Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I had a dream that couldn't pick a genre at all. Wandered back and forth between

    - an ATLA like world where a young girl airbender who was also a spirit decided that she needed to be this generation's sacrifice to keep the world and the world spirit alive. To go from the south pole to the north, carrying magic energy from the equator with her, to cease to be human in the koi pool so the oceans could taste the state of the world. Very FFX plot at bits, with companion friends guiding along, one or two of whom didn't know how it ends.

    - a young guy who made basically a stand or persona or representation of himself with powers he didn't quite have, and used it to go into towns in alien worlds that looked suspiciously human, like TOS Star Trek, doing his best to learn about them and help resolve problems

    - Me somehow getting a scholarship for a college and going to it for more art classes, only remembering my massive debt about a week in and realizing I didn't know how much the college would be costing me... And then some very very persistent and detailed bits about trying to organize the dorm room (why was I on campus??) So that we could actually fit two beds in it. The room wasn't square, and there were pipes and things in walls, and punishment if we put the beds up against certain surfaces. Eventually determined we had to put the beds together in the middle of the room and sleep in a shared bed. Weird stuff about trying and falling to move into another dorm.

    - Politics and different organizations in the college town trying to gentrify neighborhoods and move the working class folks to smaller, more inconvenient places. A big thing that repeated like I was rewatching an episode, about a car in an alley at night, with a battery and engine problem that needed to be brought different for repairs, but. The owner was one of the wealthy political factions' members, and told their people to do it in the morning when the shop would be open. Main character from the fix it show expressed incredulity. "You'll block traffic of you wait until day, especially if you send the tow truck then too. Buses to get people to work pass through there!" He said, something along those lines. Wealthy indifferent straw antagonist basically told them to eat cake (leave for their buses sooner!)

    - Something about a guy getting stranded in the past of an alien planet, but having read books of fix it guys' adventures, so he'd had ways to survive.

    - TNG Star Trek crew trying to piece together how he would have survived and where they could find him through time since, because too many life forms or blah blah techno babble why they had to look through the books. A sub plot of Picard-or-maybe-male-Janeway really wanting to drop the search to go finish a courier run for the higher ups because it was of some important ancient archeological technical find. Like, Mass Effect find from the guys before. The crew expressed apawl and guilted him out of it.

    - The guy surviving on the planet for years turned out to be me somehow, and there was another bunch of people who'd landed after me that the ship didn't know about, so all that v journal reading only worked until I was busy trying to survive against a hostile group. This somehow ended in TNG group finding me by the point I was no longer human, but a semihumanoid semi-insecctoid whose main consciousness was still in cocoons and being guarded by a few big v bus who had about the awareness and planning of robot Jade ala Homestuck. Difficulty on both sides, them trying to understand and communicate at me/us, me being literally too scatterbrained to understand wtf. Data noticing a pattern to my v coherence: more of the drone bugs in one place, less divided focus, more coherent. Finally emerging from cocoon with compound eyes and wings and stuff, giving myself a massage with all the side bugs while I tried to words

    Woke up really wanting a foot rub. And French Toast Crunch. :(
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
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  2. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I had a dream a couple of nights ago so I can't remember most of the fine details, and like most of my dreams it wandered horrifically but this time it did have a sort of coherent plot, as follows:
    A werewolf dude was a wanderer and looking for a place to stay and he ended up bunking with a lady who had a few kids, and he was really uncertain at first but then he fell in love with the lady, and the dream skipped to like a couple of years in the future where he'd married her and become the kids' dad. But there was a massive fire out of nowhere, and one or two (the dream kept changing its mind about it) of the kids died in the fire, and everyone was devastated and some people were blaming werewolf dude for setting the fire for some reason. Then he was... not arrested exactly but taken off by these like government secret dudes or something, and he was trying desperately to persuade them that he never set the fire or would hurt the kids, even showing them he was a werewolf so they'd believe him more because he wasn't hiding anything, and the government people were being a bit evasive and taking him somewhere in this maze of underground stuff, and then they came up in a comics convention. And they revealed to him that actually the kids hadn't died, it had been someone else and the kids had been kidnapped by some people the government folks were chasing, so to make up for it they'd found the missing kids and brought everyone to the comics convention as a huge treat. And I am mostly telling this story because the wave of immense, joyful relief and happiness the guy felt when he saw the missing kids back alive and well has stuck with me for two days because even in a dream it was intense and amazing...
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  3. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Also, last night, I dreamed that I, along with a bunch of people, turned an abandoned village into a commune. We were mostly done renovating some houses and were about to install solar panels and water tanks when the police showed up for some reason, I don't remember what happened next.
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  4. shmeed

    shmeed plant me

    Had a dream I was back in high school and walked into class a bit late and the teacher was like "I don't understand who you are, the only person not here is named Jake and you're a girl-" and then realized I was trans and was like, "Oh, you're that one." And everyone turned to stare at me and judge me and whisper, and I steeled myself for being attacked or harassed for this for years.

