Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Yeah... I remember my first time going through DA2. I don't think it was blind, bc it was just hard for me to avoid spoilers at that point. But I remember going through Act 3 just getting more and more fed up with Anders, and I was literally saying shit, like, dude if you don't chill out, Dhuma is gonna kill you just to shut you up.

    And then she did. Dhuma Hawke was way too traumatized by everything to make good choices :(( (She didn't romance anyone either.)

    My position on Anders has shifted a LOT in subsequent playthroughs, I think since I rivaled him with Mara. He just seems much more sympathetic (he is now my Problematic Husband) to me now and people defending killing him makes me pretty uncomfortable.

    Thanks for liveblooging! Ag was a lot of fun!!!
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  2. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    AHAHAHAAAAAAA ha.... hhhaaaaa......

    guess who has two thumbs and romanced Blackwall first? THIS GUY

    I am still salty about it

    I thought his stupid "I'm not what you think I am" thing was going to just be some stupid tropey thing like he accidentally let his loved ones die or failed to protect them or some bullshit like that


    And, like, honestly I was mostly upset over it because of the character I was playing: a Qunari warrior who was a brilliant tactician but who HATED killing and would only do it when there was literally no other option. And even then she'd agonize about it. Had an especially soft spot for kids. And also she already had massive trust issues, so Blackwall's reveal just hit her right where it hurt worst.
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  3. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    My headcanon of how things will end up with poor Benjamin* Hawke is: Ben gets more and more distressed and protective of Anders as Act 3 rolls around, is constantly stressed out on his behalf to the point where it's actually affecting Ben's health. Operates on blind faith regarding Anders's Act 3 quest, sees that blind fait be horribly rewarded, now is super hurt and has lost so much of his faith and trust in Anders but also who the FUCK is going to look out for his wreck of a boyfriend now?? Ben can't just ABANDON him, Anders would get himself killed! All aboard the train to a terribly codependent and seriously unhealthy relationship. A clusterfuck situation I have escaped from more than once, now lived through to its horrible extremes via cathartic fiction :D

    * I might actually retcon his name eventually, tbh, but I couldn't really think of one and was impatient to start the game so for now, Ben Hawke it is.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
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  4. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @raginghearts Yikes! How did your Inq react?

    (TBH I would never do the Blackwall romance precisely BECAUSE I can't imagine any Inq of mine do anything but break up after that?)
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  5. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    Fucked up thing I secretly want
    an Inquisitor who romances Blackwall and at the judgment is basically "no you are MINE now and will be who I want"
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  6. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute


    I think the option that actually does that also automatically ends any romance and in fact any friendship with Blackwall, no?
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  7. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    She was terribly upset at the whole thing, completely lost her faith in Blackwall, and banished him to be a Gray Warden cuz she still didn't want him dead or imprisoned but she couldn't stand to be around him any longer. And then she vowed off romance for good :'D That sort of pain and betrayal was just Too Much for her to handle.

    And then Trespasser rolls around and Vivienne (who was Divine in this playthrough) asked about how she was doing regarding Blackwall and just. My heart. Inquisitor Zef (later renamed Asaara once I figured out an actual Qunari name for her, lmao) was still Very Upset over the whole thing and I like to think that Vivienne was the only one who asked how she was doing regarding the whole thing. Like, I think some of the other characters comment on how sucky it is, but I don't remember if any of them ask how you're doing? And especially not after all that time. It made me really like Vivienne after an entire game of having been very Meh about her.

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  8. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

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  9. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    it does but if it didn't!
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  10. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I LOVE THAT TOO!! Viv and Idrilla didn't have the best of friendships - that's what happens when the inquisitor is Proudly Dalish, allied with Fiona and supports Leliana as Divine - but i liked to imagine that they have at least a functional working relationship by the time the endgame rolled, and the whole spa scene and her asking about the LI is so precious and implies a lot of character development that i'm so glad happened.

    you know who else i love in Trespasser? SERA. Best conversations ever???? most concerned companion???? best character???? her journal is absolutely the best?????????!!
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  11. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @witchknights Yes!!! My Orion Lavellan was super close to her but they had a HUGE falling out over the temple of Mythal and though their friendship eventually reignited they never talked about it. Orion was super hurt because absolutely everyone in the whole mess of this game was trying to get him to forswear his gods and his heritage, and that crap coming from such a close friend felt like a betrayal. Eventually of course both figured out that the other's feelings were Not About Them, but they never truly talked it out or apologized, and Sera comforting him about the Evanuris without dismissing his feelings or mocking his belief meant SO MUCH to him... so did the invitation to be part of the Jennies, and so did her remark that some members of Clan Lavellan might still be alive...

    I actually have the headcanon that if the Inquisitor accepts Sera's invitation (which Orion did), regardless of his/hers romance status he/she adopts at least one child with Sera as a consequence of some Red Jenny Shenanigans.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
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  12. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    2016-08-31 16.28.01.jpg
    I am making a Dalish symbol for printing class... it's so tiny and so much work and already the eyes got accidental winged eyeliner hahaha. When it's done I'm probably gonna make a notebook cover from it!
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  13. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Okay so @witchknights and I were talking in the Fanfic Gripes thread about how Cullen Is Totally A Sub, and how the only character who's MORE of a sub than him is Alistair...

    And first, I really wanna know about NSFW headcanons for Dragon Age characters

    Second, I was thinking yesterday about how much fanfic features Dom!Solas and how, even though that's significantly more in character than Dom!Cullen,
    I still would like to see more fic in which a Lavellan in Trespasser is just "holy hell I tied up and spanked one of my Gods, shit shit shiiiiit."
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  14. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    ngl, my Lavellan has a cross stitch thing that says "I took the Dread Wolf"
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  15. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

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  16. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    this classic is relevant again
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  17. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Based on her reactions to Adaar and walking in on Bull and the Inquisitor, Josephine has one hell of a size kink.

    ... So does Sera, come to think of it, but both for her being the smol one and her being the larger one.
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  18. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I am all here for nsfw dragon age headcanons.

    We can throw Dorian into the size kink crowd. I mean, the guy has one hell of a thing for Qunari (much to the occasional despair of Lysander Trevelyan. Because he can't compete with Bull! How is that fair?)

    I headcanon Anders as a massive switch. And when he is in the sub zone he is absolutely pathetic and needy and a blissed out wreck
    when Mara pegs him. Or when Nathaniel tops him.

    Zevran is a jack of all (sex) trades, imo. He can top, bottom, switch, dom, sub. Whatever. But I think he really loves being an attentive lover, showing his partner a good time. And I see him also loving (and being surprised) by a partner who is just as attentive back at him. Like, he's totally game for kinky shit, but I think he has a special place in his heart for sappy vanilla sex too.
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  19. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Soooo certain things happened and I had to move to a new computer. Which means I'm gonna have to redownload DAI and I don't think my old save would carry over.

    Which means I'll have to start from scratch.

    Which, ok, fine. But now I'm not sure who to start with - since I'll be starting over I think I'll do Raz Lavellan later, and do some other background to begin with. Just not sure who to do - the only other Inqs I was thinking about doing were a Reaver!Lavellan and a Rift Mage!Qunari romancing Josie and Harding, but I'm considering just letting random chance decide who I'll play...
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
  20. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Ok so! I wrote silly fic for silly shippy week and I thought it would be cool to post. Cullen/Mage!F!Lavellan, just a short bit about he and my Inquisitor trying to work out their differences.
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