Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    so last night i dreamed i was going on a trip with my grandmother, my mom, and my sister. it started with us all driving into Boston, past a very fancy-looking Wonderland station, and we were talking about me not going back to a camp next year where people were apparently constantly getting sick and throwing up. then we passed by a gigantic statue of a pelican that was in the middle of the river near Logan Airport and i said "yeah, let's not send me back there." also i was watching some gifs on my phone that were about the trip we were about to go on, where my mom explained we had to make a layover in New York and Atlanta. we got into the airport and went down an escalator. I went the wrong way and ended up in a Facebook-owned Whole Foods, when my mom came back and told me to go the other way. then we were about to go through security when my mom got distracted and purchased (but didn't take) a pie. We went through security and passed through the line that said "don't go back through this way" (which is a thing at international customs but not security, get it right brain) and my mom remembered that she hadn't taken a pie. so she was trying to walk back through security to get this pie and i was trying to pull her back saying "no mom you can't cross over that line." also there was some writing on the line that said something about "50,000 australians pass through this line every day" or something bizarre like that. my grandmother's hair suddenly became poofy, and she explained that she dyed it. suddenly my mom went missing and i went back to look for her. the airport's layout suddenly became like the restaurant i worked at, and my sister and i went looking for her. we were calling out "mom???" and we heard her voice but couldn't get to her. my sister and i got separated and then we were looking to regroup everyone. there were no cell phones. i went into the kitchen and grabbed a pack of Oreos and went out looking. the airport closed for the night and we were still looking for her, but my dad went off to sleep somewhere. (he wasn't on the trip before, he just spontaneously appeared.) i went looking for him and found a part of the airport that was abandoned. he said "who's there" when i came in and suddenly i became a detective or something? i started eating some oreos out of the detective's hat and some noir-like music started playing. but then i dropped the hat, went "shit" and the music stopped and i was just me again. i found my mom, she was just trying to get her pie. i stole one and we ran to our plane which somehow still hadn't taken off. and the dream ended.
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  2. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    So last night makes runaway (well, walkaway) bride dream number 3. Although this time it was because the bridal party spontaneously decided ten minutes before the wedding that we needed to go shopping, so totally not my fault.
    This sort of recurring dream would probably make more sense if I were or had ever been in a relationship.
  3. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I dreamed I was having an actual wedding ceremony, and my husband and I had to kneel and answer very weird questions about video games before we were pronounced wedded. There were like 1000 of his family members there and 10 of mine. I had fun running around in a big floofy dress though.
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  4. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I'm visiting a friend, at one of their houses. Of which they apparently have several. They're some kind of reality warper, so all they needed to do was buy some very cheap plots of land and make a building spontaneously appear there.
    Anyway, we have lunch and stuff, and at some point they complain about a poorly-placed wall. I then ask them:
    "... Wait, can't you just, like, magically reshape the room?"
    "Oh, no, turns out that whole magic thing is complete bullshit"
    "... Dude, I've seen you do that."
    "Yeah, but then I figured out it was the placebo effect."
    "... The placebo effect? You reshaped a mountain."
    "Yes. With the placebo effect. Listen, if you're going to go on about that Magic Reality-Warping bullshit, you can just get the fuck out of my house."

    So then I get up and decide to leave, because what. Except I screw up and accidentally end up on the wrong side of the house, because of the previously mentioned really poorly-placed wall. And I really don't want to go back around the house again.
    So I sigh, look at the featureless white wall separating me from the outside, say "There's a door here", wait for it to appear, open it and walk out.
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  5. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    dreamed last night that i was on a class trip. there was some prelude to the next bit but I've already forgotten it. we were on this trip and then suddenly a large bird came down and started attacking our tour group. i ran away as it was chasing me, and fell into a river that dragged me about 10 kilometers away. instead of going to find help i decided instead to just live in the woods forever and started a colony of people. and then the bird attacked, killing me, and i woke up
    • Informative x 2
  6. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    i had a dream that i was queen of a tiny country and in a polyamorous relationship with two people that i had to keep secret from my populace because they did not like The Gays

    then some kind of shenanigans happened and i ended up breaking up with two out of my (eventual) four partners, something happened to the two i was still dating but they were still alive, and through magical shenanigans i ended up turning myself into a vampire, and on the run, somehow pregnant with babies who were identical my partners and had their memories, maybe? idk man it was weird.

