Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Way late to the party but I'd put Mark of the Assassin and Exiled Prince at the bottom of the priority list. They have some interesting stuff, but ultimately they don't add a whole lot. Sebastian is pretty and has a nice voice but is ultimately kind of a bland character whose most stand out quality is being a Nice Church Boy. Mark has a lot more cool lore and areas but way too much of Felicia Day's blatant self-insert - Day doesn't just voice act her (rather badly), Tallis is Day in appearance and personality, but with elf ears on. The DLC really, really tries to strong-arm you into having Hawke like her, so if you push back against that every scene with her in it is super awkward and annoying.
    • Agree x 2
  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Apparently ea won't let you buy dlcs separately for 2, so I decided to put inq off and just get Everything 2 :P thanks yall!
  3. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    • Winner x 3
  4. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    To the tune of 'If You're Happy And You Know It'...

    If you're manipulating Anders and it's fun, clap your hands,
    If you're manipulating Anders and it's fun, clap your hands,
    If he thinks that he's not crazy 'cause you're sweeter than a daisy,
    If you're manipulating Anders CLAP YOUR HANDS
    • Winner x 6
  5. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    My god I am possibly the latest anyone has ever been to a fandom thread ever.
    Hi! I'm neckdeep in DA since christmas and I May Be A Little Over Invested.

    Here are my Wardens/Hawkes/Quizzies (so far I... may have an excel spreadsheet to keep track of currently planned Characters.... >_>)


    Meraud_544.jpg Meraud1_20012.jpg
    Meraud Surana
    Class: Mage
    Race: Elf
    Origin: Magi
    Specializations: Shapeshifter, Arcane Warrior, Battle Mage
    Ahh my first Warden. She's a through and through tyrannical and calculating little shit. Surprisingly also a devout Andrastean! She plays at being an innocent, lovely little baby who can't hurt a fly, but really she's got contingency plans for her contingency plans and she spent the entirety of the Fifth blight ready to shank anyone in the back who might cross her. Played her companions like a fiddle, played Ferelden's court like a fiddle... Really just entirely too manipulative. The only people she has genuine positive feelings for are Zevran and her Mabari Darling. Well and Nathaniel Howe who she's more or less adopted. And also Anders. She's very upset about him and Justice cruelly abandoning her. She was genuinely in love with Cullen and he's her one exception for not ever being attracted to humans even a little bit, but alas, it was not to be.
    They'll have to remove her from office as Warden-Commander with a crowbar.

    [Picture will be added once I get a good screenshot]
    Hallr Aeducan
    Class: Rogue
    Race: Dwarf
    Origin: Noble Dwarf
    Specialization(s): Duelist, Legion Scout
    He's a fucking nerd. Shocked, shocked I tell you, that his siblings would be so mean and stabby to him when he doesn't even want to rule, but mostly for Gorim's sake. He himself is... stunningly okay with being on the surface now. He's spent the trip to Ostagar rolling in grass and sniffing flowers and being a very happy camper. The surface has birds. And Butterflies. It's incredible! Gonna have him romance Morrigan but he's not even gotten that far yet I started the file yesterday :P


    Screenshot20180405181010507.jpg 2018-04-17 (48).png
    Idris Hawke
    Class: Mage
    Personality: Blue/Diplomatic
    Specialization/Skills: Force Mage, Spirit + Primal schools
    Sided with the Mages!
    Idris is the tired dad-friend of the group. Fell utterly and entirely in love with Anders and developed some slightly concerning extremist tendencies as a result. Still he is a very gentle and kind soul, mostly trying to solve problems by talking them out and always willing to lend an ear. If you threaten his friends however he will murder you dead.
    He looks a lot more the part of a rebellious Apostate shielding a wanted criminal after a few years on the run. If this is a good thing or a bad thing depends on your perspective on the matter probably :P
    Idris belongs to the same worldstate as Meraud.


    2018-04-05 (173).png
    Atish'an "Da'Fen" Lavellan
    Class: Mage
    Specialization: Knight-Enchanter
    Ahhh my poor dear disaster girl. Stuck her entire head into every single magical artifact she could find and is thus not what some might call mentally stable. She is viciously defending mage freedom, and tried her best to try and give the Dalish as much as she could secure for them. She was very terribly in love with Solas and his disappearance and betrayal hit her very hard. Like hard enough that she cut all her hair off to like... do something with all her frustrated rage. Especially since she has a son that Solas has no idea about. Athim is raised with another Clan while she runs around with Sera and the other Jennies trying to improve people's lot in all of Thedas. Disbanded the Inquisition. And I haven't quite worked out a visual for it but technically she is wearing a vallaslin design dedicated to the Dread Wolf by now, because Good Decisions? She don't know her.

    2018-05-01 (12).png
    Saar-Raas Adaar
    Class: Rogue
    Specialization: Artificer
    He's... mostly just super fucking scared of everything. Technically also nonverbal and using sign, or writing to communicate, not that DA:I allows for that canonically :P Since he's a pre-existing DA-OC I've ret-con'd a bit of his origin story. He was still born outside the Qun but spent some time actually living under it as well, as Ashaad, then Taarbas, before the toll it took on his mental health got too much to bear and he deserted again. He... did not have the best Tamassran assigned to him to say the least. Either way he ended up with Shokrakar and the Valo-Kas because he was trying to steal food and was caught. Shokrakar offered him to stay instead of getting his ass killed for it and pay off what he took. He... hated every second of it actually and is secretly very glad he got a way out now through the Inquisition.
    He is making very adoring eyes at Cass right now and is slowly converting to the Chantry through talks with her, Leliana and Mother Giselle.

