Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @Enzel oh whoa that is a GORGEOUS scarf! And they have an Inquisition pin... O_O I wonder how much shipping to Finland is...
  2. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    @Mercury I think shipping on that site is reasonable, I got a grey warden and the Bodahn shirts from it.

    I wish they had a Tali or Inquisition scarf like the ones in the official store, tho. 45 united states of america dollars JUST for shipping is. kind of a no deal.
    • Like x 1
  3. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I absolutely, officially cannot export/import hair meshes with ANY version of the mod maker. Just exporting and importing back gives me the same empty preview.

    If anyone could export/import a hair mesh and see if the same thing happens to them it would. help me. see if this is on my end or what
  4. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Yeeeah. That's what it costs for my mother to send me a decently-sized parcel; no way I'm going to pay that much in shipping for a t-shirt. I'll go with this other store when it comes to adding stuff to my holiday wish list.

    I'm sorry you're still having problems with the meshes. I'll see if I can make heads or tails of mesh stuff and report back.

    [edit] I wasn't entirely sure what to do, so I exported the mh_ef_d_model_mesh as a *.obj file then re-imported it back immediately and it still previewed. I tried importing it into a meshing program, moving a vertex and exporting it from the meshing program, but I only have milkshape and it really didn't work.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
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  5. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Ugh that scarf is so pretty. I wonder if the pattern is available...

    Anyway, I return to this sleepy thread to ask a favor of you guys. Basically, there's an opening for Assistant Writer at Bioware, and part of the application is to write an outline and one dialogue of a short plot set in an existing Bioware universe. I choose to write for Dragon Age, and my plot takes place if Hawke chooses to work for Athenril's smuggling gang.

    I made it on Twine, so it's sort of a text version of a DA plot. I'd really appreciate if any of you could play it and give me feed back.

    It can be played here: http://philome.la/Aeadne/the-smugglers-year-a-da2-fan-adventure
  6. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    I saw a few typos but the plot seems to work.
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  7. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Argh, and I just can't make it show up!! this is so frustrating.
  8. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Holy shit @Mercury. Just read your pregnancy fic. Probably one of the best DA fics I've read in regards to how well characterized Fenris and Anders were. And also just brutal and heart-wrenching and I hope Fenris manages to get some happiness in whatever verse he's in because goddamn, son.

    But can I just praise you to the high heavens about your characterization of Anders? He's so often butchered in fic and you hit the mage on the long pointy nose (what even was that metaphor). A perfect blend of asshole, joker, and the best damn healer in Thedas, probably.
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  9. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @Kittenly :D!!

    I'm wiggling with glee over here. It's so, so important to me that I get the characterization correct when I write fanfic, so hearing from people that I did a good job of it always makes my day, just as much as hearing that the overall tone and subject matter of the fic worked.

    (This story is set in pretty-much-canon with a Hawke that cares about him very much, so things go about as well for Fenris as they otherwise would. Which isn't great, obviously, but it's not any worse. And by authorial fiat I declare that this Hawke makes it through the events of Inquisition just fine and reunites with Fenris after.)

    (Fic is here, for anyone who hasn't run across it yet and might be curious. Mind the tags.)
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  10. Charlimander

    Charlimander The Tiniest Dragon

    I saw a Dragon Age forum and immediately got Hype. I'm just gonna... take my salty, revenge-fueled warden, my two main hawkes, and 3 Inquisitors over here.... If that is quite alright uzu
  11. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    @Charlimander Of course! All wardens, hawkes, and quizzies are accepted here, no matter their sodium content.
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  12. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

  13. Charlimander

    Charlimander The Tiniest Dragon

    omg... rad. They might be kind of boring? I've never really... spoken about any of them before because I don't have any friends who play Dragon Age. So yeah, mostly just me.... rambling.

    Well, my Warden is Amelia Cousland and she's here to stop the blight and love her family... and she's all out of family. She has a personal vendetta against just about everything. Like... even beyond her wanting to skewer Howe, she takes the Blight as a personal insult and she is going to Stab. Angry, stabby rogue warden. She complains constantly about how everyone wants her help but then she always helps people, even when she doesn't have to. It is truly baffling. I haven't played origins as many times as the other games so I don't have as many developed Wardens.

    I have two main Hawkes though. I've played through as more, but Alec and Alice are my mains. Alec is a grumpy, aggressive mage Hawke who romances Fenris. Originally I was going to romance Anders with him, but Fenris seemed to approve of him a lot more. I made him a blood mage in DA2 but it didn't seem to carry over to Inquisition... He hates dragons, but he loves fighting wyverns. Alice, tho, is a socially awkward rogue who makes jokes to deal with anything and everything. Even Alec will cry sometimes, but Alice just... can't. She wants to cry and she just laughs shakily, she can't do it. She can't be vulnerable. She is super, super into dragons. She likes fighting them, she likes looking at them, she wants to be one. She hates wyverns though. They're all gross and they spit and they can't even breathe fire so what's even the point. If she and Alec ever met, I doubt he could stand to be around her long. She uses she/her pronouns but tbh she doesn't care much about gender.

