Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    Oh, and since I was up and down a couple times last night, there was also something about a prince trying to gain popularity with the masses via a noble sporting event type thing so that way when he eventually enacted his plans to overthrow the king, people wouldn't be as upset. Like, no one will oppose you if you're a pop icon, right?
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  2. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I just had a weird dream where I fell asleep on our backyard lawn and when I woke up there was a dead magpie on the path around the side of the house

    A green kingfisher and a herring gull came down to et some of it and it felt symbolic af but idek
  3. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    So I dream a lot and I've been sick this week, so I've been sleeping extra. So I have two dreams from last night to share with you.

    In one, I had to go to church with my cousins because ??? But my cousins went to one of those churches where you have to dress nicely. I've always gone to churches that are casual wear. So I was just like "why do we need to wear fancy clothes? I don't think God cares" and then I'm not sure if it was in the dream or when I was first waking up but some weird train of thought about "God is a spiritual entity and doesn't need clothes. You could probably go to church naked and God would just be like 'hey, I made that' "

    Anyways, other dream was about how Family Guy should end since it's been on TV so long. Basically Stewie finally manages to kill Lois and Peter has to take care of the kids. Peter eventually dies because of him doing something stupid, like he does, and then Brian takes custody of the kids since he's the next closest to an adult in that family. Meg makes it through puberty okay, Chris grows up to be fairly average, and Stewie finally starts growing up instead of being a baby forever. End series!
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  4. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I've been getting lots of dreams about people cutting my hair recently. In one of them, my mother was convinced I was pressured into growing it out by Internet friends, and in another, I just looked at myself in a mirror at some point and it was shorter.
    Also, my latest dream featured a supervillain who was a closeted trans man. It came up because of, IIRC, some superpower thingy that only worked against women, it didn't work and he said something like "Oh, yeah, by the way, I'm a guy."
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  5. ButchTwink

    ButchTwink Well-Known Member

    last moring right before I woke up I had a dream that god hates anime in the drama catergory, because it's mostly shallow fanservise (i'm not sure if this is true or not I hardly watch anime)
    I'm just thankful I'm not the type of person who would take this seriously as a vision, this would be embarrassing as hell to prophesize about
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  6. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    i dreamt that my dad and i drove up a hill to a castle but my mom and brother were already there with a cage with 3 rats in it. dad was unrealistically ok with surprise!rats, i petted them and one was like (grooms u because ur hand tastes like jam or something) a+ rat simulation
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  7. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    I had a dream that my cat took the caps off of all my angry orchard because she wanted to play with them and then i had to drink all the angry orchard
  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    so God likes nudity and hates the drama genre of anime

    thanks kintsugi prophets :P
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  9. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    @unknownanonymous Hey, we haven't selected our high priest/whatever religious title yet. Wanna get in on the ground floor of this?
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  10. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    A reoccurring theme in my dreams tonight was mercury. One dream featured a vial of mercury exploding during a high-altitude airplane flight and the fumes poisoning some famous person who was in the plane, and then someone made a song about it. I' another, near the end, the "main character", some kind of bird person, got covered in mercury which stuck to their feathers. That last dream ended with said character having to sacrifice another on an altar, but the dream ended when the knife touched the other's skin.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  11. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Most of my dreams are bizarre things involving things like having to climb on the roof because the school was disgorging massive numbers of the same 10 small children who were trying to chase me and some other not so small children, but the small children were taking a longer route than we were and also there was a cliff under the hedge and a hedge on the roof. And a helicopter was flying in circles nearby, possibly watching us. And we were all na'vi.

