Escape From Homeworld: Planning/Gemsona stuff goes here

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by PotteryWalrus, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    okay, thank you!

    (i'll keep that in mind! i admit that at this stage my gemsona is a highly indulgent diamond- but i will hold off on making concrete character plans until i've read through the planning and main thread. if you would prefer no diamonds at all, i can always tweak her to be something else! i am gonna need to crash so it might be a day or two before i've caught up on sleep debt and worked through the threads, but i'll check the most recent posts if anyone wants to give an early opinion on dia)

    ( (if it helps, she is the sort of diamond to be pro-rebel) )
  2. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    That would be pretty interesting, but she would definitely have to be offworld - we're still on Homeworld in terms of location, and one of my gemsonas, Hematite, would DEFINITELY be able to tell if there was an extra Diamond around that no-one knew about - we're currently working with the canon universe, set during the war for Earth just post the events described in 'The Answer, if that helps.

    Would you maybe mind downgrading her? Maybe to an Emerald or something?
  3. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    offworld would be totally fine!

    as for downgrading- well so her design is this atm


    it's the pinks/greys/whites that i'm mostly interested in maintaining, so i'm a bit disinclined from Emerald specifically. the rest of the original character concept is intended as being like- she is bookish and not much of a fighter, whatever her position in life is, she's been able to get away with a certain amount of lounging about.

    she kinda spawned from an idea of like- if the old Diamond/White Diamond (ie one Rose coulda fought) in fact died back then, this was homeworld's attempt at growing a new one... except she's uh... Not Quite Right (by their metric). i never quite decided if that was just a personality conflict, where she didn't behave like a diamond, or if she might be flawed (like how amethyst is a flawed quartz) and technically not a 'true' diamond- but as she rebels she keeps insisting that no, she's still gunna call herself Dia/a Diamond. if that helps??

    off the top of my head (FEEL FREE TO CORRECT if this doesn't work in your canon, and if y'all would really prefer a downgrade then i can rework concept/make an entirely new gemsona), maybe they didn't have the resources on Homeworld for the production of a new diamond, so they outsourced it, and she has been Away and technically never been to Homeworld before

    idk i am gonna drag myself to maccas so i have the internet to go through the threads, looks like sleep isn't gonna happen tonight
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  4. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Hmm, might work. I'll need to wait until the others show up to be any kind of definite. (She looks like she could be different from the norm in a similar way to Amethyst, definitely.)

    My Hematite was a Kindergarten worker before backstory happened, and she's saying that her whole demeanour and build is all wrong for a Diamond, even a raw/new one. But the resources necessary to create a new matriarch are phenomenal, and it's likely Diamonds wouldn't be culled/crushed at emergence just on account of defects - perhaps they're hoping she'll become more Diamond-ish as she ages?

    Her presence would change the entire flow and direction of the overarching plot, however, so like I said we need to wait for other people until saying anything for sure.
  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    I have no opinion on this particular plot point. it could be interesting to have a diamond rebelling and on their side or something.
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  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    (Hi, I'm the GM. I'm currently on hiatus for RP bc medical shit but I keep up to date on the threads as much as possible)
    White diamond is still alive and kicking in the RP. In fact we have referenced her multiple times so if she was a replacement diamond she wouldn't be White.
    From her design and coloration I would suggest Marble as her name/stone. Not necessarily a gemstone but super pretty (why DON'T they make jewelry out of marble anyway? makes no sense, stone's very cute). Off the top of my head Marble might be a fairly prestigious, aristocratic class, definitly rare and probably intellectual (think marble stairways in universities, exclusive, "old world aristocracy" aesthetics, etc.) Maybe give her design a more hellenic/roman twist (sort of sci-fi-flavor version of classicist marble pillar statues)?
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  7. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    See, this is why @IvyLB is GM and not me, who is daft.
  8. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    ooh marble could totally work for her, it's got the right aesthetic! and yeah, if white diamond is still about then that particular concept won't work. and 'aristocratic and Privileged' is really all i need to keep her characterisation about the same. i'll consider the hellenic/roman elements, for sure- i'm planning on redrawing her before i play her so i can play about with ideas there.

    ( and no, @lilacsofthedead you're fineeee- i take it WD isn't a played character, after all! thank you anyway for helpingggg)

    alright, time to knuckle down and read through the existing material *ties on a FOCUS headband like the weeb she is*
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  9. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I actually have, IRL, a sapphire that would match her color scheme almost perfectly, so she could totally be a pink/purple sapphire as well, if you wanted to keep her high-ranking.
  10. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    ooh hmm. would there be a limitation on what her powers as a sapphire would be, ie. definitely futuresight? (i would prefer not, trying to RP precognition powers gets... erk and anxiety-inducing)

    i wouldn't mind marble, honestly, marble is a stone i really do like (and i wouldn't feel like i'm trodding on canon toes... playing a Diamond is one thing where they haven't got much about White Diamond onscreen, but Sapphire is a totally different deal)
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  11. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Quartzes don't seem to have a single unified power set, so I'd imagine that different colors of sapphire could also have different powers.
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  12. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Debating having melo say "I'll go check for other gems, just tell me what gems aren't threats and I'll check if we're safe. Anything for new friends."
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  13. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    re White Diamond - she's sort of a played character: I've been handling the Diamonds in narrative situations so far.