    I keep meaning to romance Merrill with her but... Isabela..........

    Now uh... my Inquisitors...... Ilris is an elven archer, with the Tempest specialization. He romances Dorian and never really takes anything personally. He's very strategic, and even if something would be nicer or if something is satisfyingly vengeful, he goes with what will benefit their efforts more. He flirts with just about everyone. He doesn't really seem to care much about his Dalish heritage. He doesn't believe in any gods, elven or Andrastian, he doesn't really seem to miss being in his clan. But then he smiles whenever he gets a letter from them, and when he runs into the Dalish camp in the Exalted Plains he seems absolutely thrilled to be there. It was familiar to him. His clan is his family. He won't use a weapon that isn't flashy and he won't wear armor that doesn't look badass on him. This has nothing to do with fashion. He has no sense of it and honestly his need to be flashy ends up being kinda gawdy. He tries not to focus too much on his own personal opinions of things, like mages and templars, because when push comes to shove he wants to be able to objectively do what will give them the best strategic advantage.

    And then there's Carolyn Trevelyn. She starts off as a goody two shoes mage who is totally devoted to the chantry and just wants to do Good. Then things get... complicated. As Inquisitor, she has to make the tough decisions. People will get hurt no matter what she does or decides. She tries to help everyone and it's just not possible. No matter what, someone's going to get the short stick. There comes a point, just before Wicked Eyes, where she realizes that she can't save everyone. She needs to try to do what's best, but nothing can be perfect. Still, she tries to do right in the eyes of the Maker, and when she finds out where the Anchor really comes from, she has a little panic attack about having claimed it was from Andraste, terrified that it was blasphemy. She has a bit of a crush on Josephine, but ultimately ends up with Cullen.

    My third Inquisitor is a work in progress. I... really hope they aren't too boring, I just kinda ended up rambling.
  14. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    NEVER. Hearing about other people's Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors is awesome, and yours are interesting! I feel for Amelia, Alice is my kind of Hawke, and Carolyn has a really interesting character arc. Faithful Inquisitors having a crisis of faith after Here Lies the Abyss is one of my favorite things.

    Re: the blood mage thing - apparently what happened with that is that the gameplay side of things added that spec after all the writing had been done, so the writers had no chance to add in the inevitable reactions from other characters. As a result, the gameplay/story divide carries into Inquisition and Hawke loathes blood magic, period, because the story was never written with support for it in mind.
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  15. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Seconding Mercury on hearing about your characters :DD I love them!

    omg I feel this on such a deep personal level. I'm sure Dorian is THRILLED with this.

    Also Carolyn seems really interesting. I have a soft spot for characters who basically fuck up/get fucked over epically by the huge events that take place in these games. Not everyone has positive character development, and I love seeing how people deal with that. Particularly tragic, sad clown purple Hawkes like Alice.

    You're making me wanna talk about my tragic quizzies, Teifi Lavellan and Marianne Trevelyan.
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  16. Charlimander

    Charlimander The Tiniest Dragon

    omg I'm glad you guys like them ToT @Mercury that makes sense about the blood mage thing. I mean... considering what they had blood magic do to Hawke's mother, I can see why they'd write it like that.
    @Kittenly tragic Inquisitors are rad! I'd love to hear about yours v.v
  17. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    @Charlimander If you insistttt :3c

    Both Teifi and Marianne have co-inquisitors who are my friend's OCs. Teifi shares the position with Kahzan and Cato Adaar.

    Teifi Lavellan is my smol sociopathic Solasmancer. She's an extremely talented archer and throughout the game becomes a great tinker-er and engineer. Basically her Thing is that she loves to tinker. With everything, but she's most fond of tinkering with people. She just doesn't get that they're real (aside from her few friends). She and Solas butt heads a lot, but that honestly just makes them more attracted to each other. She's intense, vibrant, and completely ruthless. She has few friends, pushing pretty much everyone away by being an obnoxious, clever, and violent little shit.

    The only real exception is for people with brains to match hers. And even that is only if she personally decides that they're clever enough to be her friend. So she gets on really well with Dorian and Varric. She has a deep respect for Viv while not actually being friends. But pretty much everyone else she sees as playthings to push and prod and throw out when they get broken. She gets along with Kieran fabulously because she functions similarly to a kid.

    And it all starts to fall apart when she takes the Well. The first big thing that happens is Solas breaks up with her. Which she's fuming about because he won't tell her why and she could deal with this bullshit if she just knew. Then, things get even worse when they encounter Flemeth, and she's taken Kieran and can physically stop Teifi from interfering. Once the encounter is over, Morrigan tells Teifi that she isn't allowed near Kieran anymore because she's scared of what Flemeth might make her do to him. So she starts to crack. The revelations in Trespasser pretty much break what's left of her mind. She maims herself because if she must be Mythal's tool, she's gonna make sure she's a faulty tool. Basically her endgame is Varric taking care of her in Hightown while she tinkers aimlessly.

    Marianne is a whole different story. She was actually created for a verse where my canon Quizzie team, Renwyn Lavellan and Lysander Trevelyan, are companions. She is co-inquisitor with Basra Adaar and the two romance each other.