    But a while ago (like, a few months ago), I had a dream which was weird because it made sense.
    In the dream, Toby Fox released an update for Undertale. At first nothing seemed to be changed, so the internet was all yelling about WHERE IS THE SECRET, and I was doing another True Pacifist run. And then when I got to Asriel, after saving the six monsters, instead of going 'there is still one more person to be saved', it had Asriel decide that the reason his mind controlled monster souls weren't attacking Frisk anymore was because he had slightly less soul power than he thought, so he decided to make up the difference by stealing a bit of Frisk's soul, and then the narration disappeared and the only SAVE option was "NARRATOR", which was Chara.
    I can't remember what Chara's attacks were, but there was some flavour text again, except it was just counting. Redtext counting. Chara also had a speech bubble which had the exact same counting, in the same font and everything. It didn't start at 1 either, it started somewhere in the double digits and counted up at a rate of one a second, on the second. If it was left long enough to get to one hundred, instead of saying "one hundred", they said "two billion" and went back to counting from one, with the implication that they'd been counting for 2 billion seconds/over 60 years.

    Chara was floating with their arms crossed/kind of triangle-y, with each hand on the opposite shoulder. Their head was slightly bowed and their eyes were shut, so it was like...the pose people are buried in? But floating and vertical.
    There was a chain around their neck but it didn't show up at first because their arms and hands were in the way. Also they didn't react to any ACTs properly-like, didn't seem to hear Frisk if they yelled or feel them if they touched them. But at some point of trying ACTs, their arms moved very slightly and the chain around their neck showed up.

    After a few more ACTs, Frisk would physically move Chara's arms out of the way, which they didn't seem to notice either, and then the chain turned out to be the Heart Locket with a bright red sliver in it-Chara's soul, which Asriel had taken thinking it was a bit of Frisk's. That opened up a new ACT option, take, which had Frisk try to take the locket. That made Chara wake up. They weren't upset that Frisk had their locket-instead they were just like. "Your hand's so warm." That showed up in the narration box and their speech bubble too.
    Frisk put the soul locket on for some reason and then it went back to the Asriel fight with Chara narrating. Asriel was really surprised that Frisk had the locket-even if they'd been wearing the Heart Locket earlier, they'd been wearing Asriel's locket and this was Chara's locket, which had been buried with them and also had a soul piece in it.

    The rest of the Asriel fight continued as normal, but after Frisk woke up after the fight, they were still wearing the locket and some of the characters commented on it. It was also a menu option, with the submenu options "Check", "Hold", "Pet" and "Kiss".
    Check at first resulted in a confused Chara ("I'm dead. I don't have stats.") but after a few Checks they realized Frisk was asking them how they felt and said they felt alright. After that the Check text would change depending on what Frisk had most recently done with the locket, and how long ago it was.
    Having them 'hold' it resulted in them holding the pendant, which to locket!Chara felt like a hug. That one was a toggle option-they'd keep holding it until you told them to stop. Having them pet the locket felt to Chara like headpats, and having them kiss the locket followed by quickly Checking Chara resulted in the Check text of either ??!? or !!?!.

    It was possible to make Chara fall asleep with the right combination of locket acts, which would change all flavour text to [The narrator is asleep. Wake them up?] and a yes/no prompt. It also would be commented on by Napstablook.
    It was also possible to make Chara cry happy tears if Frisk was affectionate enough with the locket but didn't get the right combination and timing of acts to make Chara fall asleep. If you kept having Frisk be very affectionate to the locket, Chara would eventually get the hiccups, and proceed to rant in the narration box about how they were dead and a locket spirit and they didn't even need to breathe and HOW DID THEY GET HICCUPS. Napstablook commented on both Crying Chara and Hiccups Chara. Napstablook didn't know how Chara got the hiccups either.

    Most of the dream was just me going through the entire True Pacifist walkaround several times, trying to find out all the new content-which was entirely locked (heh) to the True Pacifist route and in the Asriel fight at the earliest.

    Also there was still a running gag of 'how did you get that locket', with the additional running gag of 'you...really like that locket', including the option to nuzzle it in front of Burgerpants and weird him out. It was even possible to kiss it in front of Asriel. He made an utterly bewildered face.

    Tl;dr bizarrely perfectly coherent dream of mostly Charisk fluff...with Chara in a locket.