    re Marble: a thought that I had - what if she is a super high-class aristocrat ... who is also bankrolling the revolution.
    thought process on this:
    • if Diamond, then 4 diamonds? super secret diamond that no one knows about and isn't even whispered about? considering we already have the mystery of Pink Diamond that might be a bit much
    • so, if not Diamond, then what?
    • if high-caste, aristocratic, privileged, then: on Homeworld's side? would make sense. privileged Gems don't question society. could be potential villain!
    • if on rebels' side, why?
    • if Marble: that would be a very old gem, to have been crafted from stone. (we've mentioned stone being used instead of crystal for very old buildings.)
    • if very old gem, then has seen evolution of society. possibly around since early Diamond times? what happened before?
    • if very old gem, and has not liked evolution of society, perfectly placed to be both insanely rich and powerful and also perfectly capable of doing whatever she wants.
    • very old gem, very high class = very trusted in Gem society. perfect place to bankroll a revolution. you'd have your finger in every damn pie in the galaxy.

    also re trodding on canon toes: we do have an Amethyst in-RP, but she's not mentioned much. we've also met a few Rubies. that being said, we've all deliberately picked different gems to play as, so. XD
  14. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    that's totally a possibility! however, the rebellion has been going on for a while - and in our canon, there have been previous rebellions. so it's not totally crazy (at least to me) that there could be Gems working for revolution on a really long time scale.
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  15. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Not SU, but similar things have been done in the Homestuck fandom due to the lifespan of highbloods - Mindfang being hypothesized to have told the Summoner about the Signless is the most common example, but like there's also elanorpam's Cultstuck which has Darkleer being a major force in the Signlessist Cult in the modern (=Karkat and company) era. I myself have a fantroll who is a seadweller who rose in the ranks during the Summoner's Rebellion who doesn't think they were Entirely Wrong, but considers it mostly his job to serve as a living record of this kind of thing rather than getting involved directly.
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  16. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    hmm ok so i read through a bunch of the thread (saved for offline reading) and did notice the references to marble being used as a construction material, so i was wondering whether that might pose a problem there.

    while i am interested in the concept of a very old gem bankrolling the revolution, the character concept i want to play is decidedly less mature...

    could i split that concept? say there's an Older Marble and a Younger Marble. the Older Marble has been bankrolling the revoluton, can help provide support for the fleeing parties- but she's remaining within the aristocracy, so she can continue to keep an eye on things. she's not super well regarded because of changing Homeworld use of Marble (and a recognition that Those Like Her who never attained sapience are now used as literal construction material, so she would absolutely resonate with the We Are Not Things concepts the Pearls are developing) and so any production of another "gem" of her kind would be a bit frowned upon by Homeworld. But! if she's publically a loyal enough and long-lived enough figure, they might regard some of her 'idiosyncracies' with indulgence and allow her a descendant of sorts. which is where Young Marble happens- and she's primarily publically encouraged to be basically a socialite, she's Old Gem Heritage but she has bookish tendencies and is clearly Not A Threat.

    Except then, Old Marble has been ensuring she has been getting some training and preparation- i have an idea for another 'assistant' gem, Azurite, who appears to just be like a fancy and slightly more intelligent Pearl but is actually a Right Fucking Manipulative Bastard, and is supervising YM's training.

    SO THEN when Spinel and Tourmaline are helping oversee the Pearls (and others) get the fuck outta dodge, well, Old MArble thinks her descendant has been getting a little bit too lazy and bookish and good at the court business, so it's time to send her (and Azurite) along to both assist with the escape and get themselves more actively on the rebellion side. They've heard worryingly little from Rose Quartz in the meanwhile, and there are actions being taken to reinvestigate Earth, so now is when the war looks like it's gonna flare right back up again.

    would that work?? feel free to nitpick and pull shit apart lmao i'll be online for a few hours (still working through the threads)
  17. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    OKAY SO I'VE READ EVERYTHING i am now up to date

    so uhhhhh i have a couple of questions, just to make sure i get what's going on

    we've got pearls, hematite, citrine, spinel and... tourmaline? in a ship stolen from labradorite (plus also stealing her pearl) and are going- where exactly?


    did a preliminary redesign for Marble the Younger, will try to work on something a bit less shitty phonecam (and smth for Azurite)

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
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  18. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    We have all our pearls, hematite, citrine, and spinel in the stolen ship.
    Which is currently parked outside next to Watermelon Tourmaline's ship, which has Melon (Watermelon Tourmaline's nickname), Tektite, Baroque pearl, gold pearl, and maybe also black opal? on it.

    We have so many fucking irons in the fire, jeez.

    The ships were headed off world, basically. Not sure where yet (as in the characters don't know either) but seeing as most of them are fugitives, off world is the plan.
    Not necessarily earth, but we have discussed rose quartz, but idk.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
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  19. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Well, Spinel is definitely headed for Earth. She's got a weapons cache and intel to deliver. Anyone who doesn't wanna come along should get off her rocket D<
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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    @cryptoThelematrix has been very busy recently so Melon might not come in for a while.

    We are definitly heading off-world! if we go straight to Earth kiiiiiind of depends on whether or not we want to send our characters on an Odyssey through space or not?
    I'm personally partial to a more complicated route than straight for Earth, partially to throw pursuers off. no need to make it clear we're going to join RQ. Better to make them believe we're going elsewhere on our own, hope to lose our pursuers, then make our way to Earth at a more reasonable pace.

    I love the idea of younger and older Marble! The only thing you may consider is making Azurite an outright Pearl possibly? Since with Black Opal we already have a Pearl-but-better gem class in the game.
    (Also Marble looks gorgeous.)
    • Like x 2
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