Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    ok I'm back and it's to look baffled at the fact that this person thinks inquisition is written to appeal to, quote, "pure Christian youth"

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  2. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    Ah, yes, Inquisition was definitely written for the Christian Youth. With its violence and demonic possession and witchcraft I mean magic. Oh and let's not forget the sex scenes, including the direct references to BDSM! Oh and also the drug references.

    This is absolutely a game my aunt would let her children play.

    No its not, she won't even let her kids read Harry Potter, wtf.
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  3. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member


    I wonder if that has something to do with how DAO stans like to bemoan the fact that DAI isn't as ~dark and gritty~ - which as far as I can tell from seeing a whole lot of people whine about it on reddit actually means 'doesn't have rape as a plot device all the fucking time'. DAI is plenty grim if you pay half an ounce of attention, but what it's refreshingly low on is rape and general victimization of women.
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  4. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Ugh I know that type. I curate my tumblr pretty thoroughly, but i hear about this stuff a lot from my friends. If you want a laugh, there's a guy on the DA wiki called Believe It who is basically this weird human supremacist with... interesting ideas on how to play the games. According to him, the only "right" way to play DAO was is a male Cousland and marry Anora. For DA2, you have to be a female rogue and romance Anders (because romancing him with a female "removes his other persuasion"), and last I heard the only right way to play Inq was with a male Trevelyan and romance Cass. He announced this before he's even finished the game (hadn't even begun WPHW). THis was also the guy who complained that there were too many female characters in the beginning of DAI.

    I like some parts of origins a lot (love the Deep Roads and the approach to the Broodmother). I love Zev and Sten and Shale and Wynne to little pieces. I liked playing around with different mage specs (I think they're more interesting than in either da2 or dai). but I can hardly play the game because it's a bit of a mess of level design and while there are worse games out there for female rep, it's by far the worst of the series. I really like the Tabris origin (only as a female PC though, Male PC makes me really uncomfortable), but I know it's problematic. It might be slightly less if Rape as Drama was much less of a trope throughout the rest of the game.

    Wereas like @Mercury said, DAI has very little rape as drama in it. Women are in very diverse roles, and the devs obviously made a huge effort to put in a lot of LGBT characters in both background and major roles. It makes me feel so welcome in a world where my friends and also just random people around me are queer. I like that there's diversity of experiences. You've got Dorian, with all the Gayngst. But also Sera and Josie and Bull and Briala and Celene who's personal drama has nothing to do with their queerness.

    I think DAI's story suffered from many issues such as pacing--both in story and in gameplay. But in doing some different sidequests, there's a lot of dark and really tragic little quests. DAO (and DA2) had better signposting as to what quests were important to the story and characters, but they both still had a lot of stupid gather herbs quests and stuff.
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  5. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Reading this made me realize a major factor in why DAI is my favorite despite its problems - the people in it reflect the kinds of people in my reality so much better than either of the other games (and even DA2 is miles ahead of DAO in that way). DAO doesn't have that diversity of experience, and in a lot of places displays things that seemed like they were meant to be inclusive, sort of - like various NPCs' shock that a woman!!! is joining the Grey Wardens, but of course there's nothing wrong with that! - which might have looked kind of progressive in the late 90s, but it a game made in 2009 come across as woefully out of touch.
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  6. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I can't believe the only reason i couldn't get modded hairs into the game was because of a fucking dot!!!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Anyway, it's obviously crap right now, but I wanted to make the pixel cut a liiittle shorter, and now i'm going to be able to have some fun with the models >)
  7. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I feel this so hard. And feel mildly conflicted about it because I like /what/ they did. There are fewer female grey wardens then male ones. This is commented on curiously by a few people. Then you get to the brood mother and suddenly you know why. It's some good mystery and horror when it all comes together like that. But it wasn't really executed well. The remarks about how it's TOTES OKAY that a girl is a warden seem really patronizing. Also DAO did a lot of /saying/ there was gender equality in Thedas but failed to live up to it in a big way.

