Escape From Homeworld: Planning/Gemsona stuff goes here

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by PotteryWalrus, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    *chants* teach the Pearls to breakdance! teach the Pearls to breakdance!
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  2. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Ooh, I gotta think about Carnelian's dance style. My brain says modern but I'll try to dig up a video I like
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  3. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Apropos of nothing, but I think of Carnelian doing the sort of leaping kicking dance Lindsey Stirling does? I'm not sure if that helps bc I don't know what style it is, but...

  4. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    @lilacsofthedead hi I am a violinist and she is one of my idols headcanon accepted <3
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  5. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    ooof if asked to clsssify i'd probably say lindsay does like... hip hop/street dance with elements of jazz and ballet? possibly some riverdance some in her other videos not that one.
    But she definitly has ballet basics in there.
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  6. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    I'm wondering about the Pearls choosing to diversify their dance styles? Along the lines of them being wholly customizable, it seems like a stereotype to say that all Pearls love ballet. Not, of course, that that's a bad thing, you know, but I feel like all the Pearls exploring themselves through dance ... i'm literally getting chills.
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  7. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    oh, Rose is definitely going modern when she gets a choice. she does not enjoy ballet, it's just all she knows.
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  8. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    If we're talking specific Lindsey songs, this one is probably my favorite and also the one I'd pick for Carnelian. There is a literal music/dance duel featuring weaponized soundwaves I shit you not (also COSTUMES)
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    yes! all teh pearls getting more diverse with dances is absolutely great and i whole heartedly agree that it should happen!
    though now i'm wondering... maybe it'd be easier to pick out dances for specific fusions? idk
    but Lavender is definitly leaning paso doble (she nejoys getting thrown and twirled and lifted) and maybe tango and jive depending on partners (I suspect with Citrine she'd do a jive for example.)
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  10. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash


    I like Gray getting into tango. for those real flushed fusions. (and there's some spade in tango, let's be real)

    but also she is very precise, and she likes ballet for that - but maybe also contemporary? hmmmmmx2
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  11. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Tango's good for precision too! Also it's fucking gorgeous ugh
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  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    somehow my mind just went to riverdance fusions
    it'd be so awkward to aggressively start riverdancing at each other but kind of awesome in a weird way
    also revue tap dance
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  13. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    /quietly suggests burlesque for somebody
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  14. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet




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  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    okay guys
    i dunno where @emythos is rn but if Smoke doesn't post soon we'll handwave having grabbed her.
    @chaoticArbiter you good with dragging Rose along as well until you can post again? we're kinda gettign stalled again.
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  16. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    i know @emythos has been sick, they haven't been around much. i don't think they'll mind Smoke getting pulled along.
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  17. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Ahh, alright. @chaoticArbiter, would you be okay if I said Pyrite grabbed Rose and Smoke and pulled them along to the craft in the morning? (I'm unlikely to post this evening, put it that way :3)

    Also, I was too excited to say it properly earlier, but THANKYOU EVERYONE who piled into this weird boat of Pearl Revolution with me. I'm still kind of shocked that it's a thing at all, much less something I OP'd XD
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  18. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    go for it.
    I am sorry I haven't posted; between mental health shit and new relationship and the brief job and school starting soon I have been....a giant mess.
  19. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @lilacsofthedead - if you want to write that, Gray is planning to do exactly what she described: swoop in from the top of the arena, then do some fancy shit, uncloak mid-flight so Pyrite can see the ship, and then Pyrite can leap on as they go through the arches. after which they would go to rendezvous with Melon's ship.

    EDIT: unless of course something does not go according to plan!
  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Alright so @lilacsofthedead would just need to post Iron Pyrite getting on the ship please?
    eta: ninja'd on three counts oops
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
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