    also the neighbor next door to my castle had trouble with a feral mountain lion who kept attacking his dog, and by the end of the dream i no longer saw the poor dog, but the lion kept trying to eat me. not very well, but it was obnoxious.
    • Winner x 3
  7. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    I dreamt my mom and i were in the kitchen discussing something major while she was serving out bowls of soup, and also offering me frozen grapes which i complained werent thawed enough for me to taste them
    • Informative x 2
  8. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I dreamt that I was Vastar, my indigo fantroll, and I had been dragged out of my nice peaceful bayou-bum life because there was a (plantation?? Large estate??) that had been owned by my Ancestor but my Ancestor had been assassinated by a Medigo rustblood (that wasn't important, it was just she had the six-sweeps horns and she looked like Aradia with half the hair and none of the chill). I had like, no idea how to run a big place like that and I was a lot more hemogalantarian and lazy than the last owner had been. I had a teal second in command who was helping run the warmblood underground and was trying to decide how much to tell me when I woke up.

    I really, really, really want to RP this. (PM me on the off chance you do as well.)
    • Winner x 1
  9. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Dreamed last night that I was at my school and was walking around the math building trying to figure out where my class was. it was in an unmarked back room. i then realized i had no idea what the hell the math we were doing was, so i got sent back to 8th grade; the scene then shifted to me at my middle school with a bunch of other people from my school who were forced to drop down. we then went outside to have class. i turned around and noticed that we were sitting in a field covered in snow. i said to my friend "hey did you notice that it snowed" and she said "oh yeah" and then we were all in winter gear. there was some sub-plot about a genie giving me a magic stone that granted me 7 dreams to follow. and i remember there being 7 distinct dreams which linked together (like these two!) but i have forgotten 5 of them. other than i remember one of them had a giant bird somewhere in there.
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  10. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    had a dream i was in a florida hotel, on vacation with my family. it was night. suddenly, the fire alarm started going off. i was not wearing any clothing so i ran outside covering myself with a scarf. the hotel exited into a parking garage where i've had multiple dreams before, and we went looking for a hairbrush. mom told a story, we drove from florida to philadelphia to get to a mall where they sold hairbrushes, and I said "can we turn back i forgot my coat." she said no. we walked down the stairs as if to go to a subway station which turned out to be a very fancy mall and there was a hair salon at the back. we walked through the revolving doors which were moving very fast and mom said "surprise, it's hair dye time!" i sat down and they bleached my hair with bubbles. they had to run all these tests, including seeing if my body could withstand all these temperatures, so they put like forty different heating pads on me and changed the temperature a lot. i said "okay, just so you know i'm wearing a retainer" for some reason, and they said "no you aren't." i took out the retainer i was wearing, but several teeth came out with it. i got up to talk to mom about how i'd taken out several teeth accidentally, and she just sort of looked disappointed. because i'd also broken one of them.
    the scene shifted, i was in my hometown and there was an old man. he asked me as a last wish if I could take his ashes and bury them by his dog. he showed me where he wanted them. i followed the path and then there was a bit with a building and a hiveswap book? someone in the florida hotel was a business manager and i went to his building, they tried to steal my book so i absconded to the 100th floor, and just started going down. then i was playing a bullet-hell video game.
    the scene then shifted to me on a boat with someone i knew a long time ago. he was getting annoyed by the other passengers on the boat so he shot them. the police started chasing him so he ran to the shoreline to pick up his dad. dad got in the boat. we then went back to their house, and started packing up the essentials which apparently included my parents car. i was petting the cutest dog ever which was a tiny corgi mix, when i woke up to my alarm about 10 minutes back
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  11. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    it looked like this
    it came and sat on my lap and it was adorable
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    • Winner x 3
  12. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    i dreamed that i was attending a trial for one of trump’s various crimes. and as part of the legal proceedings for finding trump guilty, the prosecution was awarded the right to shoot him with a single arrow. and apparently the lawyer in question was actually a super good archer, so he shot trump directly in his left eye.