    Possibly, maybe, has something to do with my mom outing me without my permission to my extended family??

    Also there was this tangent of me failing math class and being disallowed to graduate and trying to return my textbooks so I could pay for bills
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  5. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    Last night's dreams were apparently brought to you by the letter C. Themes of the dreams? Cannibalism, cooking competitions (it was baking), and cults.
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  6. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I managed to have a lucid dream last night somehow, because I realized that the numbers on the money I was handling kept changing. (This is a common theme of my dreams because of horrible money anxiety. it usually ends with the bills settling on some ridiculous obviously-fake denomination like a $3 bill.)

    unfortunately I don't remember much beyond having the "holy shit I'm dreaming... fucking awesome" realization. sighs...
  7. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    A while back I had a dream I was card-shopping and I found one that said "You give me that doki dokies" and I was absolutely delighted and convinced that it was perfect for my boyfriend. I remembered this dream a couple weeks ago and then realized that Valentine's day is coming up.

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  8. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    ._. Woke very suddenly from fandom dreams

    One where
    Stuff going on like...
    Gems hatched out of eggs, needing a certain kind of stimulus to emerge. And back in the days of the war, there were multiple bands of rebels and trouble makers, one of which went around stealing the eggs. Amethyst's was lost in transit. But, I/Rose? was reminding Pearl, she wasn't the only one.
    Amethyst meanwhile wanting to do a human holiday thing and invite Jasper over, as she had apparently... Ben living among humans, or maybe other gems, and being more of a person? (This may be post-show, somehow.)

    Something Undertale derived, a galactic civilization with multiple... nations, I guess. Idk the term in space. Asgore still in charge of one, but he was very very about false hope and controlled image, like a combo of the worst parts of him and MTT. Monster kind kept their home world secret from the other nations, in theory, and Asgore was meeting up with Dr Alphys to test a rushed construction bunker for important folks to hide out in, in case of attack. Attack happened, of course. Mercenaries and pirates of ten other species.
    Sans, one of the primary pov, smelled what was going down. And he wanted to just get out with his bro. Sure, papyrus wanted to meet the king and show off something to impress him, but that was only because he didn't know any better. People thought that what Asgore had them do to Sans' eye (making it glow all the time) was just an identification thing, but it wasn't. It was dangerous or just painful or...something, the narration didn't say. So Sans took advantage of something he'd done to Papyrus, the word "calm" in a certain tone to make him lose consciousness. Got him out safe away from the rushed bunker demonstration as Asgore, Alphys, the scientists, and the monster "truth" spinners hid within a cage that was slowly but visibly shrinking. Papyrus cottoned on to what Sans was doing, did his best to fight it off, making sarcastic indirect comments like how boy it sure was a good thing they were out of the fight, imagine if a bad guy accidentally guessed the word, that kind of invasive mental command wasn't that rare... And saw the flinching signs of guilt and responsibility in Sans' posture. The bunker plot had a heartwarming arc about the risks of fake news and how easily one could lose loyalty when it was revealed, with Asgore choosing to change his ways just before they made an escape thanks to ???? The Papyrus confrontation arc ended with Papyrus having headphones or something and making it clear he deserved to be an equal between them, and I woke in a prooooobably unrelated cold sweat.
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  9. Artemis

    Artemis i, an asexual moron

    Not very recent, but dream talk always reminds me that I have had the most boring dream:

    I stood in the kitchen and ate a bowl of plain white rice.

    That's it. Beginning, middle, and end.

    Even as soon as I woke up I was like "what the fuck dream me we couldn't at least put something on the rice???"
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  10. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    The dream was set in the Warriors universe, though not in the usual places. I think there was something about the Clans moving again.
    Anyway, a bunch of cats split up and created new Clans, and the dream focused on three of them, who created one in... An apartment in some city. At least two of them covered themselves in glitter because they thought it made them more intimidating. They don't count as kittypets because the human who lives there is actually technically part of the Clan, he figured out the cats' language and a way to communicate with them: he created a writing system based on scratching a piece of wood with claws.
    And then it turned out it was all a fanfiction written by a 14-year-old.
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  11. Artemis

    Artemis i, an asexual moron

    ... I'd probably read it.
  12. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    Been having OC dreams the past two nights (hooray) but they've been much too vague to produce anything usable (booo).
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  13. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Had a really weird dream last night.