    Marianne is a templar from the Ostawick circle. She's incredibly devoted to the Chantry and thinks that she is basically on a divine mission to keep the world safe from Mages. She fought on the frontlines of the mage-templar war. She believes without a doubt that she was chosen by Andraste to rid the world of evil, and that because she was chosen, she knows the right thing to do. Basra Adaar, her co-quizzie is a Tal Vashoth. She was a Ben Hassrath and then left the Qun. She and Marianne have a pretty stable pitch relationship, so while they disagree about pretty much everything, their rivalry pushes them to be better. Sort of. In their eyes their rivalry pushes them to be better.

    Basra and Marianne (especially Marianne) are so belligerent and self-righteous in their cause that they cause a bit of a schism within the inner circle. Ren (a Dalish mage), Lysander (Marianne's cousin and a Chantry brother turned rogue), Sera, Dorian, Bull, Cullen, and sort of Solas, form their own little group since the Quizzies either dislike them or don't trust them.

    Things come to a head at the Well of Sorrows when Marianne coerces Ren to drink even though she doesn't want to. This infuriates most of the Inner Circle, especially Lysander (Ren's moirail and best friend) and Cullen (who's Ren's lover). Ren remains at Skyhold until Corypheus is defeated, then she and Lysander leave.

    During Trespasser, Bull turns on them, they kill him. Ren and Sander show up fighting the agents of Fen Harel, and make an uneasy alliance with the inquisition. Once everything goes down, Marianne, more determined then ever to wipe out mages and subdue magic threatens Solas. Trespasser ends with Marianne and Basra determined to keep the Inquisition going, but pretty much all of the inner circle has defected and refuses to have anything to do with them, leaving them open for their organization to be filled with spies.

    They're kinda fucked.
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  18. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    i'm doing A Thing and i'd like some help?

    Like, i'm doing a novelization of my PT so i can explore the behind-the-scenes and expand on stuff and reorganize Cullen and Idrilla's Mutual Distrust to Respect To Friends To Lovers romance arc and the Lavellan quest arc, stuff like that, and i am going to publish it because at least ONE new year's eve promise i have to fulfil. anyway. And I'm starting with Idrilla on Ostwick getting into the Trevelyan's ship to the Conclave with her dalish party. I want to explore a bit the geography of ostwick itself since we don't get one and my Trevelyan's headcanons as Snooty Holier Than Thou Marcher Malfoys, and with the bit I have on second drafty stage and the dialogue i'm dumping i'm guessing this part will be something like 8 or 9k, maybe 10 if i really get going.
    a) do you think it's reasonable/readable? I mean, it's basically my inquisitor and a bunch of ocs faffing around in the Alienage/rich district/port/sneaking into a boat
    b) if it's reasonable to expect people to read it, should i dump it in one big chapter - the second one starts with "the trip from highever to haven took almost a month and they were only attacked once, after which they looted the attacker's uniforms and looked just like another band of mercenaries making their way to the conclave" or something like that and then starts telling the actual events of the conclave - or should i break it into smaller parts for readability?
  19. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @witchknights I have seen longfic out there that was 160k+ words and still updating on subjects that looked like they couldn't possibly have that many words wrung out of them; I am certain you will have an audience for traveling shenanigans and stowing away, both of which are (imo) inherently interesting.

    I know I usually find stories broken up into smaller blocks more readable, especially if they're long enough I might not be able to read them all in one sitting. It depends on the story, though, and its total length. My most recent fic is almost 8k words and it's all in one chunk; I have a fic that's twice that that's split into seven chapters, because the way the scenes broke worked out better that way.
  20. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    The planning on this chapter is going something like that:
    *Idrilla and Deshanna arrive in Ostwick Alienage, find contact that can send Idrilla and maybe some other people across the Waking Sea.
    *Contact says they're lucky but not, because they wouldn't find any ships making the voyage at that time of the year (storm season) besides bann trevelyan's, that is sending his third daughter, a templar, as a representative.
    *arrangements are made. people are talked to.
    *Keeper hands Idrilla her staff, making her promise to return it after she comes back from the conclave. this is important and vvvvvvery symbolic. then she goes back to clan and leaves idrilla behind. (she'll leave it behind on the outskirts of haven when she goes to spy, staff isnt there when she wakes up again. freaks out. cullen finds it, returns it, first amicable gesture)
    *idrilla and contact have a conversation about dalish/city elf relations. end of day.
    *rest of party arrives. Some thinking about the urban landscape. shenanigans at the trevelyan's estate! get into the boat for a miserable week of hiding. Also, first contact with a Tranquil, Lady Maxine's personal assistant which she made tranquil herself, which is pretty terrifying for Idrilla.

    I was thinking about cutting the chapter when the first day ends, but the getting into the boat could get either boring if i pad too much or too short? I thought maybe I could put some sort of confrontation with guards to show how idrilla's magic works (she's a healer and her combat ability is basically all about glyphs and small hexes and traps and less sophisticated forms of magic at first), but there's only so many ways you can put a guard to sleep without killing him or being detected before people go OK WE GET IT so. idk where exactly to cut it.
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