    Edited to put the wall of text in a spoiler, add a tl;dr, and adding a paragraph about the dream in general. I didn't remember all of the dream, because it was over an hour of subjective time.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
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  12. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    @palindromordnilap I edited the wall of text to add some clarifications, and also to put the really long dream in a spoiler!
  13. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Most recent dream involved:
    going to a store to get a dick, and then going to some weird warehouse store where i either secretly flirted with this girl or had previously flirted with her and just walked past her this time. Also something about some kind of apocalypse, and at one point i was just chilling out in a sauna or something watching a movie with some older guy.
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  14. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    - A bunch of Kintsugijin were in a therapist's waiting room, myself included. I at least remember @rigorist and @chaoticArbiter. Things got very PDA-y between me and them (... Cedar. Not Rigs. Ew.) but then they said I was being ridiculous and then left.
    - Something about going to a restaurant on the beach but there were some activities right next to it a bit earlier than when I was planning to go there so I was kinda hesitating between going earlier and maybe not liking said stuff or just going there at the planned time and possibly missing something interesting.
  15. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    I was part of a group of hunters, hunting deer. We were using kitchen appliances as waymarkers, with post-it notes on them that they're not litter but a hunter trail.
    Found proper streetstyle-type hunter trail signs, and group leader was like "ok we're on someone else's trail but that doesn't matter if we get the deer first". we follow.
    The hunter trail curves, but i hear noises straight ahead. loud noises. and there are people, cowering by a rock. group leader is like "sweet, we found it first"

    it was not a deer

    it was a 3 or 4 m tall giant with an urukh-hai sword on a chain, which he whipped about to get some momentum before throwing it
    group leader and the other hunter start shooting at the giant, and then start using the rifles as clubs against each other because they both wanted the kill.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
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  16. Socket

    Socket fuzzy tabletop goblin

    Last night's dream was...weird, and weirdly vivid?

    I was on a school trip, alongside a bunch of girls who were all still like, secondary school age, hunting and subduing Giant Eldritch Monsters. The teacher drove us from place to place in a minivan, and the journeys were mainly spent making dumb jokes and taking selfies with each other? The only monster interaction I remember well was when we pulled up to a beach and all had to change into swimming clothes, because the creature we had to deal with was a ways out into the sea.

    The teacher led us in swimming out, and it was this huge jellyfish-octopus-esque thing with luminescent baubles on the end of its tentacles*. We trod water just above/around it while the teacher recited us an obscure riddle that would apparently give us a hint about what we were meant to do here. Sadly, I don't recall the riddle, but I do remember the answer: the jellyfish responded to 'Architecture, Suffering, and Malice'. This was unhelpful, and we just sort of guessed at what to do with it as it floated beneath us - a few girls dived down and pulled up its glowy tentacles to place them on its head, but that didn't do much. It didn't interact with us at all.

    Meanwhile (via a sudden perspective shift), on a nearby piece of coast, there were a couple of people deciding to build something (a hotel? apartments?) on the cliffs. They were aware of the Jellyfish Thing, and that the construction would create a painful level of noise under the water, but were about to go ahead anyway.

    Perspective returned to first-person, and the class swam back to the beach and decided the creature was pretty much benign and unlikely to cause any havoc - we'd just paddle in dinghies past it (so as to be quiet) and make our way to an island a little ways past it. As we made it to shore, construction began on the cliffs, and the Jellyfish Thing abruptly reared up out of the water and smashed half the cliffline to pieces, because it really doesn't take well to Architecture, Suffering, and Malice.

    The island we arrived on was populated by Moomins?? One of them was huge, but he was pretty chill. The island was also host to roving communities of young children (like, 4-6 years old) driving around in functional plastic cars. A group of them pulled up to me in what I'm pretty sure was a red plastic Porsche and invited me to hang out, but I turned them down and mused in silent horror that there were all these unsupervised children living like rich teenagers. ....And then I was woken up, sadly, so I didn't get to explore any more of Moomin Island!

