Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    If you bring Anders she becomes a Warden instead.
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  2. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

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  3. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I went back to an old save in the Deep Roads so that Bethany survived as a Warden. Anders was so freaking sweet during that scene. I don't even have my approval on him up to friend yet, but there he is turning in favors so that Bethany has a chance to live.

    A recreation of Agatha's face:


    Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
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  4. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I have to squee about two things the Dragon Age II writers did:

    - the story/gameplay integration of the Varric fight in Bartrand's manor, where it starts as a Rambo no-holds-barred beatdown (because that's how he describes it to Cassandra) with regenerating health bars, ridiculously overpowered Bianca and snappy one-liners. It was too fun for words.
    - the foreshadowing of
    Fen'harel. Just little mentions of him here and there in Merrill's storyline. Chekhov's trickster?
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  5. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    @Nochi just started a replay of Origins while I was asleep and I woke up to a page of Skype messages about foreshadowing in that game
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  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I would like to report that my initial attempts at schematic-ing the Trespasser armors have not only been successful, but my hypothesis that the MP conversions take their textures from the original MP versions is true. :D So the nifty MP Keeper retexture I've made will work with the craftable version and be tintable, and I can make more areas on the Reaver armor be tintable, and, and.
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  7. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    ... whoops, spoke too soon. The Keeper retexture works... so long as your Inquisitor is EF. If they are, the retexture will show on all crafted versions, regardless of who's wearing it. If your Inquisitor isn't EF, the retexture will show on the Keeper MP character when she wanders around in Skyhold's garden, but not on the crafted version. It'll continue to pull from the original texture... I guess?? Maybe there's another version of the texture hanging out somewhere that it somehow grabs.

    idk if the same is going to hold true for the Reaver armor, or if it will cooperate better since there are HF party members. What a stupid problem, though!
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  8. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful


    what do you guys think? i still need to finish the "piping" detailing and find something to do for the panel in green. I want to make it tintable but i'm not sure how it works exactly? like, with the fabrics and leathers that already have their own patterns and stuff like that, when you get the pattern and when you get the tint, etc;
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  9. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    The _t file is the tint map and controls what tint goes where. Each color channel is a different tint. Normally, the red channel is cloth 1, green is leather, and blue is cloth 2; metal tint is controlled by the blue channel on the _s file.

    However, MP armors aren't tinted with materials! They're tinted with specific files under factions > multiplayer > tints. You can change them in-program with 0.19 of the Mod Maker, but the RGB values are in float point, and they're kind of fiddly. You know how to get a deep, rich color when you're putting makeup on an Inq you have to choose a part of the color map that looks like it's almost black? Same principle applies to the MP tints - you have to go way darker than you think for the colors to not turn out screamingly bright. (The metal tint, however, should be both deep AND highly saturated or it will hardly show up.)
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  10. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

  11. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Because they... really wanted Anders to look like Cullen, I guess?

    Somebody should make a "Handsome" mod that makes random characters' faces into Handsome Squidward.
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  12. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    ... I'm genuinely tempted. Even though face morphing for DA2 is a pain in the ass and hideously inflexible.
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  13. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    oh gods and little fishes i wanted to sleep tonight
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  14. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

  15. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
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  16. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    This conversation prompted me to browse some of the mods on that site, out of curiosity to see what people's idea of "more attractive" is, and instead I discovered that someone has made a mod to remove banter where your companions are mean to each other. And like, I mean... obviously I don't begrudge anyone the option to play the game however they find it most enjoyable, but I'm just so confused. Most of your party in DAII are stubborn, opinionated assholes! I thought that was the whole appeal? (It's definitely why I loved the game so much, at least; I'm aware unlikeable characters are not everyone's jam, but DAII seems like an odd game to be into if that bothers you.)

    Okay, I will begrudge them at least one thing: that banter with Sebastian and Fenris isn't OOC for Sebastian, dammit, it's some of the most clever and effective characterization he gets! I mean, it's not like most of their opinions there don't rub me the wrong way, but that's just flat-out untrue. Why would you stan for a character by ignoring their actual characterization instead of just disliking them and moving on to a character who actually fits your preferences?

    On the plus side, someone else made a mod just to give Anders a new cat, so there's that. :3
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  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Wh -

    >:[ THAT'S SO INCREDIBLY SILLY. No, guys, the banters where people are mean or say stupid shit aren't "OOC"!!

    -- oh that's what you said under the spoiler anyway. YES I AGREE.

    also why did they get rid of isabela/fenris.
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  18. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Yeah. O_o DA2 is basically a misfit band of fighty jerks poking and sniping at each other while getting into endless trouble. Sanitizing that out seems nonsensical to me, especially since they're just as nasty to one another outside of banters!

    ime Sebastian stans really like to sanitize his motivations, which is also really weird to me because without those unpleasant parts of his personality he's utterly milquetoast. He needs those unpleasant parts.
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  19. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Sebastian is pretty enough that some people really wanna bang him, which is obviously all that's needed to stan for a character, and making your loins tingle or not is the ultimate test of interestingness in media.
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  20. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    I assume it's a ship they and their friends don't like, and therefore don't want to have to hear about. Which I guess at least does make sense if the goal is to remove the parts that upset them? Still pretty silly to put on a mod advertised as fixing characters being mean to each other, though.

    Possibly it's also a Problematic ship by virtue of their not liking it, but I couldn't say what the rationale would be if so. Friends-with-benefits ships are discriminatory against the asexual? Two bisexuals fucking is perpetuating heteronormativity? Two survivors interacting is problematic because then you can't tell who is Never Wrong and who is to blame for every bad thing that's ever happened in the relationship?

    Yeah, the few people I've seen talking about Sebastian seemed to either go "perfect kind-hearted sweetheart too good and patient and pure for this world" or "horrible self-righteous bigoted religious fanatic, burn him", and that's just... so boring? And so much more boring than what I actually saw in game, too. Like, the most frustrating (and therefore compelling) thing about Sebastian imo is that he is genuinely that nice and good-hearted of a person, but his religion is both so important and so utterly unquestionable to him that he will never even think to consider that it might not be the best thing for everyone else in the world. He really does care and want to help people, but he's so unshakably certain that what the Chantry says is the best way to do that that he'll gladly be endlessly politely condescending to the people who don't want his help and believe he's doing the right thing the whole time. It's terrible in plenty of cases, but what makes it ugly and messy in an interesting, 3-dimensional way is that it's terribleness coming from someone's genuine good intentions, and even worse, because he believes he's doing the right thing confronting him about it would be about as effective as arguing with a brick wall. And that's a hell of a lot more compelling than him just being a self-righteous, oppressive asshole or a sweet flawless saint, imo, both when it comes to getting people to sympathize with him and making people want to very personally punch him in the face.

    Also, what's kind of funny to me is that I actually think being utterly milquetoast is pretty central to his character? But not in the "blandly perfect pure cinnamon roll" way, in the "weak-willed, noncommittal waffler who spends seven years trying to avoid ever making a real decision for himself" way. Like, the most interesting thing about the banter in question to me is

    that not just does he want to turn the companions he's been traveling with for years in to the authorities, but he isn't actually willing to do it himself. I mean, sure, from most decent people's perspective the objectionable part is his willingness to betray Anders and Merrill, but look at it from his perspective: Sebastian genuinely believes that turning these apostates in is the right thing to do, both for their sakes and that of everyone around them, but he doesn't because he can't get anyone else to back him up on it. He essentially chooses to ignore something he believes is wrong and actively dangerous for years just because he doesn't want to face the social consequences of doing the right thing.
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