dumb medical shit (mostly venting)

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Re Allyssa, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    i have heard of people walking around malls for exercise for A/C purposes. also places like the Y usually have indoor tracks you can walk around and are air conditioned.
    (...it occurs to me that the heat was probably not the main point of that sentence. but anyway.)
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  2. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Oh hey, time to revive old threads.

    So all those things I said I would do last semester didn't happen. a) Trying to do big life changes while dealing with the stress machine that is CMU and depression just wasn't happening. b) I kind of wanted to see if just doing the meds things would be enough (spoiler: no).

    Went back to the doctor for another check up last Tuesday. He told me that no the meds alone are not enough I really have to exercise and diet. (Though he tried to claim what he was proposing isn't dieting, but it's CHANGING the way I EAT therefore diet.)
    Foods I am not supposed to eat: rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, corn.
    Foods that are the backbone of my regular diet: rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, corn.
    How am I supposed to just not eat the majority of my food??? Like. I eat these things because I'm a picky eater and they're the few things that I like. BUT ALSO they're very good low spoons food?? JUST URGH.

    My mom wants me to just loose weight just through exercise and that I shouldn't worry about the food thing. I know I could lose the weight, but I'm not sure if the food stuff is actually hurting the health problem though? Bluh

    At any rate, I have tried to start adding in more vegetables. Because there aren't many that I eat that isn't corn. I can't not eat bread and potatoes and rice. Brown/wheat varieties of those things are okay, but I can't do brown rice. But I am trying to do wheat bread and pasta when possible, because the taste doesn't change much for me. I also prefer red potatoes anyway, so I'll try to eat more of those instead of white ones.
    But that's the best I can do. =/ I did have a serving of green beans instead of a second serving of potatoes like I usually would. So I'm counting that as a win.

    And my roommates are gonna hold me accountable to the exercise thing. I just can't start until at least tomorrow because I have to go and get my key for the gym.
  3. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    "I'm not sure if the food stuff is actually hurting the health problem though?"

    this seems something worth asking your doc

    "I have to go and get my key for the gym."

    i did this yesterday(? day before?) and it's hella easy. just sign a piece of paper, basically. i think the dude said i was supposed to have access about 10min after he set it up (which he did as i was filling the form), though i didn't try since i was still getting over being sick (also i don't actually know where the gym *is* lol)
  4. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    fwiw i've seen a reasonable amount of research agreeing that a low gi diet is better for you if you have pcos, especially with diabetic symptoms, to the point that some people can manage it by diet alone.

    do you know what in particular you like about corn; the flavour, the texture, something else? someone might be able to suggest similar veg that you can try. between low spoons and saying you had green beans with dinner i think maybe edamame might be an option for you - you can get it shelled and frozen and reheat it much like corn niblets.
  5. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Can't handle the answer rn, I don't think.

    Ye, I'm gonna do it tomorrow. I'm just not home when the office is open, usually.

    Well that sucks.

    Flavor mostly? Texture is good too. I do like peas, I discovered relatively recently. And I don't mind small, chopped carrots when they're mixed in.
    Thanks, I'll try it next time I have enough spoons to try a thing.
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  6. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    also, how do you feel about cheese? easy low-spoons snack, tons of different flavours and textures to suit your taste, and fat + protein = a+ for a low gi diet
  7. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    Could you make going to low-carb stuff an adventure in trying new foods? Like, I despise carrots, but artichokes and artichoke hearts are amazing, and bamboo shoots are yummy, and watercress can be nice and crunchy. Also portobello mushrooms - with goat cheese and sundried tomatoes if you have spoons, but they also sell them stuffed so you just have to throw them in the oven, and oven-roasted and then with steak sauce or on a burger is also delicious. Idk how much cooking is possible for you, but even if you're just grabbing roasted wasabi peas as a snack instead of a carb thing, finding substitutions and new things that you actively like is a better recipe for success than just denying yourself.
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  8. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Trying new foods does not come easy for me. I have to be in the right mood or I will hate it out of spite or something. It's annoying.

    But yeah, I'm trying to try things.

    Cheese is eh? I like it warm and on stuff, but cold by itself is meh. And putting it on crackers would defeat the purpose, I think xD
    But that means cheese is safe to put on vegetables and stuff? Lol I always thought it made it less healthy. xD

    Some of those I might be able to try, but I don't think I like mushrooms. And isn't wasabi spicy or something? But yeah substitutes... I just can't give up some things completely or I will not be okay. Rice is seriously a staple part of my diet and like I can't just substitute for brown rice. It wouldn't go the same way with the stuff I eat it with.
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  9. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    well i mean it does add more calories, but you're also working on cutting out carbs, and with pcos + diabetic symptoms it seems like reducing carbs rather than reducing calories is the priority

    (disclaimer: not a nutritionist, but did read some neat studies)
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  10. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Bluh, sympathy. Both my mom and my brother made the switch to eating very low carb for health reasons and it makes cooking a spoon sink. :(

    A place to look for food ideas might be r/keto on Reddit. (Probably not all of the stuff on there will be to your taste, but it will all fit within your carb restrictions and maybe give you some ideas for substitutions.)
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  11. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    I bought myself a bunch of vegetables! Some stuff I know I like (a mix of corn, peas, green beans, and carrots. I know the corn isn't good but meh. Baby steps), and some stuff that I'll have to try. I'll need to save those for days I'm feeling brave (today was not that day).

    I also bought more rice because I used all mine up cooking for a potluck and I've already said I'm not giving up rice. Also I need to be able to make low spoons food, and if I'm eating low spoons food it's because I don't have the spoons to try new things....

    But yeah. Baby steps. I also got my key for the gym so that starts next week! Gonna start it as ~45 min (tv episode) two days a week, and then up it to four. With my schedule that's probably the max I can do... Well, no. I could work out on weekends too. Ugh, I guess that'll be my second stretch goal.

    I really do appreciate all of the advice I'm getting here, even if it looks like I'm turning things down all the time.

    Oh, and when I'm feeling a little bit more brave, I might make an appointment with the nutritionist we have at the school? I'm worried about that because no one seems to understand me when I say that trying new things is hard and change is hard and big change is impossible (all of this is due to autism, if that's a thing I have) (That's not even mentioning texture and shit). Shit I start crying just thinking about trying to explain that to someone. UGh.
  12. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    1 - workout buddies?

    2 - re explaining shit to the nutritionist, would it maybe be better to try for the official autism dx first so you have someone to confirm Real Issue Not Just Recalcitrant Fussball? or maybe get your psych to write a note for you to take about it? also the classic "write it down ahead instead of trying to talk" thing.
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  13. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    1 - yes. I lied from what I said earlier. Tuesdays/Thursdays are going to be really long days for me so I'm starting with Mondays/Wednesdays as close to possible to "as soon as I get home" I don't mind waiting a bit for you and Trilli to get home tho. ... We can figure it out elsewhere. xD

    2 - Yeah, maybe I should try that... I wonder if I have the spoons to look into thing now... Writing down ahead of time will be a thing that I need to make happen.
  14. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Would people mind if I turned this thread into sort of a food log thing? A place where I can write down the "good" things I ate so that I can look back on it and be like "yeah I'm making progress!"

    If I should create a new thread in like Brainbent or something, I could do that instead. I was also toying with the idea of running a side blog, but that has less of a chance for kudos :P

    *wibbles* I don't know what the sop issssss. xD
  15. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    it's your thread dude, do what you want :P
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