Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Socket

    Socket fuzzy tabletop goblin

    Okay, so there's this one cat that keeps sneaking into our house to eat our cat's food in real life - it's fluffy, black, stares you right in the face upon being discovered thieving and bolts for the door if you move. Except in the dream I had last night, instead of going for the cat flap, it literally opened the front door (the mechanisms of how it did so are completely lost to me) and pulled it half shut behind it??

    And then....ran back into our hallway.

    And then back out, pulling the door to AGAIN.

    Repeat multiple times before I wake up. The dream was literally just this cat running in and out of our front door on a loop that showed no signs of ending. That's ALL the dream was. That was the whole dream.
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  2. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    @Socket idk why that reminds me, but I recently had a dream where we'd switched to feeding my cat canned food in the morning. I woke up groggily, tried to remember how much to feed her, gave up, gave her the entire can, and then went back to sleep. Then the dream fastforwarded to the next morning, when I knew I was supposed to give her 3/4 of a can. So I scooped it out and went back to bed, she followed me up, and we had the following conversation:

    Cat: [disappointed parent voice] What is this?
    Me: Your breakfast.
    Cat: Yesterday I got a whole can.
    Me: Yeah, I couldn't remember how much to feed you. But this is what you're supposed to get.
    Cat: tsk [exeunt cat]

    It was bizarrely normal-seeming.
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  3. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Apparently, flight in my dreams uses Newtonian mechanics now.
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  4. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Hrgbhllrgh I can tell finals stress is getting to me because I'm actually able to remember my nightmares again.

    Can't remember most of it, but the location was definitely a mashup of an old friend's house, the art room in my high school, and one of the lecture halls in my college. Everything was white, white, white, like the sterile overhead lighting kind of white, and there were long tables with stools around. We were supposed to be learning.

    Instead my friend's mom and my stepmom were arguing about... something. My dad was having trouble getting to the room, and I needed him there because... reasons? I think he was the only one that could take me to the doctor. Or the dentist. Whichever.

    And I needed one, because my mouth felt pulpy and overripe and I could taste blood and every time I shifted my jaw, another tooth would push up and out of my gums. All of them were molars, but they were too big to be mine, more like dog teeth. I kept them out into my palm with my tongue because I was hoping I could put them back in-- I didn't want dentures.

    When I reached in to feel my mouth, at least my front rows of teeth were fine. You couldn't even tell I was missing any! But reach a little back and it was all smooth fleshy gumlines with a little bit of hardness underneath, like the way a wisdom tooth feels before it fully emerges.

    Then I would pull my fingers out, and carefully spit up another tooth.

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  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i only remember flashes of my dream last night, but. they were Very Stressful
    one of the only parts i remember is a medley relay race. i'm the anchor, because i'm always the anchor, because i swim better when people are counting on me (and i'm shit at backstroke and breaststroke). we should be winning. we are winning, but when it's my turn i can't move my arms the way i should be able to. there's no power to my strokes, and i'm sinking. it's humiliating and awful and i want to die.

    i remember a large, empty room with very high ceilings. it feels like if a gym was mixed with a stage -- wooden walls and floors, a musty smell, a huge partition that i can't budge. i'm locked in the room. i need to earn the right to leave, but i don't know how.

    a little kid is in the process of earning his right to leave. it's something athletic, and he's got a piece of card with his accomplishments detailed on it. we're not in the room anymore, we're in a kitchen; the kitchen from my second childhood home. my father is there, dismissing the little kid's accomplishments and saying it doesn't count. i argue with him. "Look," i tell him, "Look at the numbers. He did everything right. Look at the numbers, there's a pattern."

    he shakes his head. i start to cry out of frustration. "There's a pattern," i repeat, and suddenly my mouth fills with blood and i can feel my teeth come loose. it hurts, but i spit them out. all of my front bottom teeth fall into my hand. "Look!" i yell. he shakes his head. again i feel teeth come loose, but this time it feels like i've been struck in the face. i spit out my top front teeth, sobbing. "There's a pattern," i tell him.