    Now my brain is all spinny about Bioware and feminism--where it succeeds and fails. Would it be too off topic to talk about feminism in ME here or should i go revive the ME thread?
  8. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I'd say revive the ME thread, because I'd be happy to talk about it there.
  9. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I wanted to run this by you guys, because it's bothering me and I can't figure out how to resolve it. My canon warden is an Amell, who has an AW specialization. She's dead (though not from the ultimate sacrifice), and I want my quizzie (Dalish mage) to have some sort of interaction with her, potentially inherit something from Amell. But it all seems white saviour-y on Amell's part. With the new games, having Amell be an AW at all seems rather appropriative and is just sort of rubbing me the wrong way. So what are your guy's thoughts? I don't really want to change her to a Surana, because I really like the connection between Amell and Hawke.
  10. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful


    My Surana is an Arcane Warrior, and what I use in my canon is that there wasn't any modern Meelee Mage class until she rediscovered Arcane Warrior in the ruins. After the Blight she wrote a book about the spec - she is a Circle nerd after all - and sent it to interested Circles via First Enchanter Irving and Wynne. A few years after that they all sat together (Including Viv!! She's one of the developers of the spec in my world! She and Lis interacted and i'm so excited about that) and made the Knight-Enchanter spec official, with a different name to show it's not the same as Liesyn's AW, and a different set of skills because much was... ugh, let's say lost in translation. Like the AW skill that makes the mage immune to damage because they get sorta immaterial - the technique for it is used in a smaller scale in the blade of the spirit swords of KEs. The key difference is that they couldn't replicate it in a person like Lis does with herself because there's a missing magic component that modern mages don't have that was dumped directly in her brain straight from Arlathan, so she can do it, but explaining how is impossible.

    So, hm, maybe your Warden could have done something of the sort? Maybe before her death she stumbled on the Lavellans and shared what she knew with them (because it was theirs), or the 'inheritance' is more thematic and comes as, idk. loot from a dead rebellion mage? (there's creative potential in how infuriating it is to find incredibly reliable info on your people in a situation like that, idk.)

    ETA: i've been thinking, for the last hour or so, how pathetic it is that i have a super complex headcanon about the bureaucratic process of creating a new school of magic. how much lower can a person go
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2016
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  11. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!


    I like your headcanon. Not sure it would work for Mercy, bc she was not really in contact with anyone but Zev and Cousland (this is part of dual verse, so two wardens) once she resigned as Warden Commander. It's also mixed up in my dumb headcanons about Mercy that have no basis in canon, so the whole thing is just sorta sitting in my head being vaguely frustrating. But I think it's awesome that you have extensive bureaucratic headcanons xD

    I was thinking perhaps Ren comes across Mercy's belongings in her shadow war with the agents of Fen'Herel. Mercy left behind Spellsinger, which is a powerful AW only weapon, and so could be read as an ancient elven artifact. So the Agents are trying to retrieve it but Ren gets there first and encounters Mercy's shade (kinda like JoH?) My friend thinks it's white-saviory though. I'm not sure, but I don't want to perpetuate that narrative.
  12. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I'm in class rn, but if you wanna elaborate on baseless Mercy headcanons and how exactly you're not sure about it I can help you! Iiin about four and a half hours.

    Do you have me on skype? We can do it there too.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016
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  13. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I made a hair mod! :D

    I can't believe I spent so long doing a thing so i can take pictures of Cullen's secretary for my endless list of DA ocs
  14. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @witchknights oh wow, good job! :D I like your tweak a lot better than the vanilla version.
  15. hyrax

    hyrax we'll ride 'till the planets collide

    i did some sketches the last couple days of Fenris, doing his favorite things:
    FullSizeRender 4.jpg
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  16. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Oh Fenders. That's certainly a ship. I'm personally kinda neutral on it, but in the right hands it's a riot. Possibly literally. I do see a worrying number of people shipping them fluffy flushed though, and I honestly don't understand. Like, they loath each other in canon. they need one hell of an auspitice or they'll probably murder each other.

