Enzel.txt (art/mmo screenshots/babbling)

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by Enzel, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    AHHHHH your art :D :D :D I especially like Imry being all *sparkle eyes* at Keten, the clowning on Eric (always here for clowning on Eric), the chibi D&D characters and the emoji faces. THOSE EMOJI FACES ARE SO CUTE............
  2. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    aaaa thank you :D i think i said this on twitter but it feels like csp flipped a switch in my brain and now I want to draw more than I want to play video games, which is weird LMAO

    The friend who requested it rly likes Eric (she thinks he's funny)
    • Like x 1
  3. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    DnD this week:

    Fighter: ok so. recap. You killed an innocent bystander with friendly fire and inadvertently summoned a demon lord.

    Warlock: I know!! It was horrible!!!

    Fighter: ...yeah, so, I'm glad you at least--

    Warlock: I didn't mean to summon a demon lord!

    Fighter: ..............

    Warlock: :'(

    Fighter: Ok. Yes. The demon lord. That was pretty bad. But also the innocent bystander thing.

    Warlock: what about it?

    Fighter: I...ok. Look. Do you see why...you not caring about hitting innocent bystanders when you aimed the spell might. Make some people in the party uncomfortable with you.

    Warlock: uhhh...

    Fighter: Because like. It suggests you don't really care about who gets hurt and maybe you might do that to one of us.

    Warlock: Whaaaaat? Noooo! I love you guys!!!

    Fighter: also like, morally. it's kinda shitty.

    Warlock: yeah, says the lady who hit one of her party members with a mace!

    Fighter: ...oh you mean because I got mind controlled by the DEMON LORD you SUMMONED by killing an INNOCENT BYSTANDER?

    Warlock: I already said I didn't mean to summon the demon lord!! Sheesh! Everyone's a critic!
    • Winner x 1
  4. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Also a bit funny to me bc the other two players (warlock and wizard) are dating irl and they seem to be leaning into shipping their characters...which surprised me because it didn't seem like their characters' personalities meshed from the outside. (I feel bad saying that bc obviously they can ship whatever they want but. is this me being ace again? lol) & one of them made some throwaway jokes about me & Aki's characters being a couple too and we were both like ??????? wait what makes you think we're going to get them together. That's up to the two of them and they're friends but don't seem interested. LMAO.

    Since Aki is helping our DM out now (it's her first time running a campaign and while its Aki's first time doing DnD, they have a lot of experience with GMing roleplay stuff, just not tabletop) they made a second character to help balance out the group dynamic. Having an Evil party member is interesting but can easily go south very quickly oocly in inexperienced hands, and unfortunately right now both mine & Aki's first character are...not on speaking terms w/ the warlock over the whole demon lord thing. which is fine bc it's all IC and not OOC but also we have to do something to make sure the party doesn't split up now.

    I'm rambling, but Aki asked if I could integrate their second character into my backstory a little to facilitate her introduction to the group and I was like "sure" and THEN my character had her "Oh no she's hot" moment...and I was like SEE. I don't tell them what to do here I'm just the staff. LMAO

    (ironically up until now the character mine had the most chemistry with *was* the warlock because it pestered her and she tolerated it despite being deeply annoyed and sometimes that looks like UST from the outside. rofl.)

    Aki & I were talking about the difference in RP mediums (private 1 on 1 vs LJ/DW style vs MMO style vs tabletop) and how while the game is fun, its definitely highlighting how people approach things differently depending on where they learned to RP. Tabletop almost necessitates...more cooperation than other styles because it makes things very difficult for the GM if the party members hate each other's guts. On top of which time skips are less frequent so characters don't always have the time to cool off, and we're doing a horror campaign so the party is constantly stressed out. wheras in less structured settings you can just agree w the other person to throw in random bullshit to make things work, but here it all kinda depends on a third party (the GM).

    I'm probably going to bring this up mostly because I'm unsure as to whether or not the warlock's player was going for an eventual redemption arc or "complete disaster" or leaving it up in the air, and while some people like surprises, I kinda wanna know what I'm getting into, mostly because I need a certain amt of OOC feedback from the other player to feel comfortable. She reassured me that she knows it's just my character that's upset with hers and not me personally, which is good, but only after I brought it up. It just occurred to me after talking to Aki that we both expected a certain amt of OOC communication by default and maybe the other two aren't used to that from their experience.

    ...in mechanical news, I'm thinking of multiclassing to Ranger because it turns out Fighter is kind of boring. Especially in a party with 3 casters. LMAO
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  5. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Ok I forget if I mentioned it at all but. our DnD group is running Out of the Abyss, which is a horror campaign that takes place in the Underdark. (for non-DnD people: incredibly massive underground cave system that probably spans a good deal of fantasy planet. Like big enough to hold entire cities, reaches 10 miles below ground, that big.)