    *It was kind of reminiscent of Sin from FFX crossed with The Adventure Zone's 'Void Fish'. Very hard to describe!
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  17. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    oh man okay I had. such a weird dream last night.
    so it started out, like, I was in a video game--I don't really remember what the game was about. it was somehow multiplayer, but also you didn't have to do multiplayer, and it was a story game, and there was like....a dead prince and you had to like, help the princess and stuff, and it was somehow incredibly action packed and crazy, and it was played with like, VR headsets, or something.
    anyway, the creator of this game somehow turned out to be a member of @Lissa Lysik'an's poly family?? I. I have no idea how or why, but apparently it was one of them who made the game. and initially, people absolutely loved it. but then they found out that Lissa had like, crazy awesome scores and stuff in the game? and some people were like "this is impossible and faked" and other people were like "these scores could exist, but Lissa clearly does not" (hello KiwiFarms I guess??) and they started harassing the member of Lissa's poly family who made the game. and then like....Lissa's scores and stuff were suddenly just, erased from the game and the whole group went underground and no one heard from them for ages, even though originally there was a sequel to the first game planned, and suddenly people were worried about not getting the sequel.
    so....I existed in dream time for like, a year maybe, during which I ended up dating my ex, and my ex also dated a guy who had a twin, and the twin was a girl, and I ended up dating that girl? and I also encountered some weird businesswoman who was like, super into new trends and stuff, but was also majorly one of the people who'd harassed Lissa's family. for some reason in the dream I started talking to her and learned that she'd like, had to fight her way up from nothing, and she started giving me tips and stuff about how to get by in life and get to a position like what she had in life. but then after like, a year of this, I heard from Lissa again, totally randomly?? she was apparently on my Skype, and she Skyped me, and....gave me details of the sequel game that was being made, but no clue of their whereabouts or anything. and I was like "oh my god okay the game is cool but where are you are you okay" but she didn't answer me.
    and then @emythos showed up and gave some, like, inspirational speech about doing what you needed to in order to be happy? and somehow this translated to dream me as "find Lissa and her poly family".
    so I scoured the globe and trekked to where I thought they were and they were like, in some giant mansion-like place. and for some reason on arriving, I didn't actually knock on the door or anything normal. no, I scaled the wall and climbed in through a window. but Lissa was weirdly happy to see me anyway? but then there was an argument about my associating with the businesswoman who was responsible for much of the harassment, and then somehow it transitioned to me seeing stuff of the sequel game.....and then I woke up.
    also Baby, or dream version of Baby, was briefly involved when I arrived at the mansion-like place.
    I'm just?????? what
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
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  18. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    hehehe - that's cool. I approve of your dream-writer.
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  19. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    I had a dream the other day that Batman had Minions. Like, just in Bruce Wayne's manor, a bunch of Minions. They took care of the manor and made his Batman tech. And there was someone who got close to Bruce and was gonna try to kill him and one of the Minions sacrificed itself triggering a trap to get the person to protect Bruce.
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  20. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    i dreamed i somehow got put into a bird body (orange wattled kokako-considered extinct).

    sometimes i'd be watching from outside my body, with a time lag, which made things confusing. luckily that only started after i'd figured out flying so i could fly solely by propioreception. there was a large bit where it was coherent, i had to go help stop the end of the world, and then it got derailed by a very large whale that was somehow swimming just fine in the shallows and was covered in sparrows that were all scared of me.

    also flying was consistent. there was ground effect and thermals and everything. i've had wings in a few other dreams, they've always had consistent flight physics. even the albatross one. flying as an albatross person was interesting, i crashed a lot since i couldn't use any experience from my other flying dreams so my 'muscle memory' was useless. albatrosses fly weird. (i was woken up just as i figured it out, it was very confusing, going from having the proprioception of a six-limbed, tailed, winged humanoid albatross person in flight mid-turn to normal me in bed.)

    other flying dreams included one where i was like...a rainbow feather person with eagle wings, and i flew fine until i got wet and then couldn't take off again. and another one where i had wings on the upper back and no tail. steering was hard, my center of gravity was too far forward, and i couldn't figure out how to fly without ground effect-a control problem, not a lift problem! i could still get enough lift.
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