Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Guys I have a craving for Inquisitors and Inquisitor backstories! I'm binging on this tumblr but... I'm already on page 30 or so hahaha... I'd love it if people could share theirs, or recommend cool fic involving well-developed Inquisitors!
  2. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    You probably know about the stuff I've written for Embriel and Beautiful, but I also wrote a couple of fics about Embriel and Dorian. I haven't written up much about my other two, Erinys and Lamia, but I could!
  3. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Hmm, well, my Inquisitor Razeia Lavellan. She is a lightning-focused Knight Enchanter who is more or less in a constant low-level growing state of 'oh god what now.' She also, because of my headcanon that Clan Lavellan took in a bunch of escapees from the Kirkwall and Starkhaven Circles (how else does an elf get in-depth knowledge about the Chantry and Circles?), has a bunch of very bad thoughts about Chantries, Templars, and the Inquisition's Commander that she has not told to anyone (because it would be incredibly suspicious if she had in-depth knowledge of all the ways the Kirkwall Circle was messed up.) And she is by this point preeetty sure that Solas is lying through his teeth about where he came from, but she has similarly not told anyone a) because she doesn't have any good ideas on what he might be instead and b) she still, poor thing, trusts him to be on her side and working towards saving the world, and thinks he might bolt if he thinks that she knows he's lying.
  4. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    @wixbloom ok so I am working on typing up a decent thing for some of my Inquisitors, but in the meantime I will recommend this fic to you: A Herald Named Desire
    I admit this is mildly me plugging my moirail's fic but also I think it's super amusing and also a super interesting story
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  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Okay, question for Dorianmancers who've completed Trespasser: were you upset by the ending slides you got?

    Because Heliose disbanded the Inquisition, which meant that the slides I got were about on par with what I thought would happen, and I was pretty satisfied with the resolution as a whole. But I'm seeing a fuss kicked up about it vs the Doribull slides, which had more of a narrative I guess? Looking at them, I'm not really swayed to the "oh well, they got SO MUCH MORE than us" side, but I'm not sure if this is my own existing headcanons/narrative influencing me here, or if this is really a case of the DA fandom fussing over (mostly) nothing.
  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @PRelations My main Inqu romanced Dorian and I felt kinda let down by the ending slides, especially finding out they're barely any different than the friendship slides, but with a "And they made some time to see each other in secret, I guess" tacked on. The Dorian/Bull slides seemed more... intimate, I guess? I got more of an impression that they really made time to see each other, went out of their way to, whereas with an Inqu romance a lot of the Trespasser Dorian content ended up feeling generic. I understand a reasonable possible reason why is to allow for Inqu headcanons, whereas with Dorian and Bull they're set characters so they can write out something more firmly set, but a little more to differentiate the romance from a friendship would have been nice (especially since the goodbye conversation before the Darvaarad didn't trigger for a lot of people if their loading times were a bit too slow - which strikes me as a not so great design decision).

    The whole Dorian romance experience in Trespasser was pretty painful, though (in a realistic rocky relationship sort of way - I admired it at the same time I was cursing and on the edge of tears through a lot of the DLC), so the sore feelings from that are probably adding to the fuss - but the fuss itself honestly isn't unreasonable.
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  7. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    That makes sense! I'll admit I was a little put out when I found out the message crystal conversation wasn't much different between bestfriends Dorian and romanced Dorian, so I can see where it's coming from. I hadn't really thought about the fact they didn't differ much between romanced vs unromanced (apparently Bullmancers got about the same kind of shafting here, which sucks a little.)
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  8. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Also, I've got to admit I'm kind of :| at how both potential m/m relationships (player-wise) didn't get much unique content compared to the other romances. I felt kind of like I had more of an Emotional Moment with Solas as a friend than I did with Dorian. Which is almost kind of fitting, considering Dorian is kind of withdrawing from the Inqu because he wants to make a difference on his own merits, but... I'm grumpy about it anyway. :|
  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Yyyyeah. I know there were a lot of people frustrated that Cullen got a wedding scene but Bull goes basically "why would we get married I choose to be with you every day doesn't that mean more" which is, okay! That's a great sentiment! But c'mon, why couldn't we have a wedding still. I mean I know the reason why is probably so they didn't have to make a groom's outfit since Sera gets a wedding too, but whyyy.

