I was overcome with the urge to draw a cyclops girl with a vertical eye. She has a cleft palate. Spoiler: big pic of cyclops girl
No picture there - just a black square with teh words "The image you are requesting does not exist or is no longer available." and a tiny text "imgur.com"
Fixed it. Imgur was telling me it uploaded twice, so I deleted the "extra", which got rid of both of them? So I upload it again.
finally getting my ass in gear to Do A Draw (who knew, the power of spite is one hell of a motivator. i've made a pledge to draw +1 picture of vivian from paper mario TTYD for every irksome comment that my previous pictures of her gets) and for the first time in months i'm making progress on a Big Artwork! feels good man ....now i just gotta make sure i finish her?
A note: I'm posting my sketches daily on my accontability thread!! posting in the last two days' as well because they turned out pretty nice. now if only i could like the way I draw faces in more angles than just profile. if only.
wee-hours sketching turned into body-type/face practice with five from lorien legacies, i like how it turned out even if i still can't draw ears for the fuckin life of me and, because i forgot his missing eye until i'd already painstakingly drawn it in: Spoiler: hes a pirate
con cons: no tablet, lotsa waiting in line con pros: i like my style better in pencil anyway, nothin to do but draw Spoiler: cant edit it smaller because phone, sorry
finished off one of those redraw sketches i posted a while back! feels so good to have my drive to make art back aaaaa