Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Today on "weirdass crossover dreams," I was Papyrus from Undertale (which is weird enough, bc usually even if the dream is populated with anime/game/etc characters I'm still Me). Me and Dream NPC Sans are supposed to be giving some sort of... presentation? Demonstration? something to do with gravity magic anyway. Except instead of Asgore the king is Megatron, and part of the Decepticon science team is there too (I distinctly remember Shockwave, but the rest are now Vague Dream People).

    Before we can start the demonstration the base gets attacked? I think? Something happens to partially destroy the room and distract the king, most of the scientists scatter, and somewhere in all that Toriel is Mysteriously Injured. Or at least rendered comatose somehow. (Yes, apparently Megatron is married to Toriel. 0kay brain.) Megs throws one of his classic fits, Sans attempts to run interference (thanks bro!), and somehow I/Papyrus get(s) assigned guard duty over Toriel.

    End scene.

    Some questionable amount of time later, Papyrus/I (but not Toriel?) get(s)... rescued? Unearthed? by humans, who decide the obvious course of action is to adopt skeledude. (Very subtle, brain.) Also, randomly got some dissociation and nonverbalness going on from this point forward? One of the only things I/he can remember of the past is Sans, so the object of the dream becomes Find Sans. Who is apparently still doing Science Shit on the surface in this Good End mixed human-monster society? Or at least The Evidence suggested he was at some research facility in West Virginia. (Why specifically WV??)
    So I/Papyrus and one of the human kids go on an Adventure to find Sans. At some point a random monster (not from Undertale or TF, just... visually not human and idk what else she would be in the world already established) takes my human buddy hostage (?? Why?), and wants gourmet chocolate of all things in exchange for letting her go.

    So I find... what the dream claimed was a chocolatier, but looked more like a general high-end tourist trap? Lots of fancy sweets, sure, but also hand-blown glassware and intricate enamel- and metalwork on shit like pens and decorative knives and such. (At some point while I was looking for the place, one of my IRL friends- let's call her E- showed up too.) So I finally find actual chocolate, but buying it would take the last of my money and we still have to get the rest of the way to West Virginia. E offers to cover it like the bro she truly is, but heeeey apparently this me-Papyrus fusion still has my brainbugs, because Suddenly Anxiety, I Can't just let E pay (even though? I am perfectly fine with her buying me shit irl? We are chill??)

    And then I anxiety-spiraled myself awake. Merry Christmas??
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  2. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i had a dream that called itself the series finale of steven universe. in it, steven got the new Gem powers of Turning Off Electricity, and Stopping Time In Specific Areas And Making Those Areas Temporarily Disappear From Everyone Else's Sight - except those powers were both the same one, somehow.

    and the reason rose quartz turned herself into steven was revealed. she had fallen in love with a female-gendered spirit named gardene, and could only be with that spirit if she gave up her corporeal form. so she did that, and all the characters (except rose, of course) thought gardene was a villain. but she wasn't, apparently.

    watching the world as an incorporeal spirit, being like the wind, and being able to see anyone or anything she wanted anywhere - that was the way rose wanted to love and was most suited to loving. she didn't want to be physically and emotionally close to anyone specific to love them, she didn't want to be tied to anyone specific, to know any one person really well - she just wanted to watch the world from afar, never interacting, just observing.

    and gravity falls got a season 3, with bill cipher there, but i don't recall what happened in that part.
  3. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I dreamt I was very enthusiastically trying to explain that Arnold and Victoria were Germanic and Latinate variants on the same Proto-Indo-European name.
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  4. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    Had a dream about some vampires just sitting around and vaping. Just chillin'. And all of the flavors they had for their vape juice? Things that were red, like pomegranates and cranberries. Because aesthetic.

    The worst part? Told a friend and he promptly called them vapires XP
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  5. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I dreamed I found someone I know from some other website's Tumblr URL. There was much less Superwholock than expected.
    A dream fragment from the night before that: I'm at... I dunno, some kind of speech or concert, and someone starts talking to me, asks me my name, I tell him my name's Alix, he then says my birth name, and I start panicking and only just before waking up do I realize he was telling me his own name. To be fair, my birth name is incredibly rare.
  6. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I had a dream a while back where my store had a new manager. He told me I was fired because my stories were boring and no one liked them, which made me super indignant. Then he added "Also, you told [coworker] and [coworker] "Fight me", which was inappropriate," and all I could say was "... yeah, fair."
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  7. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    this morning i had a dream where a girl about my age was interrogating me about my major/what i was doing with my life; i had said something to the extent of "well i was majoring in computer science but right now i'm focusing on creative writing."

    and she went something like "don't you feel bad, having abandoned [academia/science/STEM]?"

    and i leaned across the table, feeling the crushing weight of shame over having failed repeatedly in college and in comp sci specifically, and said, "I have depression. I Want To Die."

    and she just said "oh."

