Drawing Thread!

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by wixbloom, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Your composition feels off and it would help flow. With the arms ending off the side of the canvas it breaks up the view and really I am Bad At Explaing this is why I am not an art teacher
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  2. You don't have to be an art teacher or be as good as an art teacher to explain. Art analysis a skill, just like drawing. And I got what you mean from that little explanation.

    To be fair there are a couple hiccups of flow in that drawing. Do you think adding more detail, like some wrists and the beginning of hands, where her arms meet the edge of the page would help solve that?
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  3. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    I think you need some more foreshortening in the face and arms, with the angle you seem to be going for. (foreshortening's a bitch, man.) Little more top-of-the-head and shoulders visible, & little bit shorter lower face and lower arms. I also feel like something should be going on in the bottom of the frame to bring it together with the motion/flow of the wings on top, and think that would smooth out the composition a bit.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
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  4. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

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  5. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    more on @autopsyblue 's pic... I think actually bringing at least one of the water-wings down and around to circle or frame Lapis would add some energy and movement and help draw the eye across the composition.... maybe echo the shape in the flowing skirt.

    Just looked at the pic as a whole rather than scrolling, that has a different feel with it. Scrolling I couldn't quite get what the angle was meant to be at any given point, looking at the whole page was a bit more coherent. The full-on face looks determined... foreshortening the face would mean re-working the expression a bit. Is she meant to be looking up straight on into the "camera," like, turning her head up to do it?

    oooh, i just noticed, it is ambien o clock again. I shall have to get offline before I say something hippopotamus.
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  6. [​IMG]
    oc of mine! been calling her bugs
    (head's too big, tried to stylize a bit and things got weird)
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  7. That's a pretty good idea. I could also move her towards the top of the page to get them in the composition, & move her back far enough (or re-adjust the position of the arms enough) that you could actually see her hands, and that'd eliminate the weird hand choppy thing.

    Agree that fixing the perspective will make the piece more effective.
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  8. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen


    Quick doodle of one of my OCs as a dragon prince
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  9. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020


    Drew this as a bg for a html table on a different forum
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  10. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    So that's how layers work

    #i did stuff and then other stuff happened #wow
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  11. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Oops, I made a fursona.

    She is a rat.

    (Her shirt says "that is so cheesy." I will never draw her in shirts that don't have terrible rodent-related puns, this is my vow.)
    • Like x 3
  12. mrozna

    mrozna bloodthirsty hussar fuck

    Ohhhhh, lovely, I like the sketchiness! And it's so nice to know someone from here does Goretober too :D
    Here are mine, all the trigger warnings, etc etc:
    • Like x 12
  13. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    goshhh, your art is so lovely!
  14. mrozna

    mrozna bloodthirsty hussar fuck

    Oh my, thank you! :D
  15. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

  16. mrozna

    mrozna bloodthirsty hussar fuck

    Thanks, oh gosh <3
    I'm trying to come up with the 7th one right now! I really hope it'll turn out good, because today's prompt is one of my favorite kinds of gore OvO
  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    with all apologies to ms pentaghast
  18. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    thinking of combining goretober and inktober bc i wanna do booooth but im already a week behind :"""D gonna do a drawing marathon this weekend tho

    @bluefox THAT IS SO GOOD also everyone should know that she does all that on an iPad without a stylus, wtf, how even
  19. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    @rats do it do ittt! you don't have to catch up, you could just start here? (tomorrow's goretober prompt is "ritual sacrifice!")
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