Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    And can I say how lovely it is that she gets together with DAGNA of all people??? She's my favorite minor NPC in Origins and i am just so. filled with warm feelings.
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  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

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  3. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I love Dagna so much. I wish she could be a companion, I'd love to hear her bantering with the other companions and commenting on everything.
  4. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Even Kom'rk liked her. She was so great.
  5. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I dream of the day I can have Cole and Dagna on the same team. I have a feeling they're the only ones who can understand each other's babbling. Add merrill and then we have my dream team tbh
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  6. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    ok, I realize i'm flooding the topic and i'm really really sorry, but i'm starting to get EXCITED so
    I'm really starting to get excited with Nellas's playthrough. She's my Solasmancer so Trespasser sounds like a REAL KNIFE IN THE GUT
    She's Idrilla's sister but they're not much alike in personality and definitely not in choices, taking out the whole generally favorable to elves and mages. Idrilla was trained to be a peacekeeper and a diplomat, she has the patience to deal with this stuff, but Nellas is definitely not; she is direct and aggressive and keeps making mistakes and offending people and violently denying any involvement with the Inquisition. As the game progresses, she starts getting increasingly frustrated and resentful and done with all that shem bullshit; her popularity with the orlesian court was only enough to not get her kicked out of the Winter Palace, and the only thing she was actually proud to accomplish as Inquisitor was supporting Briala as Gaspard's puppeteer. She manages to get her clan killed because she insists on using violence to solve things 'quicker', and angers, alienates or kicks out basically everyone else but Solas.

    Trespasser will be... something, for her. By that point, she is too tired of all this; she just wants to watch the world burn. I can't think of a reason why she would position herself against him; it's just as likely she'd ask to help him burn everything to the ground.
  7. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    what up nerds I did the thing I was asking @Mercury about the low health portraits for

    this lighting is REally bad
    I remembered how to close one eye with the other open. this is a thing I have trouble with
    SOMETHING SOMETHING DIVINE JUSTINIA i'm sorry for trivializing your sadness cass
    battlefield priorities. also my hair escaped

    A BEAR

    it's mint flavored!

    health potion'd back to normal dorky rubyness
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  8. Scheherazade

    Scheherazade It's a story fractal

    Realized about five minutes ago that I ship the absolute shit out of Cassandra<>Cullen (thank you, Homestuck, for providing me with the proper terminology for this), which is clearly an excellent decision except for the part where it makes the back on lyrium version of the ending even sadder, which I was not previously aware was possible.
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  9. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

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  10. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I have just realized that my ink can't go anywhere but my face. And while Saoirse does have the more complex form of the Elgar'nan tattoo on her face and it looks super awesome because it just. Half her face is teal.

    but if she could have rad fucking full body tats

    Yes she would have most of her clothes on like all the time but it would be fucking awesome. I would have spent time making sure she looked super rad. Just all the time spent on something I will see during the sex scene and nothing else unless I decide to have Saoirse just randomly strip in the chantry.
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  11. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Your fucking game is ass and I want my money back, Bioware. I cannot have insane tattoos everywhere.
  12. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I don't even go here, but I figure you nerds might appreciate this.

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  13. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I'm a ball of frustration and restless anxiety. DAI keeps bugging out about every second time I go to Skyhold and makes me restart the whole PS3. I also am trying to apply to the Bioware assistant writer opening that's been floating around, but there's so much pressure on it because it's my dream job that I keep freezing up and I feel like nothing I write will be good enough. Executive dysfunction is kicking my ass right now and I can barely figure out how to open my documents, let alone write out an outline. I'm not even sure what they want from an outline...
    *flails around then falls over*
  14. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I was gonna post this when the thread was first made but spoons. My interest in DA is on-again-off-again because I want to replay Origins and II before I let myself really get into Inquisition. Except I already played both of them to death when they first came out so even though I'm playing very different characters it's kind of a slog. I am doing most of the sidequests I missed previously, though!

    I have two continuities going: one centered on the Dalish with a side of Morrigan and one centered around the Hawke/Amell family and mage freedom. Because I love the inter-game continuities for both of them even though the Hawke/Amell makes it hard to figure out who my inquisitor should be.