    (then i woke up and went "okay, i'm fucked up about my failure as a student, yes, but i'm not actually suicidal over it, brain, what even?")
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  8. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    So I had a dream that... started off as one thing but somehow ended up another. I don't remember the first part well except it ended up with someone being taken to a residential psychiatric facility. Anyways, the interesting part of the dream? There was this blue horse thing. It was blue, had two tentacles coming out of its back for grasping, had antlers with eyes in them, and possibly wings. Anyways, this horse was dealing with some stuff, like figuring out their gender identity. So at this school/residential facility, one of the counselors had to send out an email to everyone that was like "eldritch abominations can have gender identities too, get with the program guys". This horse was... I think one of their parents was an elder god. And the horse may have had a crush on a human woman and was trying to ask her out maybe? And also working on confidence issues. One of the other eldritch abominations was a real jerk but then the horse met their parents and the horse was like "hey, I met your parents and they're nice and they like me, you dick!".

    The email sent by the counselor, though? Apparently there were certain issues that were common enough that he had a form thing with drop-down menus to generate these emails quickly. So instead of eldritch abomination, he had a drop-down menu for pthagn and another menu for gender etc. Like basically a generated basic email which had content like "Just a reminder that eldritch abominations can have gender identities and they are valid and you need to respect that" and then he'd just edit it from there.
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  9. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    I dreamt that I had turquoise dreadlocks but they were really more like fuzzy tentacles.
    it was rad.
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  10. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I dreamed that a forum member I won't name (because that would be mean, and actually kinda inaccurate) had been in a coma for 9 years and that's why they act like they're in their early teens.
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  11. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Had a dream the other night where I was D.Va trying to seduce Soldier 76. He was like "you're 19, no way" and generally having none of it. There were also three other D.Vas around offering advice and/or mockery. One of them may also have been Asuka from NGE? Eventually 76 gave me a puzzle-three-dimensional-maze-ball-thing (a thing i actually have irl) as a "still not interested in fucking but i feel kinda sorry for you" consolation gift.
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  12. shmeed

    shmeed plant me

    I had a dream there were fishing poles hanging from the ceiling, and the hooks were dangling over my bed, and I had to fix it.

    I woke up standing on the bed grasping at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, trying to explain to my partner that I had to take down the fishing poles so they wouldn't hurt us
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  13. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    I once had a dream where I had albatross wings and an albatross tail, and my parents had taken me down to the beach to learn to fly.

    About halfway through it got derailed-I was suddenly inside, and there were a bunch of random things appearing, including coloured blocks that were somehow related to a random Tardis-lookalike thing.

    I got so annoyed at the sudden scene change that the dream rerailed itself.

    Also, I kept underestimating my wingspan and mucking up turns by having one wingtip hit the ground/water; this usually happened up at the sand dune my parents were on. I'd gotten the hang of it and were just about to try to fly to a tiny island and back when my mother woke me up to ask if I wanted takeaway sushi for lunch and if so, what kind. It was a very disorientating wakeup, but the sushi was good.
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  14. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    Dreamed the other night about the dinosaur man! Or, more accurately... There was a guy trying to find the dinosaur man. Which was basically a person with velociraptor legs and a tail? But then he started chasing me, convinced that I was some missing link between man and dinosaur. How did he come to this conclusion? Something about how I like to walk on my toes and raptors and digitigrades. So he was trying to catch me so he could get an x-ray of my skeletal structure to see if my bones were different and he also kept trying to pull down my pants to check me for a vestigial tail. Lots of chase scene shenanigans ensued because nu-uh, no one's pulling down my pants to check out what's going on down there!
  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Zombie virus dream.

    It started at like... a combination wiki page and tumblr post talking about it. Specifically, talking about the diversity of the main characters? One of the big protags was an older lesbian, whose wife was a first casualty when the virus broke out. Skimming through plot details, bouncing over character pages.

    Then it snaps into the PoV of the older lesbian. Except she's very young now, midtwenties maybe, working in a resort hotel (you know the kind, the ones where they're like malls on the inside two stories and you technically don't have to leave the resort area for anything) with her newlywed wife. They go out to the ocean, because they're on vacation time right now, and meet a woman.

    Wiki knowledge pings! This is Patient Zero.