    Originally the Underdark lore was, unfortunately, like a lot of things in DnD, super fucking racist, but thankfully they've been overhauling a lot recently to excise that. But the basic gist is, way in the past, the Elven gods had a feud and one of them decided to become a TERF, tried to kill her genderfluid husband and fucked off to make her own radfem paradise underground with blackjack and demons. These days her daughter is slowly trying to undermine her by gaining followers and showing the Drow that they do not, in fact, need to live in constant terror of demons or yanno enslave people and stuff or abuse their husbands.

    The campaign premise is that you and your party are a bunch of unrelated people who all ended up getting kidnapped and thrown in the same cell deep underground. You're also given a cast of NPCs with various backgrounds to accompany you, which I think is a bit unusual (usually only 1 or 2 NPCs tend to accompany parties for longer stretches of time?)

    The goal is: escape, continue to evade capture and make your way back to the surface. The *intent* is that the NPCs will slowly get killed or picked off as you go, to add to the horror atmosphere.

    What actually happened is that during the initial escape, by pure RNG, the most dangerous NPC party member just flat out died. (got ko'd by a giant spider, we tried to carry his unconscious body w/ us but he got eaten by an ooze) We didn't know this until after his death bc spoilers, but the DM told us he was in fact a serial killer who was supposed to start picking people off one by one.

    So...basically by sheer dumb luck, every single other NPC, I think there are like 9 of them, is still alive. This is apparently not supposed to happen. (we also apparently rolled like...really well the first few sessions.) DM ended up letting Aki play a bunch of them bc they were itching to have more to do, lol. This has the added benefit of Aki being the sort of person that goes "fuck that" to race-based alignments, so we're definitely getting a more nuanced experience out of things than other groups might.

    I have a feeling a couple more might get killed off in other ways, but its apparently pretty impressive to not lose half the NPCs in the first couple sessions.

    In terms of my character, DnD has two major settings, Toril (Forgotten Realms) and Eberron. The most recent edition established them as two different planets in the same universe, so they have similar magic systems etc but also key differences. The campaign is set on Toril, but my character is based on my PC from the DnD MMO, which is set in Eberron. The first major expansion for that game involved some cult ritual tearing open a portal in spacetime and linking Eberron and Toril, years before the tabletop version established any mechanics for actually moving between the worlds. So I ran that by the DM and she was like sure, your character can fall through a portal from another world and get mixed up in things that way.

    So she is a Drow from Eberron, and now she is surrounded by Drow from Toril, who are...different...and she's experiencing a whole lotta culture shock. (the 'women are superior to men' thing definitely threw her for a loop.)
  6. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    put down a blanket for 0 brain cell cat and now she comes and just chills w me in the afternoon/evening. (i can just roll it up to go to sleep so there isn't things that make me sneeze everywhere)


    she's asleep like this w paws twitching...bless her
    • Winner x 2
  7. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Aki: *makes tiny Tabaxi OC*
    my character: they are friend-shaped

    Aki: *makes 6' 2" tiefling OC*
    my character, 5'3": *gay*

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  8. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    i found a picrew/dollmaker that I can actually like. make look like my DnD character and im laughing because


    how was i ever unsure what her sexuality was. look at her in plaid. I mean. seriously.

    Here's the link
    • Winner x 1
  9. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    im doing tarot cards now because ofc I am

    (Judgement/The Moon/The Star/The Hermit)

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  10. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    progress on Aki's chars...

    nephcardwip.png phaecardwip2.png
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  11. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    some screenshots i took while messing around trying to catalogue all my characters outfits (tumblr links to those 1 2 3 )

    ffxiv_05172021_023705_797.png ffxiv_05182021_011718_786.png ffxiv_05182021_014207_551.png ffxiv_05182021_234005_956.png
  12. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag



    bonus that I did accidentally while trying to make their hair gradient:

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  13. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    today in heartwarming but gross cat stories: (emetophobia cw)

    Aki had surgery on Wed (they're ok, medically necessary, but recovery is a little rough so I'm home for the week helping out) so they're not leaving their room much, I've taken over their cat feeding duties, etc.

    0 Brain Cells has no idea anything is wrong or why Aki won't lean down to pet her, she's just blissfully unaware of everything but food or attention as usual.

    But the other cat who is v. attached to Aki is also extremely perceptive, and has clearly been fussing and worrying. Cats are not allowed in their room bc allergy concerns and also 0 Brain Cells is a menace and will knock over everything and eat plants, so sadly that means both of them are forbidden. However, often when I go to bring Aki something I'll come out to find smaller cat sitting right outside, peering in the door when I open it.

    So according to roommate she vomited right outside Aki's door last night. She's very high strung & compulsively over-cleans herself so she has a hairball/puking problem, so...it basically means she's been hanging out there at night worrying. :ohdear:

    I never thought I'd be so touched by cat vomit, but here we are.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
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  14. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    been trying to do low-stakes digital studies by using scenes from my DnD char's backstory as practice. just messing around with CSP features without trying to reach any particular level of polish.