    Actually, it looks like Josephine didn't get many special scenes either, or Cassandra. That's kind of. :/ Is it weird that I'm a little bitter that the apparently extra romances have so much more relevance and care taken with them than the ones actually meant to be from the start? Because finding out how pivotal the Solas romance is did make me a little sour for a while (tho playing through it is definitely a great experience.)
  10. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Not weird imo. It feels a bit like railroading in a game series where a big deal is made out of player choice. You have a lot of choices as a player - but unless you choose this small handful of things you get shafted on content!

    I wonder if they chose who to give more Trespasser content to based on player statistics. I... guess that's fair, when you have limited resources, but it ends up feeling like there's correct choices regarding romances, and if you don't intuit the correct one, too bad for you! At least one of the non-straight characters got a more fleshed out experience... I hate to think that that might have been because the dress Sera wears was already in the game. (They went to the trouble - a word I use loosely - to make a fast and loose resize version for nonhumans, but only humans and elves romancing Cullen are going to see it normally because an Inq marrying Sera still wears the Halamshiral uniform...)
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  11. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I am also still pettily annoyed that Solas is female-only. You wouldn't have to make so many animations if you didn't insist on making women of all races tiny compared to the men, Bioware! :P
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  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I remember when we were still getting info about DA:I before it released and my entire friend circle was like, "They wouldn't really make Solas both elves only and women only, that's such a small percentage, right?"

    And lo.
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  13. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Man I would love to play a tall buff elf. Make her the one dipping Solas or something. (Or him! I mean apparently the solasmance was written in a weekend and programmed last minute, but still...)
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  14. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I don't remember Solas using any specifically gendered terms toward a romanced Inq so far in my Solasmance playthrough - I think it was purely animation time concerns. Which, if they didn't insist on making the body sizes between men and women so large, would be way less of an issue... *grumble grumble*
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  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I know Cullen does have recorded male lines (which don't actually wildly differ from the female lines) which just makes it a little more embittering all things considered. Is there anything floating around that directly compares the male models vs the female models? Because I never thought it was that big of difference between elves, but I know qunari had some pretty radical differences.

    Not that they really seemed to worry about the animation differences with them, anyways. I'm still laughing at the way poor dwarf inquisitors levitate across Thedas whenever it comes to cutscenes.
  16. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    It's pretty huge between elves, actually. Elven men are very thin but as tall as human males (I think my main Inq is even a little taller than Blackwall, which was a shock), whereas elven women are very slight and very short - not a lot taller than dwarven men, if my rough estimation is correct (my Solasmance Inq has to drag Varric everywhere so she's at least taller than somebody). And I'm pretty sure the main difference between Qunari females and males is width - the women are proportioned like human women scaled up, but the men have those GINORMOUS shoulders and yaoi hands.

    I should see if I can extract some relevant models and compare at some point.
  17. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I remember that my elf Inquisitor's legs kept clipping through whatserface's skirt during that dance scene, that was weird but I imagine that scene is so much weirder for dwarves.
  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Oh holy hell, that's incredibly annoying. Also incredibly pointless?

    Actually now that you mention it, I think I remember a post floating around with the relevant heights and elven women were about the same height as dwarven men, it's just really easy for me to tunnel vision. We tried doing a female dwarf inquis and had to cut out before we even got to Haven; watching her drop from midair in the middle of talking with Solas was... not good.
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  19. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    IT IS HILARIOUS - I've got a dwarf lady Inq and I was laughing the entire way through

    It starts off not so bad looking, but once the actual twirling around the dance floor starts it looks like Florienne is basically dragging the poor thing around, and at the dip at the end it looks like the Inq is a split second away from dropping Florienne on her head.
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  20. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster


    My rage towards the egg grows. I will defeat him.
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