Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    @Kittenly thank you! now, they have to have a million babies, and this will be just like the sims. I must admit I feel really vindicated for Liesyn and Alistair's lukewarm mistress ending I was forced to accept in my canon pt.

    I was also very touched by Varric's reunion scene - Making Idrilla a countess?? Forging a political alliance with her clan so they would hold a stronger position in wycome? ignoring Sebastian?? It really brought a tear to my eye. i love my favorite dwarf.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2015
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  2. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    ok i'm still Sir Not Appearing In This Thread until i finish inquisition
    but i just got a hilariously weird bug where Lavellan switched into a standing-up-straight-legs-apart-arms-wide posture.. and then stayed in it as i ran around. like. she was just gliding around (or moving up in the air when i jumped) completely still. I wish i took a picture, haha :D

    edit: sorry, SER not appearing in this thread.
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  3. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    stray (check)
    grey (check)
    hound (semi check)

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  4. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    i can disable my hats in inquisition while still wearing them the gods have answered my prayers
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  5. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Also why is everything so shiny. I am the shiniest motherfucker this side of Dark Souls. Why is this. My hair is like some sort of fucking beacon. I am the beacon of Ostagar. It is me. I am why Cailen is dead. Because my red hair was so fucking shiny it breached the realms of time and space and signaled Loghrain to be a dickface.
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  6. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    the hair is a total disaster on lower settings. Even on Ultra I am fairly tempted to reach into the screen and tap some mattifying powder on everyone's faces because its... so.... oily..... it makes me feel like i really really need to wash my face..........

    there are mods that I know of that fix the shiny, but its not good enough.

    Speaking of modding - do you guys know of any npcs that use the short bangs mullet hairstyle? i sorta want to try modding it.
  7. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I am playing on PS3 so...
  8. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    yeah, that's why mods arent good enough. last gen got really dunked in glitter oil.
  9. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    I finally fucked around in the Hissing Wastes until I got my Adaar to level 20, now I'm playing Jaws of Hakkon while I wait for Trespasser to download. It's such a pretty area! I also really like the ideas that the Avvar have about spirits. I was like, "I WISH I STILL HAD SOLAS HE WOULD'VE LOVED THIS PLACE," and then I made myself sad.

    I hope my Adaar gets to sadly tell Solas how much she missed him. I feel so bad for her, Cassandra and Solas were actually her bffls, and then Cassie became Divine and Solas fucked off with no goodbye.
    (I'm also running around will Bull and Dorian, trying to trigger their romance because apparently Dorian says really cute things about them meeting up again in Trespasser and yes I'm here for this. Unless that happens anyway regardless of whether or not their romance triggers, as long as the Quiz doesn't romance either of them.)
    • Winner x 1
  10. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I love the DAI bugs. Got one recently in which after talking to Cass, she did a weird slide back to her normal position but kept walking in place. it looked like she was dancing. Doing the Shepard Shuffle.
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  11. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I got one where Idrilla got stuck in the drawn-staff between-spells movements for a while in the first elven artifact, and then she just... floated around.

    my favorites are the loading bugs in skyhold, though.
  12. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Cole keeps freezing in the middle of combat. I just have to switch to him and jump to make him move again, but it's annoying in he middle of a fight! My fave is still the on where you start running mid jump and you end up looking like you're swimming in mid air while you slide around.
  13. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I think my favorite bug ever is one of the conversations you can have in Skyhold - I think it was with Varric after his personal quest - has a bit where the Inquisitor is suddenly crosseyed with their head lolling back. It's only happened to me once, with my incredibly attractive elf dude no less, and I started laughing so hard I wheezed. XD
  14. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Caption: tfw u want to smooch the bf but forget u only have one arm left
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  15. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    some doodles


    man i hate drawing hands and foots and faces and bodies and boobs and

    also how do draw chubs

    also the height difference is out of proportion, fantastic. I mean Lis is about 150/4'11 and idrilla is a beanpole of an elf at 175/5'7ish

    Nisean (dad) and Haurel (mom)! I have some workings on Idrilla's family - besides Nellas, her older twin, she has eight other siblings - and I sorta like doodling them? I love family fic and the WEDDING made me think about Cullen's in-laws.

    Nisean is an artisan, as I've stablished in fics. I was thinking he'd focus on the day-to-day artisanal stuff the clan needed instead of weaponry - so pottery/ceramics, woodcarving, soaps/candles/balms for sale, nets/weaving/crocheting/knitting, "soft" stuff like that. He is starting to lose his ability to do much of the finer things in his craft because of pain in his hands and wrists, but is still a great teacher, and opens a workshop in Wycome. He's a very kind and laid-back man, gentle and welcoming, and fairly devoted to Sylaise; Idrilla is his favorite child, they're really close, and he was hoping that with Idrilla's healer inclinations she'd take Sylaise's vallaslin; the only time Idrilla ever made him sad was when she chose Dirthamen's, because His people always end up away from their clans.