    in typing out that part i remembered the OTHER dream, which was robot-related.
    i'm in a building and the building is filled with decepticons. why? i dunno. i'm not even sure who i am in the dream. i think at one point i was TFP Soundwave for some fuckin reason.

    it feels like a survival/stealth video game. i have to avoid being seen by anyone, or it's game over. the robots are sometimes the villains, sometimes the hapless victims of some Vague Yet Menacing government agency. the building is sometimes like an office building, sometimes like a school, sometimes like an abandoned warehouse. i think i die many times.

    i have a particular weird feeling about a side entrance that leads to a stairwell. i think i encounter robots there several times, and sometimes i die, but sometimes we hide in silence together, waiting for the end, full of dread.

    eventually the dream starts to feel like a groundhog day sort of thing, where i need to do something to get the world to stop resetting. i never do figure out what it is. there is no narratively satisfying end to the dream.
  6. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I dreamt I was explaining to a dubious listener why this vampire story was really great and not a generic paranatural romance. At the same time, I was the protagonist in the story, and the more I described it the more ridiculously stereotypical it got. I'd try to forcibly change the narrative so that it was less ridiculous, but every change I made just made it even more overblown, a la The Butterfly Effect.

    It was, however, a very entertaining dream.
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  7. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I dreampt that i had to make a time mchine called the minute man, strangely, making it required baby alligators that lived in a box in my room, a nintendo wii, and scented candles. Trazedone dreams are wierd.
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  8. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    It's strange - normally I do my best dreaming when I get to sleep in, but both today and either yesterday or Thursday morning I got only 6-7 hours and still remembered my dream when I woke, although I've lost track of what yesterday-or-Thursday's dream was by now - I only remember it was Hamilton-related, because I've been listening to Hamilton non-stop.

    But today's dream - basically, I think I was someone in the Hamilsquad - Laurens, maybe, or Hamilton himself - but, and this was the worst part, we were all in middle school.

    For some reason - a field trip, maybe - our class was gathering in the school library (which somewhat resembled my own middle school library) for breakfast. Breakfast consisted of... some fruit. One bunch of bananas, assorted apples and oranges, and some grapes - certainly not enough to feed twenty to thirty middle schoolers. I was one of the first to arrive, and sat by the food, but a preteen Thomas Jefferson and James Madison showed up, angry and clearly intending to claim the food for themselves/their squad. I was exhausted, so I just waved a hand at Jefferson & Madison to indicate they could take the fruit, and laid my head down on the table, using my arms as a pillow. My alarm went off soon after.
  9. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    i had like, the epicest dream

    it was in like, the outdoors, but in an ampitheater shaped valley thing, and everything was a grave yard/grave covered ground
    to my right in another valley ish thing was a denser section of graves and churches and fancy old buildings with towers and spires and stuff
    now angles and shit were weird in this dream, because camera angles changed all the fucking time, because from what i remember okay
    me and my classmates? were sitting on a bench (like, 70 meters long, i could see the end over my classmates
    i was on one end, and there was another chair structure thing next to me, on my right side (the end side of the bench)
    these were stuck into the ground amidst the rows of graves and tombs and everything
    it was dusk out, everything was kinda orangey, like twilight town in paper mario 2
    there was some big overarching presence kinda... somewhere, but it was there, and it was kinda swirling around the landscape, as if he had the world and was turning it around in his hands, and so he tilted it to the left and all my class went sliding down the bench out of sight
    i didnt, i held on to the other chair bench thing and chuckled at how smart i was to hav thought of that (im a dick okay)

    and he kept tilting it around, i held on to my thing and enjoyed the ride look at the gorgeous scenery (ducks, ever changing shadows, looking down into the ampitheater shape covered in graves and fancy architecture.
    ad he said, when he started tilting it, "time to break off all those spires" and he had like, some ivisible ball thing rolling around in the sky, and he was swirling around this thing to hit the spires on all the buildings and snap them off
    it was very entertaining, and pretty, and not scary at all honestly.
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  10. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    Last night I had a dream that @Snitchanon was going around to unfinished math problems and finishing them. Snitch had the anonymous face and almost human proportions.
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  11. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