    Kleathi had a knack for fire, especially, and had been complaining about how all the other girls in the dormitory always asked her to light candles for them.

    "I'd rather do something useful with magic," she'd said, and Nen had laughed.

    "What's useful?" she'd asked.

    "Oh, I don't know...forbidden spells! Conjuring blades of light, turning to stone! That sort of thing." Her deep brown eyes were alight with excitement.

    "Turning to stone? Is that useful? How would you turn back?"

    "Dol Arrah, Nen! Must you always dash my dreams with your practicality? Don't you have any ambition at all?"

    "Of course I do, but someone's got to look out for you."


    Velrath had looked out over the Harbor, the wind from the sea picking at her short, pale hair. "This city was built on a ruin, and that ruin was built on a ruin from long before that...and someday it will be a ruin again. Perhaps sooner rather than later. It's not a threat, it's simply the way of things. The land will not tolerate it. Not even the gods and their favor can deny that."

    Nen had stared at her, unable to understand how she could speak of such destruction nonchalantly. "But what will happen to everyone here? And if that's true, why build the city to begin with? If it's so dangerous."

    "Oh, little Nehenni." Velrath had laughed again, in the good-natured way all the older Venomblade did when she asked questions they expected everyone already knew the answers to. Though she knew there was no ill will behind it, it was difficult not to find it condescending sometimes. "Some will survive. Some won't. People don't learn from the mistakes of their ancestors. At least the fools from across the sea certainly don't."

    "Why are you all here then?"

    "Why do you think?"


    Don't stay still for too long.

    She reached out to grasp the bars of the gate. They were cold to the touch, as the stone had been. She pulled, and the hinges shrieked, but it moved just enough for her to slip through. The sound made her wince, but despite the volume of the chamber, it didn't echo.

    Nothing for it. She headed for the stairs. She could see just enough to make out the parts that had begun to crumble and avoid tripping over them. This stair went much higher than the one at the Catacombs, or perhaps it was her impatience making it seem so. All the gates she passed seemed to lead back down into darkness. Finally, up ahead she made out what seemed to be a bridge made of stone spanning the diameter of the cylindrical room. The stairs evened out onto a platform there, but continued upward after it.

    There were two doors, one on either end of the bridge. What seemed to be wood banded with iron, with large pull rings. Both were shut, though on closer inspection one of them was cracked the slightest bit ajar.


    It looked like the sea wall across from the Waterworks, despite that the route she'd taken to get here should have made that impossible. On top of that, the massive blocks of stone, each one three times as tall as she was, had been hewn in two. The wall was shattered down the middle, almost looking like it had been struck by lightning, and the jagged wound pulsed with darkness. The 'water' here seemed drawn to it, drawing up the wall in some sort of perverse reversed waterfall.

    It was a portal.

    Nen stood there for as long as she could stand it. Simply being near it made her feel ill, but she couldn't reach any other conclusion other than this was the result of the ritual they'd tried to halt. This was what Kleathi had died trying to prevent. This--

    It was also her only chance of escape.

    ...I am actually *really* happy with how the portal came out, because I made another attempt at rendering it a while ago and just became increasingly frustrated it wasn't turning out like I wanted.
    • Winner x 1
  15. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    progress on a wip ive been working on on and off for a while now


    a relevant comic I used for screentone practice...


    also spoilery Endwalker screenshot redraw:


    It started out as a quick sketch and then I just kept adding stuff...I could do the armor shading better but I was mostly just messing around. also thought about making her look a bit beat up from the Endsinger fight but it was too much ground to cover lol

    anyway none of the dialogue options in that scene really fit Imry, and the smirk certainly didn't, but if anything it would be Keten who would say "eh screw it let's duke it out." lmfao
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
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  16. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    I uhhhhh

    have been drawing a lot but it's stuff I don't actually want to post publically but also I'm proud of it so. dilemma. LMAO

    (every now and then when I get into a specific pairing I want to draw NSFW of it because it works for that specific pairing. idk being ace is weird sometimes.)

    my other social media are not 18+ so not bothering but also my technical skill has leveled up and I want to show it off. goddammit.
  17. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    nvm scratched the itch by going back to this pic after neglecting it for ages

    I was stalling on doing the wings because I had no clue how to approach them but since then i have collected many brushes and techniques for making things sparkly so

    (specific brush for the outline, base color layer I airbrushed the color variations/gradient/spots. add layer on top with smallest-scale noise render, make a plain color layer, make noise layer 50% opacity, merge those 2, it now has a tint. kick up the saturation, change the hue to the complimentary color--in this case I did gold like the accents, make it color dodge layer, 15% opacity. SPARKLY)
  18. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag



    I'm actually really damn proud of how this came out, I tried a bunch of new stuff and really pushed myself, also Aki was a huge help w the colors/bgs and making it look uncomfortable as hell (as intended)
    • Winner x 1
  19. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag


    god I love tumblr, you just don't get compliments like this anywhere else
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