...I may have had a little too much fun making fantrolls from my hemostuck AU in the rinmaru anime couple maker (minus horns, sadly, but!) Spoiler: Airauw (mediculler) and Apkuri (threshecutioner) Spoiler: Zaenal and Riurst, Shipwright-level psions and so full of diamonds Spoiler: Catriv and Pascel, the Empress-in-Waiting and Grand Premier
i have spent way too long on this particular collection of gem OCs. i don't even watch steven universe. this is gonna be 3 goddamn posts long because there are 21 of them: 6 individual gems and every possible fusion these image files are huge, i am so sorry. i am not messing around. they are as large as i could possibly make them Spoiler: INCREDIBLY LORGE COBALT BRONZITE AQUAMARINE STAR RUBY GYPSUM KUNZITE (cobalt + bronzite) GRANDIDIERITE (cobalt + aquamarine)
PART 2!!!! Spoiler: GODDAMN BIG BERYL RHODOLITE (bronzite + aquamarine) BLOODSTONE (cobalt + star ruby) PEZZOTTAITE (bronzite + star ruby) IOLITE (aquamarine + star ruby) ZIRCON (cobalt + gypsum) SILLIMANITE (bronzite + gypsum)
FINAL PART!!!!!! Spoiler: EXCESSIVELY LARGE!!! MOONSTONE (aquamarine + gypsum) SPINEL (star ruby + gypsum) TAAFFEITE (cobalt + beryl) ALMANDINE (bronzite + beryl) HIDDENITE (aquamarine + beryl) CUPRITE (star ruby + beryl) IMPERIAL TOPAZ (gypsum + beryl) AAAAAAND DONE!!! the original six (cobalt, bronzite, aquamarine, star ruby, gypsum, and beryl) are all either OCs in an original universe or made in the likeness of me or someone i know. i'll give u 5 internet bucks if you can guess which one's me
YEAH.... i am... predictable.... star rubies are very close to my heart (⋈U_U) (I do not have 5 internet bucks so I will offer u instead my heartfelt congratulations)
pretty much I wish that some of the necklines could actually have sleeves, cause there's some of them that just can't properly have sleeves but really should be able to.
oh my god i really love missangest's games also is anyone else super duper impatiently excited for this one or just me
It is really nice having different character builders have different builds. A humanization of Tamiya Pylosp, a seadweller fantroll I've been working on for a private game.