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  12. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    I had a dream last night that I survived the apocalypse. my dream never really specified what happened but apparently everyone where I lived died, except me, and I went around and collected the dogs of everyone who was dead. it was a good dream, because I had a pack of dogs and they were very cute.
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  13. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Turns out @seebs is over 250 years old and helped start the American Revolutionary War.
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  14. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    what, like we didn't already know that?
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  15. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    We did, but in my dreams, I was starting to have doubts about this.
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  16. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    for shame
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  17. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    (Oh, and by the way, Seebs, immortals are supposed to change their names, or else they get noticed too easily. Come on.)
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  18. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    i forgot to write this down yesterday so ive only got the highlights:

    i was in some sort of school type place? i was participating in a challenge, probably influenced by how many competitive cooking shows ive half-paid attention to. it involved rearranging a fridges contents to be laid out symmetrically in the fridge, and also separately surviving the room filling up with water?

    and i was part of some class that was going to graduate or something, but it would conflict with the challenge and nobody had told me what i was meant to prioritize so i ended up wandering into the rehearsal or something? and everyone was wearig a particular weird shirt&pants combo that was probably ceremonial but i of course didnt have one. and then as i was walking into the classroom embarrassedly, holding my phone and headphones, my phone started ringing and i got even more embarrassed. i then woke up because my mom was actually calligg me.

    other highlights include me, trying to gift shop before the graduation, and ended up beside this cute person who was wearing a suit and had their hair all in a cool bun. we awkwardly stood next to each other examining this display of earrings but then she was like "um hi?" and walked to another part of the store. awkwardness was probably due to her being my crush from my last job, who i sometimes see around but never wearing a suit or with her hair done like that.
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  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Man I would really like this trend of "dreams with interesting plots and forward movement that take an abrupt right turn into Specific Phobia Land" to stop.

    What was I dreaming about last night? Fuck if I can remember! But I know it was pretty interesting right up until I turned into a small child in a large house, trying to find my parents and every time I got to a room I thought they were in, somehow it would be empty.

    It was one of those old, wooden houses, where it's not that it's falling apart but it's clear that the floors haven't been polished or waxed in a long time and the wood is starting to dry out and it's just rough enough to be worrying. All the windows were too big and bright and fogged over, and it didn't matter how many lights or soft furniture there was in any of the rooms, all of them had that particular blue-white washout effect that makes the world feel dusty and abandoned.

    Eventually things don't quite get darker, but they do get grayer-- it's not just that things are getting dimmer, but they're also getting less saturated. And I'm still looking and looking and looking, because something bad is chasing me and I know I can't let it catch up. Shadow people peek out of dark corners as I run down endless hallways through kitchens that sound like my parents but have no one in them. More and more of them are showing up and I'm still running, but the thing chasing me is catching up.

    And there's a dead end. And it catches me.

    Now I'm possessed, and not quite a shadow person myself. There's something under my skin, like a fullbody splinter that I can feel trapped between every layer of my flesh, and it's moving. From the outside, I'm just a little bit darker, a little bit grayer, but on the inside I can feel it laughing at me. I couldn't find anyone, but it can. And it's going to do horrible things, and all of those horrible things will be my fault, because I deserve it.

    I woke up when it started laughing.

    And of course, predictably, because my brain hates me, I never wake up from this shit at like, dawn. It's always three in the goddamn morning, right when everything's at its stillest and darkest and s/o is asleep so I can't ask them to tell me that the things in the mirror aren't real and aren't out to get me. Thank god my nook was charged, because otherwise I would have had a pretty bad time this morning.
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  20. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I had a dream last night where me and @Kaylotta started a clash of clans game together, but we were playing in my backyard, that was where we hadto build our stuff.
    we got a goat and a chicken, we fed them, I got mad at in app purchases, goat ate different food than the chicken, and we got a store block thing too.
    it was a square platform, and around 3/4 of the edges were barstools, with dividing screens between them, and each was labelled a day of the week.
    you could buy different things from each one
    whenver, not just the day it was labelled.
    it was a very strange dream.
    i remember kay saying something along the lines of "why are we playing this it is so dumb and boring"
    and me responding with "its an app for teenage boys what did you expect"
    even dream me is an asshole, great :P
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