    Anders and my Hawke also have an intense quadrant vacillation through DA2 before finally settling into a mostly stable matespritship. God, Anders is just the launcher of 1000 pitch ships isn't he?
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  17. shame cube

    shame cube Active Member

    Yeah, I don't get why people would make it fluffy and red! Why do people do that to all the interesting terrible relationships? My jam is, uh, horribly unhealthy Fenris/Anders in which it is easier to fall into the habit of arguing with a dude you know is against everything you stand for than it is to engage with the complicatedness of the world, and also have angry sex
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  18. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I finally finished DA:I!

    My Inquisitor is Herah Adaar, a rogue. I used one of the default faces that comes with a female Qunari, because I think of Herah as sort of unremarkable in looks and actions before the game starts. She's a go along to get along person, with a seething deep core of anger at the world that she smothers. She gets progressively snarkier when she comes to trust someone.

    Her mother escaped the Qun because she didn't want her child raised in such a restrictive and abusive culture, but she didn't necessarily want to raise Herah herself either. Her mother remained deeply afraid that without the structure of the Qun, a Tal-Vashoth is more likely to become violent. She named her daughter Time Bomb for a reason, basically. (Well, Time Cannon, but that doesn't sound as cool.) The dude Herah calls her father isn't her biological father, which she knows but doesn't care. There was a lot of secondary trauma and emotional repression. Herah loves her folks but she was happy to join the first mercenary group that could get her away. She writes to them, but not often.

    Her anger comes out in fighting. She romanced the Iron Bull and was thrilled to find out about submission, because it lets her be less of a control freak.

    Because of her "someone has to control themselves or others must control them" issues, she chose the Templars over the mages. She didn't save Celene because Celene burned down that elf settlement, but she doesn't know if Gaspard (with Brianna) will be any better. By the end of the quest in the Winter Palace, she was pretty goddamn done with being called ox and she wanted to burn that place to the ground. (She wouldn't actually do it, but she imagined it every time one of her mage companions used a fire spell.)

    She saved the Chargers. She advised Cole to be more human. She was friends with pretty much everybody except Solas, who she was teeth-grittingly civil to. She didn't soften Leliana, because sometimes people just need to be murdered. She backed Cassandra for the Divine.

    She doesn't believe in gods. She's like Dorfl in Discworld after being struck by lightning: "I Don't Consider That Much of an Argument." Supernatural shit happens around her and she's like NOPE, until being in the Fade puts a dent in her stubbornness. Then she drank from the Well of Sorrows because it was a threat, and she refused to let Morrigan (who she plain didn't like) take that bullet for her. The voices of the spirits were a surprise. She was almost, almost believing in Mythal until they met Flemeth, where Herah's tentative spirituality deflated with a comedic fart noise.

    Her relationship with Mother Giselle TANKED after Giselle tried to a) force Dorian to deal with his father and b) implied that Dorian was a bad influence. Dorian is one of Herah's people, and she defends her people with teeth bared. She likes Dorian; she understands about fear and shame. She would've slit Dorian's father's throat if Dorian asked. Dorian <> Herah, basically, at least in Herah's mind.

    I'm thinking about writing fic about Hera's post-game hijinks with Bull. Despite all her hang-ups about everything else, I headcanon that she ends up in a V where Dorian <> Herah, Herah <3 Bull, Dorian <3 Bull.

    I haven't played any of the DLCs, but I'm spoilered. Inquisition is the first Dragon Age I played, so now I'm going to play Origins. I'm already planning two Inquisition replays, with a male Dalish mage (to romance Dorian) and a female Lavellan warrior (to maybe romance Solas.) EXCITE.
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  19. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    ugh i'm THIS close to saying fuck it to the mod port for female elves it's being a nightmare all the time always
  20. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Aren't EF styles the models with either an extra vertex or one less and that's what makes them such a nightmare to convert to or from?
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