    It started as being about my mother and I on a road trip thing, then Mum crashed into someone because of...some weird in dream reason.
    Apparently this was so out-of-character for her that the entire dream decided to scrap itself and start again with something that made more sense. So suddenly the dream was about Moana and in the Moana art style. It looked exactly like it was from the film but even in the dream I knew it wasn't part of like a short or something because I was viewing it from within the scene.

    Also Moana was quoting a non-Moana-related fanfic but the quote fit.

    Anyway so Moana in that was apparently 200 years old and a demigoddess, which she'd discovered when she'd stopped aging. She was also apparently a time traveller because she was talking to her parents who were a, not immortal, and b, looking as old as they were in the film.

    After a bit of Demigod Moana Adventures in Weird Infinite Rock-Pools-Beach-And-Deep-Ocean Patchwork there was suddenly a unicorn that looked exactly like a rather bad conformationed real-life pony (photorealistic and sticking out like a sore thumb) and its horn looked somewhat pyramidal. It couldn't interact with Moana who was still doing whatever she was doing-there was some kind of high-stakes adventure going on. So it was still the same there was just a random pony and with the pony there was also grass, which was photorealistic in places and Moana art style in others but at least it shaded between the two and so looked mostly like it belonged in the weird mess Time Traveller Immortal Moana was exploring.

    Maui was there too but he mostly just watched instead of doing anything. Moana did like 95% of the work.

    ETA: Moana's fanfic quotes were just her explaining that she was treated well in the future. But in the exact words of I think a Hiveverse story.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
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  14. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    I have recurring dreams about starting HRT (no immediate plans) and they're usually pretty boring but last night's was that I walked into a McDonald's and they were offering flavored testosterone syrup for your coffee.
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  15. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    My only recurring dream is the motorcycle crash dream. I laid down my bike going about 40 a few years ago and still have the occasional low-grade nightmare where I'm trying to ride and can't keep the bike up. I end up covered in road burn. really frustrated, and usually lost.
    The other day I woke up with a really strange sentence in my head. "Ses nom-noms favoris." I have no idea where it came from because I was having an adventure dream that night, not a food dream, and it was entirely in english.
  16. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Bluh I had a dream that i committed some sort of assault or something and had to go to jail

    Like, down to packing my socks and underwear into a bag and having to call my mom and tell her

    I assume that part was unrealistic, as was the part with changelings in some sort of underground waiting room system with lots of cats

  17. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I had a bunch of anxiety dreams about my pets last night -

    -Lupin (cat) and I were at the park and she was climbing trees but she fell out of one and I had to get her to the vets before she died because she was OLD and there was an orange tomcat with a lame hindleg who kept following us and meowing for help but I couldn't put down Loopy or else she'd fade away and it was horrible. (I woke up struggling to stay awake and had to find her on my bed and wake her before I could let myself sleep again)

    - Kubo (syrian hamster) was part of a litter and I had to find cages for his siblings before they ripped each other to shreds. (His siblings were a grey/silver tipped male called Gandalf and a banded cream called Jareth Creampuff which btw imho are excellent hamster names if I didn't have the tradition of giving them all japanese names IRL)

    - Syd (bearded dragon) wasn't eating again and then he started pooping like a clear fluid which I knew was all wrong because lizards don't pee but my dad was downstairs in the kitchen and he wanted me to help him make dinner but Syd was SICK and I didn't have time but he wouldn't let me go help him D:

    Bluhhhhh. I need a new brain.
  18. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I was at my grandparents' house doing a thing with my extended family, and then Donald Trump showed up and ruined the mood.
  19. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    I had a really convoluted dream last night that was inconsistent and full of plot holes and unrealistic happenings, but dream logic let it all go until a very minor detail was apparently too unrealistic.

    Aka my brain was appalled at the idea that wonder woman would be shaming starfire with an off handed comment for not wearing a bra and woke me up
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  20. Clicks

    Clicks The All Consuming Dread

    I keep dreaming about Mads Mikkelsen.

    Which isn't bad.
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