    2018-04-09 (14).png
    2018-04-17 (46).png
    Brejan Lavellan
    Class: Mage
    Specialization: Rift Mage
    She is the kind of woman Meraud Surana pretends to be to catch people off-guard, but genuinely sweet and nice. In fact multiple people have told her that she looks startlingly similar to the Warden-Commander which is pretty annoying for her. Not as annoying as being treated like a child at the age of 27, she knows she has a baby face but it's not that bad.
    She's always been slightly weak and frail, so she's spent most of her time with the Inquisition fine tuning the assortment of herbs she takes. There are a lot. But everyone in the Inquisition is willing to help carry her back to camp if she over works herself. Especially Cullen. Who she is absolutely going to marry, even though her Keeper will probably disapprove. That's also why she ended up cutting her hair off, I can't imagine it's good for Cullen's ability to deal with nightmares if he wakes up next to someone who looks so frightfully like the exact girl The Demon tortured him with :P
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
    • Winner x 8
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  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Well that was far more difficult than it needed to be, what is it with Dragon Age games and screenshots being difficult to get to work?
    Screenshot20180508175722889.jpg Screenshot20180508174057751.jpg Screenshot20180508173716997.jpg Screenshot20180508172143189.jpg
    • Like x 1
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  7. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    • Useful x 2
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Yeah!!! The Templar Armor Schematic actually has different versions for the other classes and I'm gonna put Sera in it bc it looks really cute on her.
    This makes it way easier to deal with various of my Quizzie's personalities, namely my Vashoth Warrior Girl bc I am very invested in the idea of Qunari culturally not wearing much armor armor, my pampered dworf warrior boy for whom most of the heavy armors just aren't stylish enough, and my Very Dramatic Knight Enchanter Trevelyan whom I want in actual heavy armor if at all possible. It also allows me to use the Dalish scout and warrior armor schematics for at least screenshot purposes since I only recently added a rogue lavellan to my quizzy line up and I kind wanna get back on Atish'an's file and craft them just to get a few good screenshots of her in various elven armors :P
    Those crafting materials do not however remove race restrictions so that's still a limiting factor.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
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  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    OH YEAH also bc the wiki doesn't have any screenshots for the Keeper Robe on a female model, or any whatsoever for Dalish Scout and Dalish Warrior armors I went ahead and screenshot them on Brejan and Solas just so i have a reference.
    Keeper Robe f.png Keeper Robe m.png
    Dalish Scout Armor f.png Dalish Scout Armor m.png
    Dalish Warrior Armor f.png Dalish Warrior Armor m.png
    Pls excuse the terrible graphics settings I have to turn them all way down bc I play on a thinkpad and not a real gaming pc xP

    eta: honestly kinda tempted to make one of the scout armors for Brejan even if it's a significant step down from her current armor (The Skin That Stalks) bc it looks pretty cute on her. HMMM....
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
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  11. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    the scout armor is VERY cute i have it for Idrilla in like.... several color combinations
    • Winner x 1
  12. mazarinedrake

    mazarinedrake Well-Known Member

    I don't get why they made the Keeper armor so gendered. The female version looks like recolored version of Merrill's romance dress (which was...kind of fugly already) and that coat would look amazing on *anyone,* regardless of whether they had breasts or not.
    • Agree x 5
  13. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    The lack of coat is what drove me away from using it on my f!Lavellan, because it was one of my favorite aspects of the armor. :(
    • Agree x 2
  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Really im just mad there's no schematic to craft the Sentinel Plate bc that's the really pretty elf themed armor.
    • Agree x 1
  15. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    That can be fixed if you're on pc - I made myself a mod that replaces the model of one of the high-tier schematics with the sentinel plate. I seem to remember there was something a little wonky about it - I think it conflicted with a mod to make all schematics all-class, so it's either one or the other - but it should work okay otherwise. I can test it a bit better and put it up if anyone is interested.
  16. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I have a couple of mods to give the sentinel armor and the keeper coat to pcs, and I was working on a less metallic mod for the sentinel armor for my boy but never got around to finishing it.
  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I've never figured out how to install mods, i'm a lil scurred of it honestly. I might poke at it at some point in the future tho it's good to know it already exists at least >_>
  18. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Mods aren't too hard! It mostly is a bit fussy and takes some setup, but a person would have to really work at it to actually break their game. A few cosmetic mods (which is technically what my schematic mod even is - it just tells the game "use this armor model instead of that other one") are very safe, and if anything goes wonky you can basically just delete the modded patch folder and you're back to normal. It's when you get stuff that messes with actual game mechanics that stuff can get weird - although I'm not aware of DAI mods along those lines actually causing any problems when removed.
  19. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    hey.,.... you should all look at my inquisitors..... because i love them and i worked rly hard on them.....
    yes i KNOW that his name is outrageous, his parents had a panicked burst of spiteful inspiration and honestly they'd never named anything before, they did their best
    ashkaari funsize.png ashkaari funsize 3.png
    sweetpea sheltered religious mage girl of my heart
    margot funsize 2.png margot funsize 3.png
    shes got the default name because she was the first mage i made and i didn't think i would enjoy it as much as i did and then 50 hrs later there i was, full of regret. guess who she kissed
    ellana funsize.png funsize ellana post solas.png
    she's a BABY she is my youngest inquisitor but she's so big n tall that people take her seriously anyway
    asaara funsize.png
    asaara funsize 2.png
    sneaky stabby splodey murder machine (with a heart of gold)
    mirenan funsize.png mirenan funsize 3.png

    I HAVE OVER 2500 SCREENSHOTS OF MY CHILDREN...... i have many more but these are my Favourites
    • Winner x 10
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