DC Bombshells

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by KarrinBlue, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    (also do feel free to tell me your impressions over discord or any method of your choosing, if you want)
  2. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    I will pm you!

    But first let me just state, for the record, on this thread, in public view...HOT FUCKING DAMN @ EVERY LADY IN THIS BOOK
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  3. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    new chapter!

    >Zatanna: Make her pay

    ...i can't believe john voluntarily turned himself into a wolpertinger. that's fucking amazing.
    cruella de ville? is that you?

    wow that bus took a while coming back. Supergirl'll be happy to meet him again, though! and Varvara.

  4. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    i mean i was looking forward to more of Faora Hu-ul or Zatanna and co, but. I LOVE ME SOME SUICIDE SQUAD they're so poly and great.
    here's hoping it's Rose backstory. For the record: my theory on her 'something bad' involves the deaths of family members (so, slade, grant, or jericho) but I will take WHATEVER.


    'professor jones' honestly i love that Frankie was involved in Indiana Jones and the Ark of the Covenant. it's perfect.
    i have seen Nadimah for one page and I love her already. and she's a canon character, i think? nadimah ali is one of Batgirl's supporting characters at this point, though she also wears hijab there, which is evidently not the case here?

    'mary mother of frankenstein' pfff
    wait so Faora returned to the crash site to... leave notes for herself? huh.

    in short: !!!!!
  5. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    also I totally did not realize that that was Past Frankie whoops I appreciate your help in that regard
    also I'm preeeeeetty sure I know who Frankie is??? she's the head Bombshell right

    I assume "Professor Jones" is Indiana Jones? is he supposed to be offscreen at this dig somewhere, or? I have no idea what's up with Indiana Jones canon tbh was he a thing in 1938 or is this one of those cheeky fourth-wall-breaking things

    additionally I feel compelled to defend poor Qadir, who does not have the brains of an antelope, he is trying his best okay
    also I am mad that we do not see his eyelashes?? where are my promised antelope lashes??? I like long eyelashes???? this is some kind of contract-breaking probably
    also sorry Qadir but you are my John Egbert* headcanon now. I don't make the rules

    *given the archaeology thing, Jake would be more appropriate, but he just does not have a Jake face. I guess he is John face headcanon, Jake backstory headcanon? or something??? anyway he's adorable
  6. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Amanda Waller is the head of the Bombshells, Frankie is the leader of the Suicide Squad. You can tell them apart because Waller is bigger, and Frankie's hair is usually in dreadlocks. Also Waller is usually being unimpressed by whatever supernatural shenanigans are trying to show off to her, whereas Frankie will happily play along with shenanigans.
    it's mostly just a cheeky fourth wall joke. the movies were set in ww2, or at least the first one was.
    he is indeed. [/quote]
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
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  7. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    CURSES FOILED AGAIN....... I have so much trouble telling characters apart if their hair and skin colors are the same and they don't have really distinctive costumes!!! I had some Trouble with Kortni and Kara, lemme tell you...

  8. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...well luckily. that is not an issue anymore... but yeah

    for me it's cullen and tim, over in the Batgirls end of things.
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  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...i wonder if Bombshells Rose is actually missing an eye or is just doing the pirate night vision thing.
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  10. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    New chapter!

    The Joker's Daughter as a title is intriguing. And that she has a HABIT of doing this. But if she looked the same age as when KF was a kid, as to now, then that's... interesting. Also, good to know that Raven wasn't doing her Sleeping Beauty impression from age 12 or whatever - she actually DOES have the life experience that she should have? though clearly there's some symbolism going on, since I'm fairly sure Zee would've noticed a ko'd 17 year old on the floor and remembered her distinctive outfit and all.

    IVY! and ah, so the asteroids and comets presumably came from Krypton... interesting.
  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Also, we have a whole 3 takes on Raven's abduction now!

    Issue 44 Digital/Issue 15 Print (the Daughter's perspective, disguised as Raven)
    Issue 79 Digital/Issue 26 Print (Raven's perspective)
    Issue 92 Digital (Killer Frost's perspective)

    Personally I like that there's now confirmation that Raven wasn't 12 when the Joker's Daughter sealed her in sleep - it wasn't clear how old she was, but now it looks like she was sealed up a bit before Zatanna was abducted. So it's not like she was 12 one moment, then the next thing she knew she was 17. Which would be rough on anyone.

