'm basically competent), and we'll manage to muddle along together. I don't have to run the whole campaign, either; if people'd rather, we can do just the first adventure (or a section thereof) or jump in with eighth-level characters and associated exciting powers. I could even help with character creation, too, if you'd like a concept (...or most of a premade character), though I expect y'all creative types might be excited to make your own. whaddaya say?
@esotericPrognosticator I'd be interested! I have absolutely no experience with d&d at all, so you'd have to help me out a lot, at least in the beginning.
Depending on timing, I'm pretty interested. But also able to step aside if there are others who've had less chance to dive into 5e or D&D and want the spot.