Don't meet academic standards, don't know how to get a job, please help

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Arxon, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    I can tell you for sure make up isn't required as part of retail, and there are instock and back room positions where you don't interact with customers, and you don't have to be 'on', so to speak, with your Co workers bc most ppl are just there to do the job. Once in awhile you get a chatty Cathy but honestly if you just nod and go 'oh uh huh?' once in awhile they'll be fine haha. They want an audience more than a conversation tbh.

    Other jobs where you're basically on your own not dealing with the general public: security guard, janitorial staff, housecleaning, hotel cleaning, data entry, warehouse work (also benifits of being very easy as far as the actual work itself, tho some positions are labor intensive, I'd go for pick/pack or inventory). You can also try to go with a job placement agency which means you apply once and they find you jobs based on your application. They unfortunately take a percentage of your pay but it's still income. This option works best if you have a car or reliable public transportation where you live, but sometimes can work out even without those things.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2017
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  2. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Thank you all, this is all stuff I didn't really know about ADHD! I just scheduled a therapy appointment again and am going to be scheduling a psychiatric appointment, is this something I should bring up to them? I really don't like feeling like I am leading them to a diagnosis but it seems important.

    ...And yeah, most of my hobbies are stuff where I can and do fade in and fade out, but I don't always? Like sometimes I can just sit and read a book or sit and play a game, but it isn't often? And I guess most of the time even if I'm not putting it down or pausing a game I'll still have to take time for my mind to wander. There's nothing that stresses me more than when I feel like I have to do something right that very second.

    On doesn't just mean sociable it means like... I keep Having To Be Doing a Thing, and I have to be Doing It Right. Like there can't be time to daydream or to ask exactly how to do something and in what order to do it for the 30 millionth time because of course, someone is paying me money to be here and be competent. I don't know how to do that.
  3. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    You don't need to worry about leading your psych to a diagnosis: it's their job to check how well a given diagnosis fits and bring up alternative explanations if they don't think it does. Bringing up your suspicions just gives them a direction to look in.
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  4. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Sorry for reviving but: Is it reasonable to want to get resolving the school situation and therapy situation out of the way before I start looking for jobs? Dad is getting mad at me and I need a reality check.
  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    It's absolutely reasonable. Otherwise that's a load of stress that can actually affect your ability to fill out applications accurately, and definitely would affect you going into interviews.
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  6. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    He thinks that I am "using excuses to put up roadblocks so that you never have to apply" and I genuinely can't tell if I am or not, because applying for jobs/actually working genuinely terrifies the fuck out of me but I also hate being a leech
  7. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    If it terrifies the fuck out of you, then making sure you've got a therapist and potentially medication to make you actually do it would probably be a first order thing then, wouldn't it? I know that when I was at my worst anxiety-wise, online apps would time out before I finished them because I was having successive panic attacks.

    So I'd say that you're not making excuses, and it's still perfectly reasonable to want everything else settled first.
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