    Also it's interesting that JD's remembering Raven as being rather older-looking than the other two, and also (predictably) Raven's recollection makes JD look more malicious than the others.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  12. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    I'm loving what I've read of the series so far, but hffff.
    Okay, so - the bit where Diana gets arrested for going "no, don't kill the prisoners, they'll be tried for their crimes and you don't murder prisoners, yes I actually will stop you from that" is. Nggh. Like, first of all, historically? The idea of 'war crimes' at all is anachronistic to the setting; at best, it's a Weird Amazon Thing, because the concept of war crimes (and that they are a thing you put people on trial for, even if the people were rank-and-file soldiers) is a result of people going, in the immediate aftermath of WW2, "shit, now what, how do we express our horror and condemnation of what the fuck went down here without setting things up for another world war in a couple decades". The Neuremberg Trials were a completely new thing at that point in time; prior to that, soldiers doing bad shit was just Something That Happened and it was considered a little more excusable if they were doing it under orders.

    Second, Diana shouldn't be getting arrested at all, and it's probably pieces being moved into place so that Diana can be more in conflict with The American Way and end up less trusting of the government or something, but it's still pinging me as Wrong, because you do not kill prisoners. Even back then, you did not kill prisoners. (Unless you were Japan, and there was a lot of horrified reactions when people figured out that the survivors weren't just making shit up, from what I recall.) Prisoner treatment might not always be as good and perfect as propaganda would like us to believe, but enemy soldiers taken prisoner could be (at least hopefully) traded for our soldiers who were taken prisoner by the other side; it was generally known that if you treated the prisoners like shit, then your guys might get treated like shit, so there was a certain amount of incentive to not be a complete asshole to the prisoners. And killing a prisoner is the sort of thing that would get you hauled up on charges and probably dishonorably discharged or at least busted down in the ranks and put somewhere where you hopefully couldn't do any more damage, so Diana shouldn't be getting arrested; she should be getting thanked for having stepped in to keep those soldiers from getting dishonorable discharges.

    Third, I'm not entirely sure of where on the timeline this is and how much is Known about the way the Nazis are treating prisoners (much less how much is Known about the way they're treating anyone in a concentration camp...) but for a very long part of the war, no one believed that the stories about the camps were true. It was considered too awful, too far beyond the pale, and so it kept getting regarded as propaganda that was being spread by Jews in order to get the other world nations more stirred up about the conflict. Up until people managed to bring back photos of the camps, no one believed the stories of what was happening.

    Fourth, I'm pretty sure that soldiers on the frontlines, who know the sort of shit Diana's dude might've had to see, are the last ones who're going to be hissing shit like "invalid" and "malingerer" at him. If anything, he'd be considered a trooper for having gone through that, and trying to keep going through the fighting anyways. And "malingerer" would've been a phrase used for someone who's stuck in the medical tents but was assumed (by people who should've fucked off) to be healthy enough and faking it to keep out of battle; I feel like frontline soldiers wouldn't be going "oh, that guy is jumping at shadows and always tense, he must be crazy" - they'd go "that dude must've seen some shit, give him some space if he needs it".

    It's honestly points one and two that are bothering me the most here, especially the first one, because I've studied the history. I know that the idea of a rank-and-file soldier being tried for war crimes was not a thing until immediately after WW2 when people were going "shit, how do we make it clear that this is utterly unacceptable". And Diana getting arrested really bothers me, especially because she didn't even really do anything besides keep her fellow soldiers from committing acts of vigilante justice on prisoners. And the captain or whoever going "you're going to have to talk to her about how Americans do things" and then the jump to "and now she's in jail" is just. It bothers me.

    I know it's stupid and shouldn't be bugging me as much as it does; I'm still not enjoying the bits with Diana as much as I'd like to right now. Hopefully that'll improve, later? idk.
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  13. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...so there's no actual way to know how much of this is straight up Faora lying.

    and it looks like Kara got stuck in the Phantom Zone this time around, too. But for all of Faora's talk about how she's Kara's mother, and conceived her, she doesn't actually care about her beyond her blood?

    "As allparents will disappoint their children" BUUUUURN.

    ALSO DANG WAY FOR THE CAVALRY TO ARRIVE SERIOUSLY. Though I guess Kara and Faora dropped back into regular timeflow?
  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern


    well! so apparently this series is gonna end on issue 100... then pick up with a season 2?

    4 more issues is enough to wrap up the current battle, I think. But there's a TON of stuff to go through (Suicide Squad has 2 remaining targets! Thanagar and Apokolips are out there! Kate and Renee went to Spain!)

    (also: any bets/wishlists for characters in Bombshells season 2? I'm hoping for Starfire (especially a starfire who can smooch Raven) and Circus Nightwing, I'm expecting, let's see... Katana, Jesse Quick, Black Canary...)
  15. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

  16. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern


    the latest bombshells statuette! Green Lantern Jessica Cruz.
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  17. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

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