Sorrel shifts a little uncomfortably. “No, I’m not a member of any court.” They glance up as Switch returns from...whatever they were doing. “So your dealer, where would we find them?”
Switch turns the little human bauble over in their hands, then give Sorrel a slow, uncertain look. "The Fruit Sellers sometimes come to This One... trading goods in exchange for repairs. Some may be found in the Tunnels, if one knows where to look and what to see. Many like The Dog and this one live Below. It is... good business to know where those who need work reside."
"Good," Emer says, latching on to the lead. "Then we have a place to start. I assume they wouldn't have issues selling to a changeling - that's where the trouble's come from, after all. Do we have enough time to go meet them before dawn?"
Ophidian looks stricken at the idea of risking dawn, but understands where Switch is referring to well enough to decide its next course of action. “...Would rather not risk dawn, if possible, no-no-no... Must get started immediately, yes-yes. The prepared dealer will be marked by the scent of death... Will set off after next time and place of meeting is stated, yes. ”
Goose turns his head sharply towards Ophidian. "Geas?" he asks. He doesn't sound horrified, exactly, but he has noticed how most everyone else has sort of elided past that part of their suggestion. "You realize that kind of thing is noticeable if done badly, right?" He sighs, and shakes his head. "This is why fae are impossible, the idea of actually asking someone, or I dunno, your basic bribery?" He scratches at a bit of itchy skin under his shirt.
Aish looks over at the Tuatha changeling and nods approvingly. "Much more sensible. We don't know if this dealer sells to changelings, and we don't know what kind of connections they have. If we start off too aggressive, we could spook the people we're trying to find."
Goose sighs with relief. "Thank you," he says. He looks at Logan for a moment. "Wait," he says. "You said you were a changeling, right? The folks I know aren't exact free with geases--they can screw a person up pretty bad." [[lets pretend ive been referring to Ophidian as Logan this whole time]]
Ophidian shakes its head vigorously. “Only if done badly, yes...Asking, bribery? No-no-no... leaves room for bad information and allows target to alert others...Magical and psychological coercion is best, yes. The geas to extract truthful answers ... threats to extract cooperation ... both combined prevent information leakage – most effective and least conspicuous combination...Preferred tactic for organizing sensitive political coups, yes.” Ophidian delivers this explanation as if it were the most natural thing in the world to discuss.
Sorrel's eyebrows are gradually climbing higher and higher as Logan talks. "We're not organizing a coup, though."
Goose mouths the words "Sensitive political coup" to himself, amazed at what he has just heard. If 'Logan' is trying to avert suspicion, they are doing it in the worst way possible. He nods as Sorrel talks. "Yeah, exactly. This isn't... fae kingdom politics this is talking to a drug dealer. What are you, really? Unless you're under compulsion to not say, which would be hilarious, in a screwed up kind of way." Goose starts pacing. "Also, do you have any understanding of how difficult those things are?"
Switch slowly pets Dog's hair, watching Ophidian with a fixed gaze, head slowly tilting. "This One lives below to be free of politics," they murmur. "We do not want to ruin our Name and business associations with geas and coup, that leads to a need for a new Dwelling Place..." Their fingers are working through Dog's hair in a nervous, fidgeting manner.
Ophidian swivels its head to stare at Sorrel. "Of the same nature, yes-yes. Forcefully extract information and cooperation from target without alerting others' to target's duress." At Goose's words, however, Ophidian begins to panic, snapping its head in the wrong direction to turn to face him, completely unaware that its head has just turned a full 360 degrees. "Please leave I am just doing as Father wishes... I am not used to cooperating with others." Spoiler: Ophidian is not happy Ophidian is not used to posing as a person, to pretending to be a self. It is normally just supposed to be Father's tool, the rumored basilisk spoken of in whispers of the court? Ophidian is visibly becoming very confused and upset, its glamour rippling slightly as its control begins to slip in the midst of its panic and the nearness to dawn. Not aware of what to do in this situation, it sprints off, taking unusually long strides for what should be its rather short appearance.
This is going well, Aish thinks wryly. "Fascinating as Divided Court intrigues and tactics are," they say, only somewhat scornfully, "I'm a bit more interested in the problem at hand. That would be the goblin fruit, if anyone's forgotten, not our twitchy little friend here. So why don't we back off the kid before we lose an ally? We don't have enough of those to start alienating them." They turn to Logan. "And you," they soften the scorn in their voice just a bit, "need to get your head on straight. Literally. The only time someone's neck should be that twisted is if they're dead." They pause, and finally notice that Logan is gone. "Oh. Well, so much for that."
" is not that strange. This One has the same capability of motion. It is within normal operational parameters," Switch argues. "This one sees no reason for concern."
Goose hits his forehead with his hand. "Okay," he says, "okay." He stares at Switch. "Maybe it's a normal range of motion for full blooded fae, but it sure fucking ain't for humans, or changelings." He realizes his tone has become a bit harsh. "I'm not pissed," he adds. "You just pretty understandably don't get out much." He sighs. "Look... that fae is obviously messed up. If they were a changeling, I'd suggest they go to one of the shelters my collective runs and rest for a few days. Since they're not... I dunno."
Switch gives Goose a perplexed look. "Even Ellylon changelings cannot? But how do they replace themselves as their bodies break? That seems very inefficient."
"I have never met an Ellyllon changeling," Goose says, "so I wouldn't know." He shrugs. "We don't use our bodies so hard, in any case," he says. "And 'efficient' is not exactly what we're good at. I mean--there is no purpose for the number of eyes I have, for instance."
Sorrel blinks. What...the fuck. “Logan said they were Candela, not Ellyllon. It doesn’t matter what Ellyllon changelings can do because they’re not one—or, they were claiming not to be one.” They clear their throat and nod at Aish. “Goblin fruit, though. You’re right, you’re right, that’s more important.”
"....what does the Candela have to do with it, be they Candela or not? It does not change This One's question?" Switch rotates one hand with a slow clicking, then leans in to peer at Goose, head tilted. "You cannot use your eyes for more? Why would their number have no purpose? A Body should have a use - it can be optimized to suit the needs asked of it. The Dog has long limbs to let it run swiftly, does The Goose not have extra eyes to see things others cannot?"
Goose shrugs. "They seem to be more metaphysical eyes than anything? Help me from teleporting into a tank of water, or sometimes places I haven't been. That could just be innate though." He looks at Sorrel. "Whatever they are, there isn't any human, or, probably, Candela fae, in there. I think Switch was being general?" He shrugs.