    Haurel is a hunter, but having ten children in twenty years limits her opportunities to go out a little - so she ends up doing a lot of teaching and administrative work too. She's a drier character than Nisean, and most of the time seems stern, but she's just a very practical person who isn't comfortable expressing emotions, so she shows love by doing, not being; she'd be the one that tries to solve problems for other people instead of listening to their whining. Nellas is her favorite, and she is somewhat awkward around Idrilla since her magic manifested because demons and temptation and things like that aren't things she is equipped to deal with, but Nellas's endless stream of hyperaction, pranking, and later romantic troubles are something she can deal with. She is sort of like a more meddling McGonagall? She's somewhat like Cassandra in that "I don't see the point of standing around doing nothing" sense, but more motherly and gentler.

    Nisean is the first to catch on Idrilla's crush on Cullen, just a little before Nellas and her oldest-younger brother, because he noticed Cullen showing up more and more on her letters (and she asked for some of the analgesic balm he uses on his hands for Cullen). No one on their family knew about Nellas's involvement with Solas until Haurel wanted to go to skyhold and skin the man herself.

    Passed the shock of Cullen being a human, Nisean tries his best to trust him and welcome him into the family, believing in Idrilla's judgement, and despite being wary treats him kindly, and sort of likes him personally - he's a fun guy, smart, dedicated, and seems serious on his feelings for Idrilla, so that's good for him, for now; Haurel, though, is very vocal in not trusting him with Idrilla initially. She has seen that before, and it's understandable why she's suspicious: there are too many Dalish girls that were enamoured with some random human that very seriously loved them, ran away from their clans to live what they believed to be a dreamy romance tale with him, only to be left penniless and homeless when their novelty wore off or they got pregnant, and she really, really doesn't that to happen to Idrilla (even if Idrilla would be far from 'penniless and homeless' if Cullen and her broke up). She considers him good enough and respects him enough for what he did to save clan Lavellan as the Commander of the Inquisition, but that is miles away from trusting him as a son-in-law.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
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  16. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful


    chose to disband the inquisition this time, but i'm still unsure what ending i would prefer because i couldnt go back to pick the option to keep it together or i'd sorta anger my mom in law - i'm currently in londrina, and later i'll go back home to porto alegre, so airports are involved.

    i liked it for the idea of idrilla and cullen living some peaceful, wholesome years together somewhere quiet, and for the awesome fuck you she gave to thedosian nobility. "now, if you'll excuse me, i have a world to save. again"??? someone call the burn unit.

    But I loved that there is an option to try and show Solas he's wrong - i was afraid the narrative would go to a 'you are terrible forever!!!' path with the Veil thing, and that would suck for the story i'm going for my inquisitor. She and Solas have their differences, but she is a little rebel - it's in her name! - and he is her hahren, a teacher, someone she respects and cares about. Not in a romantic sense, but in a family sense - and she's determined to bring him back to reason, redeem him. As much as she is angry at the position her people have now, she loves this world and the people in it.

    And I am absolutely marveled at how fucking caring Sera is?? Asking her questions, agonizing over not being able to help her friend when she says she isn't taking the elvhen gods thing well. So caring and supportive and good!!! oh my god, i FUCKING LOVE SERA. she's. such a good friend!!!!!!!!! she's the only one who asks how you're doing this is. absolutely fantastic. i love sera. i love sera so much i am so touched. little sister!!!!!!
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  17. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

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  18. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I SCREENSHOTTED EVERY SINGLE WORD OUT OF HER GOD DAMN MOUTH, I SWEAR. i desperately need to give her a big big biiiiiig hug, draw idrilla giving her a big hug, ANYTHING. SHE'S SUCH A GOOD COOKIE!!!!!!!!! PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL!!!!
    i can't even PICK a favorite part of her writing because its just all so unbelievably good. it was a bit of work to get her friendship because of idrilla's Passive Aggressive Dalishing, but oh my goDS so worth it. soooooooooooooooo worth it. she's grown so much and her VOICE when she hears you arent taking things well and her 'you've still got me! i'm real" deal is just so CUTE cute cute cuuuuuuute Sera i love you forever. i am SO going to bump my cadash pt up on the queue so i can romance her.

    ETA: the last scene with the spoiler meeting got kind of ruined to me because my stupid brain kept playing this song over and over and over because of a certain someone's lycra armor
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
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  19. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    IT IS SO WORTH IT TO SEE HER ROMANCE. You get to know so much more about her and get another perspective on her insecurities and how much she craves stability and acceptance and AHHHH it's just super, super precious and just. GOOD.
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  20. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Saoirse's eyes are set on Josephine and her cute accent and ambassadoring. Though I guess there is that Sera person to meet but I like this Josephine woman. That and I am pondering having Saoirse be douchey about "flatears".
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