    First continuity has a male Dalish rogue Warden, whose name I kept as Theron because I always liked that name. He's very confident and charismatic but in truth he's a bundle of nerves and Duties. From the time he left his clan he's been trying to be One of the Good Ones to the outside world, he's terrified of messing up and giving people more excuses to hate the Dalish. So he'll always try to talk first even if it's doomed, because if he defaults to violence he's a Savage. He romanced Morrigan because she understands the lifestyle and he doesn't mind the things that put most people off. Their son is archdemon-free, Theron hardened Alistair and will conscript Loghain, who'll sacrifice himself. Alistair gets the throne, haven't decided if Anora will too. Theron is very committed to doing things Right; he saved the Circle, convinced the Keeper to uncurse the werewolves, tried to stay neutral when it came to the dwarves but eventually sided with Bhelen (he doesn't like that the Dalish are so isolated and wishes they had the freedom to settle down and open up. Harrowmont wanting to cut the dwarves off from the surface didn't sit well with him) and destroyed the anvil. He accidentally took a party of heathens to Haven though: his usual party is Morrigan, Sten, and Barkspawn. He still didn't corrupt the ashes though; he has Feels about destroying important historical/religious things even if it's not his history or religion.

    I'm not sure about my Hawke yet but she'll probably be purple and will definitely rivalmance the hell out of Merrill. She's sympathetic to the Dalish but blood magic and the tainted mirror are both Bad News and she cares about Merrill despite herself. They are so fantastically pitch for each other.

    Inquisitor is Laverna Lavellan, who totally wasn't inspired by a certain Lalonde, nope. She's a mage; that plus her odd appearance and being a Dalish tends to make people uneasy. She's manipulative and superficially charming but her actual thoughts and feelings are hard to read; she's good at playing the long game and keeping her bullshit straight so good luck finding inconsistencies. And while she's good at placating people she's also incredibly stubborn. Her main tactic is to get people to do what she wants by making them think it was their own idea in the first place. When that's impossible she blows shit up. She's not a very good choice for an Inquisitor, really, but she does avoid a good deal of unnecessary death. (You can't fingerpuppet people if they're dead.)

    Second continuity has Shula Amell as Warden. She went straight for the First Enchanter when Jowan talked about escaping, he was only ever a pity friend and escape is Dangerous Talk. She still felt pretty goddamn betrayed when she found out he was a Blood Mage. Cullen's crush was also mutual (she felt so bad when she found him while saving the Circle). She's fairly diplomatic but not afraid to wreck shit when she has to: sometimes a little lightning is the only way to get the point across. Shula started off pretty rigid when it came to the Rules, a leftover survival skill with the Circle, but started to realize the Rules aren't always as clear outside the tower. I haven't gotten far on her save because I'm trying to get through Theron's so I'm not sure how her playthrough will go, exactly. She will spare Jowan though.

    Kelosa Hawke is a purple mage who's ambivalent about mage freedoms: she knows some mages, like herself and her late sister, can survive as apostates and not go maleficarum. But she also knows that apostates and Circle mages both can fall to temptation, and having no-one to watch after them can be Bad News. So she bounces back and forth on the issue. I'm thinking either a rivalmance with Anders or a blue romance with Fenris. Sides more-or-less with the mages on account of the crazy on the other side but definitely agrees to some kind of ruleset.

    No idea who the Inquisitor will be yet. Probably a mage though.

    (There's also an OLD save for DA:O I found in a completely unrelated folder for some reason. Lady human rogue, think I planned to have her marry Alistair despite how little I like him. Don't even remember and it's pretty early in the game. Right after Ostagar, I think.)
  15. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    Busts in to walk the dinosaur.

    Currently I'm trying to actually finish my Human Mage Inquisitor run, the S/O finished his Lavellan run with Dorian LI but I gotta finish with Bull LI.

    Mages are so fuckin' fun
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I... never even finished Origins. I read some massive fanfics that span an alternate versions of the story, and read a lot of meta about the games, but never actually finished the game. Whoops.

    The game I got furthest in was a Dwarf Noble Warden, named "Malady" so that it seemed like people called her by name before the whole Dark Road thing. She was a rogue who loved showing off in combat, content to let her elder brother have the throne (and so terribly popular with the people that Bhelan had to deal with her). She traveled with Sten, Wynne, and Morrigan a lot, because the versatility of magic made up for the bickering. Usually -_-'
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  17. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

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  18. Scheherazade

    Scheherazade It's a story fractal

    I just realized that Vienna Teng's Whatever You Want is a really good Meredith song.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
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  19. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    have new monitor, am back at boyfriends. will distract myself from agonizing over late shark week with replaying trespasser.
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  20. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Yay a Dalish mage who is totally not inspired by a Homestuck. We can be mages totally not inspired by a Homestuck buddies. Saoirse is totally not inspired by Aranea. At all. CLEARLY. Though this wasn't intended when I started. It just sort of happened. I rather like the sorts of character traits Aranea happens to have. As well as about the vengeful. Saoirse is the sort who would worship Gwyndolin in Dark Souls and be part of his murder squad in the name of JUSTICE. While she's not a bad person I don't think she isn't the most pleasant.
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