    Snap back to MC PoV. The woman's pushy, complaining about how her husband isn't paying any attention to her, and then trying to force MC and her wife into giving that attention. Latches onto perceived interests and tried to use that. Tries to pull them into a game of volleyball. MC is uncomfortable, and notices that Patient Zero's palms aren't skin colored anymore, they're slightly swollen and red-leaning-purple.

    Flash of the wiki again: the virus isn't actually bloodborne.

    MC PoV. Pulling away from Patient Zero and heading back to their towels and their things. Patient Zero loses it, throwing a tantrum, and throws up blood on their things. MC and her wife are really unnerved, but security escorts her away, and they clean up their things as best they can. Long lingering camera angles on the blood splatter that Wife wipes away without thinking.

    In the shopping area of the resort now, near a floor of slot machines. Older man walking around, accosting people and demanding them to tell him where his wife is. MC and Wife head over to a coffee shop, and on their way are accosted by him. They try to extract themselves when they start hearing screams. Out of the crowd comes this red figure, dripping blood. It's Patient Zero, but her skin (which is still there) is swollen, oozing, her hair lank is smeared with blood. She lunges for MC, and Wife gets in the way. Husband tried to grab her, and Patient Zero attacks him, ripping into him and sending the screaming crowed even more hysterically away. Everyone is running. MC and Wife are among them.

    They barricade themselves in one of those stores with a small restaurant attached. MC asks for something to cut things with, and turns away one of the restaurant workers that tries to hand her a knife. "I don't want anything from the food prep area, or that might come into contact with food." Someone gives her a penknife, and she cuts away the bloody sleeve that Wife blocked Patient Zero with. Wife gives her a troubled look, and everyone else looks concerned too; they're smart enough to know this is how zombie movies start.

    Wiki flash: the virus isn't technically a virus. It's spores, a variation on Red Tide, travels in the unfiltered air. It can be fought by the immune system, but it is insidious.

    MC PoV. Sitting in a stockroom with Wife in self-imposed quarantine. There are some others in there with them, people who touched Patient Zero or have blood on them from unsure origins. Wife is petting MC's hair, telling her about their first date, about the way she'd looked in the soft glow of restaurant candlelight, about how much she loves her. There's a commotion, and one of the people from the restaurant opens the stockroom, looking grim. It's not the blood, he says. You can all come out. It can't be the blood, because the chef started bleeding and attacked someone, and he hasn't seen any of you.

    Wiki flash: the chef takes runs on the beach in the morning, as is revealed by the CDC in a later episode. This is how they realize the origins of the 'virus'.

    MC PoV. A riot. Everyone trying to flee the resort, but being hunted all the same. Multiple infected now, attacking everything in sight. People trampled by the crowd. Security officers trying to shoot the infected, but missing as often as they hit. A camera flash on MC's wedding ring where her fingers are entwined with Wife's. Gunshot, blood on MC's face, isolated audio track of her screaming. She gets out, but Wife's body gets left behind.

    MC PoV, twenty years in the future. Kissing her ring as she surveys the fortifications of the settlement they've established and protected. Infected, if caught early enough, can sometimes use antifungals to burn out the spores. Around ten percent of the population is either naturally immune or just robust enough to never succumb to the infection. She is the latter, and guides her community with grim resolve and a kind heart. Things are changing around here, and she intends to make sure the changes are for the better.

    Cut to opening credits of show. Season One begins here.
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  16. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    He says "guess the weight of Europe...to within 43 pounds." And he's grinning the grin you have when you have an absolutely awful pun lined up and your audience is about to hate you forever, and you're making sure that your victims know that you have said pun and there's nothing they can do about it.
    But then I wake up before he says the answer.
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  17. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I dreamt that Lucio from overwatch was a gem (an emerald, I believe) and fused with Lapis Lazuli to make Aquamarine, who was terrifyingly hot.
    She then immediately set about holding a concert in a giant pool, with bonus water powers for dispay and also breathplay with the spectators.
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  18. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Dream fragment: So, it was a summer evening, the sun was just setting, and I was having dinner at a table outside with my family, except I wasn't allowed to leave at all. The conversations stretched so much it went through the whole night and it was dawn by the time the dream stopped. And we still weren't supposed to be done.
  19. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I dreamt I was at the hot new grilled-cheese-tasting restaurant. Because they'd just opened they had a promo where you could pick any six grilled cheese, even the super fancy ones, and they came with drink pairings.
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  20. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I dreamt I bought 4 industrial 100,000 Megawatt transformers from amazon... Why? Thats a good question. They were 100 dollars a piece, and came with Bionicles for some reason. Maybe my subconscious wants me to build some death rays or something.
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