    this didn’t kill him, unfortunately, and he didn’t even seem seriously wounded, but he was legally required to not remove the arrow, so from then on he had to walk around with an arrow sticking out of his eye.
    • Informative x 1
  13. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Had a really weird one last night, let me try to recall it.
    I was at my old school, where a lot of my really detailed dreams seem to take place. I walked into the big central area (the school is a repurposed warehouse so there's this big empty central space) and people were setting up for christmas. I went to help and knocked over a tree, and spilled orange juice onto the volunteer list. people got angry and then i got the shit beaten out of me. i was lying unconscious on the floor for a while before getting up. when i did people were doing interpretive dance as an attempt at an apology. i walked out of the room and had an internal monologue about dysphoria for a bit before swimming through the air to out back. There was a building there that doesn't exist, but then I realized that yes, i was swimming through the air. (I also wasn't wearing pants, for some reason.) I swam around a bit before stopping and asking mom to pick me up. I had a conversation with someone that i had a crush on for a bit before checking and realizing that it had been two hours and mom was still not here. I went back inside, to the lost-and-found that had replaced my classroom, and found some pants. The electricity went out and someone asked if anyone had a flashlight. I took out my phone and it turned into a miniature lighthouse, with a computer mouse glued to it. then classes started again, and i went to the other classroom. they said that someone in the office wanted to see me, so i went to the office and found my current latin teacher playing the piano. at this point i don't remember what happened in this part of the dream, but there was a thing with homestuck characters very quickly afterwards.
  14. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    utterly bizarre dream that randomly included some really cool looking waterplants for Creatures (that do not actually exist)

    it was like...my extended family and i went to the beach and stayed in a beach house, but we got there via a really weird way, and there was a train, and i had an extra aunt and she was dogaressa from undertale and she wore magic crocs that let her teleport

    then david from animorphs showed up and he couldn't morph but he was really fast for some reason and also was trying to kill me, and dogaressa gave me her crocs so i could escape but i had to take the train, which was evil and had a forge in it and suddenly david could morph and turned the forge on??? and then i escaped and the train station was based off of like...a leaving-a-plane type staircase, and home was based off of the place we stayed at last holiday adn then my parents were there and we were driving away from david adn i was playing creatures to distract myself

    and i just kept getting utterly bizarre errors, like norns randomly using splash from pokemon and injuring each other, and the past seas metaroom becoming a blank black screen, so i asked the discord creatures modding server for help, and they recommended i add the gp aquarium room (which does not exist) and it worked really well and also had really cool waterplants

    i tried to photoshop some stuff from spore to look like the waterplants from the dream but i made it too short and not linear enough, also they were more feathery than that

    Attached Files:

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  15. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    also by 'had to take the train' i mean, the train that was ages and ages away but i had teleporting crocs but could only teleport line of sight, and also, there were some non-homicidal david lookalikes and one spooked me

    the crocs didn't really fit and that slowed me down and that+line of sight limitation meant the train was faster
    but by that point david was a bird, and he caught up

    also the train had only me on it
  16. Gee

    Gee the mail never fails

    The first half of my dream we were in some hybrid of LA and NYC. Me and a couple solid nerd friends. I lost my fiance in the crowd somewhere but everyone met back. We were walking up and down city blocks and shooting the shit about various nerd culture. It felt like an obscure YA book I should've written.

    We came across an alley with posted trespassing signs and federal blahblahs but fiance had gone in there and I NEEDED to go in. One my pals insisted it was a hallucination and that we needed to get to the statue of liberty immediately.

    We ended up meeting everyone again in the middle of a mall trying to divide up macaroni and cheese and also decipher someone's grandma's Spanish bc she had a Lot to say and no one was listening. The one suffering most in my dream had to be her.

    Until the dream changed and
    a pussy monster tried to steal my vagina last night so I woke up holding my crotch very protectively and if that ain't some Freud fuel idk what is
  17. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    only bits and pieces of last night's dream left in my memory, but damn

    there was some sort of fungus flesh plague going on that spread rapidly, by which i mean "you look at it weirdly and then you have a nice fist-sized lump of it growing on yourself" (i somehow didnt get infected although i should by all means have been. at least i *think* i didnt get infected.)

    i was with some kind of group that was investigating it, i think?? but then half of the team got taken over and made into a hivemind. (reason i think i wasnt infected: wasnt part of the hivemind)
    and it randomly teleported people into other people. like you'd kill one of the infected and cut them open and there was another person in there where all the organs and bones should've been, calcified with a terrified expression and a pose that suggest they tried clawing themself out.

