Would anyone else be interested in having a general thread for asking questions/advice about social skills and social situations? Either general or specific—e.g., anything from "How do I express sympathy without sounding like a platitude?" to "Is there a non-awkward way to resume a conversation that's petered out?" to "What's appropriate email etiquette when contacting a college professor?" to "Can someone look at these chatlogs and tell me if I said something inappropriate?" I know we have Super General Advice already, but this seemed like something that might be nice to have a dedicated thread for. (I did a search and didn't find anything, but if we do already have one, let me know!)
Good to know! I've been kind of busy so I haven't been online much, but I'll try to find time to make a thread in the next day or two, then. (Anyone else who feels like it is also free to make it in the interim, I mean, but if not I'm happy to do it when I have a moment.)
Would anyone be interested in a thread about regional differences in language and culture and such? Also am I making any sense? Words are hard today but yeah.
Or at least I assume you mean the (England : English Colony) "separated by a common language" trope, that kind of thing?
Sort of—more general regional/national differences, although that’s certainly likely to come up (and I would SUPER welcome it because it’s fascinating). But yeah, basically comparing cultures and discussing your own region’s quirks. #i have a lot to say about norcal slang
That’s not quite what I was talking about, in that it only seems to pertain to words? I was thinking something a little broader—the idea was inspired mainly by the discussion of rice krispy treats in the status box. That said, would general cultural/regional differences be okay to discuss there, @seebs? Asking since you’re the OP. :P
i've been thinking for a while about starting a thread that is just me and perhaps other old fogeys giving life advice, not in response to questions necessarily, but as we think of it. my thought is that it might be useful and/or comforting. but maybe it'd just be fatuous, i dunno. i also kind of want to put it in general, not advice, in order to emphasize that it's more of a 'chicken soup' thread than a 'oh shit problems' thread. thoughts?
I for one think that’s a really neat idea, and as A Sorta Youth I would really appreciate such a thread!
Spoiler: nsfw, bottom serket i was thinking of making a thread for bdsm discussion. we've got Kinktsugi but that's a catch-all thread for all kinds of sex-related stuff, and some people have their own personal bdsm threads, but there's no general purpose bdsm thread afaik. it seems like that might be useful? or should we just keep it all in Kinktsugi?
Spoiler cool, thanks y'all! now i just need a title for it. suggestions? my first thought was "that's a paddlin" but i don't know if that's too deep a Simpsons cut (slash, puts too much emphasis on impact play)
how would people feel about a sub-sub in general chatter for hypothetical questions that are fun to answer, kind of like 'ask reddit'? you know, stuff like "what's the weirdest thing you ever ate" and "if you found a suitcase full of money what would you buy" and so on. i reckon goofy polls and 'who would win in a fight' type stuff could go there too. thoughts?