enter ptero

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by pteropus, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. pteropus

    pteropus aspiring sea hobo

    i got it at the charmingly outdated self-referential speech patterns store (here i clicked the emoji button in search of a smiley face and :hussiedance: hmm :butterknife:)

    unfortunately, right now i live in a house of the land-bound variety. the plan, however, is to get a 25-30 ft sailboat, outfit it to be sailed single-handedly, and become the modern version of ching shih.
    right now i mostly settle for sailing on the weekends and playing a pirate in the local production of peter pan.
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  2. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    we have excellent emoticons here
    and by excellent i mean weird as fuck

    i approve of your future plan wholeheartedly.

    i had some friends in college who wanted to become pirates (on the river saskatchewaaaaaaaan)
    specifically so when we eventually did get arrested, and people in jail would be like "so what you in for", we'd go "pirating", and then they'd go "hah, you got arrested for streaming videos so lame" and then we'd go "no, i got arrested for attacking a ship, taking all its stuff, killing everyone on board, and sinking it"

    as college plans go, that one wasn't half bad
    • Like x 3
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