    then some third party stopped by and was like "wtf is going on here" and they sent someone to the not infected people (us) and the infected people and that person also got taken over immediately.
    • Witnessed x 3
  18. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    a long time ago i had this bizarre fever dream which kept jumping between plotlines
    there were things like, my year 9 science teacher took everyone out on a field trip and we were all flying? we had leaf seats that we needed to change altitudes with? it was Bizarre and, randomly, included a chunk of a dream playthrough of a remake of pokemon colosseum which i have never played in my life but i did watch a bit of a let's play once

    copy-pasting from discord, where i rambled about the weird dream:

    had a dream that, in between my year 9 science teacher teaching the entire class to fly on a school trip and some weird nonsense about random possibly fake bones and also toriel working in a hospital, there was a thing about a pokemon colosseum remake?

    it was weird. all i remember was that it had pokemon, typings, etc from the most recent game, the shadow pokemon were like XD's in that there was more than one shadow move and shadow moves were super effective on everything not a shadow pokemon, and you had a choice of player character

    some of the plot was different when it was snagger!rui and aura-sensitive!wes

    i have never played pokemon colosseum in my life and i don't think i even finished a let's play

    this is what fever dreams are i guess?

    nonsense about bones, Toriel, and a class of Inexplicably Flying Students, for some reason it was both Connecticut (where I have been once), one of the tropical islands I have visited (probably Rarotonga) and also New Zealand near the school, and an in-depth dream about a remake of a game I have never played, that skipped like a broken record because apparently dialogue was hard for me to dream up.

    for some reason my flying relied on having an Object of some sort, like a very long leaf that i could sit on, and otherwise i would stay at the same altitude

    at some point i got stuck in a pool? that may have been holy? there was someone in a really weird outfit giving a speech and everyone else was flying but i accidentally moved my leaf seat down slightly and stopped flying due to being in the water

    i think the really weird outfit was my brain trying to come up with a priest of a non-christian religion in a hypothetical dream world where christianity never existed and also people could fly

    anyway then it turned into further nonsense, jake from animorphs was a whale and for some reason zapdos was there

    i don't remember if i was flying around because the trip was over and i still had the leaf, or if i stopped being a person in the dream and started being a video-game-style 'camera'

    possibly both, alternating, at random

    it...was weird

    anyway back to the hypothetical pokemon colosseum remake

    snagger wes and aura-sensitive rui was basically the actual pokemon colosseum except updated, so like, the double battle system was better, bite was a physical move, the graphics were better, it was very very difficult to get rui stuck on things, and for some reason my brain decided that in the next generation of pokemon the move limit was 6 and not 4?

    but with snagger rui, you had more dialogue options than just the two-sometimes even a whole dialogue tree

    aura-sensitive wes was still an ex-criminal but he was ex-cipher and he hardly said anything at all

    he had apparently been in a situation where it was "join this weirdly uniformed gang or die"

    he didn't have the face stripe but snagger!rui did
  19. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    the really annoying thing is, that roleswap could be a really interesting AU
    and i woke up before i could watch it all and also the dialogue was all stuttery and weird :(
  20. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Triple whammy of dreams today!

    First I was in a car driving across a hanging bridge going across a bay, with huge waves just chilling next to it (they were comically narrow. Less Moses parting the sea and more like Mario Smash Bros special move), but they could go off any moment? We were for some reason evacuating right through the middle, and then the car was a speedboat and we docked on a metal grid boardwalk and a tiny huge wave slammed into us while a hundred metres to the left some skyscrapers were engulfed. The boardwalk led to a hotel but they were all booked and would only let us stay in the hallways if things got bad which was stupid because the second things went bad you couldn't get to the entrance any more. Then I left for higher ground, on foot.

    Second I was in some kind of archaeological museum slash reptile rescue but we could only display certain skeletons because others would upset people?
    So I wanted to substitute one with a turtle and scrounged up all our turtles (one was really badly hurt so I handled it extra carefully). I think I tried to run some computer program over the measurements I made to make a convincing replica skeleton?? No idea. Then a coworker dropped by and all the others told her to intervene but she was like "nah ima help"

    Third dream also had one of the turtles and was during a drought, and the water reservoir I was at was contaminated with something so we couldn't drink from there? And the turtle made all the water go away so we could clean the reservoir and find the source of contamination, and we asked around all my pokemon who let the contamination in because it was from carelessness wrt security standards. the culprit was my first pokemon and i felt so betrayed.
    then everything started looking like an animal crossing game and the players picked up contaminated elements and put down round loaves of flatbread with different patterns on them instead. you cant pick up the loaves you yourself put down, and there was an achievement for collecting all the designs.

    actually, four dreams, but im not going to think too closely about the fourth.
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