Escape From Homeworld

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Gray Pearl, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Call Me Lavender

    Call Me Lavender Has To Stop Talking | 18+

    Lavender held Rose's gem close to her own, trying to not melt into a puddle of tears at the thought of getting poofed.
    Amethyst had... Well she had never done it but she often threatened her with it and surely it must hurt more than the rough handling she was usually subjected to...
    But they were talking of rebellion...
    She took a deep breathe.
    "Y-you can p-poof me as well, ma'am but please make sure t-that whoever carries me also has R-rose, I-i-i'd be distraught if something seperated us!"
    Then she spots Smoke and runs towards the other Pearl, hugging her tightly. How improper! But she couldn't help herself.
    "Oh stars and shards they didn't get you! I'm so glad!"
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  2. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    Smoke clung back to Lavender, hugging her fiercely. This was improper, not allowed, absurd, and something she'd really not been expecting. But shards, this was the nicest thing to happen in ages.
    "I was so worried. I thought for certain you were smashed."
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  3. The Singing Spinel

    The Singing Spinel New Member

    "Rose Quartzes aren't made," Spinel says to the Citrine, "Because of the very one I speak of. She is the leader of an ongoing rebellion against Homeworld, based on a planet called Earth. Quite infamous, her and the Pearl beside her."
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  4. Citrine

    Citrine Young and Stupid

    "Wow, she sounds cool. I wonder what she'd make of me." Citrine knew that other higher-ranking Quartzes could get a bit possessive and territorial, and doubted that this mad rebel leader would take kindly to a young gem of her own kind. But she was already following Lavender's gaze to the new Pearl - who Citrine recognized as the one she had accidentally crashed into, what already seemed like half a lifetime ago. "Hey, it's you!"

    She took a couple of steps forward, meaning to greet her, then checked herself. All the Pearls present were already jumpy as stars - this new one didn't need her looming over her, however accidentally. She grinned. "I'm glad you're okay - I guess this means I am allowed to punch your Quartz in the face new time we meet, huh?"
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  5. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    "Hello there!"
    Smoke was glad the nice Quartz was here, too.
    "When she reforms, you are absolutely allowed to punch her. Directly in her face. I will set up a file of who gets to punch her, and when. You will be at the top of the list."
    She blushed gray when she realized what she had just said.
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  6. Rita

    Rita A Rather Nervous Gem

    "Look, we can all talk about this when we're safe." Rita said sighing, "But if we don't start moving or getting poofed or whatever the plan is we're all going to be dealing with a lot worse than putting off a few hugs and pleasantries."
  7. Call Me Lavender

    Call Me Lavender Has To Stop Talking | 18+

    Lavender let go of Smoke just enough to look at her.
    "C-can I get on that list too?" she grinned hesitantly as if she wasn't sure she was allowed to. She had always disliked Smoky Quarz quite a bit.
    Hearing Rita, Lavender sighed and let go of Smoke completely, stepping n rage of Citrine's weapon.
    "D-don't worry, Smoke, we have a plan!" she says, belatedly, trying to make sure the other Pearl wouldn't freak out worse.
  8. Citrine

    Citrine Young and Stupid

    Citrine snorted with laughter, about as delicate and lady-like as a club to the face. "Heh, nice to know I'm first in line for something for a change. Yeah, we were just discussing how to get you Pearls out of the building without being seen."

    She outlined the plan about the poofing, then raised her mace with the enhancer on it, smiling at Lavender in a way she hoped was reassuring. "Who wants to go first?"
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
  9. Call Me Lavender

    Call Me Lavender Has To Stop Talking | 18+

    Lavender stepped forward.
    "I-i should go first, I-i'm probably the most searched for right now."
    there was a tiny hint of pride in her voice there.
    Anyway, she handed Rose's gem to Smoke for safe keeping and braced herself.
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  10. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    "Of course, Lavender. You can go third.
    I've already put myself on that list."
    She flinched when Lavender stepped near Citrine's weapon.
    The plan seemed worrying. Anyone poofed would be completely helpless. But it was the best plan they had, true.
    "Good luck, Lavender.
    We still have a dance we didn't get to!"
    She clung tight to Rose's gem.
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  11. Citrine

    Citrine Young and Stupid

    Citrine smiled at Lavender in a way she hoped was reassuring. It wasn't pleasant, being poofed, but it was the best option they had right now. "Okay, hold still."

    She bopped each Pearl on the head as painlessly as she could manage. Spinel was right, she didn't need to apply very much force at all in order to poof each gem down to their requisite stone. Once that was done, she looked around to her other allies. "Musician, can you take Smoke Pearl? I'll take Lavender and Rose since they're the once that need the most defending right now, and Spinel can you take Seafoam and her friend?"
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  12. The Singing Spinel

    The Singing Spinel New Member

    "Certainly," she says, taking the weapon enhancer back from Citrine and then tucking the two Pearls into her scarf. The two make it bulge slightly, but a quick wrapping of another loop of it around her neck hides most of it, since the fabric is particularly non-reflective. "I have a temporary apartment at the Pear Cut Tower," she adds. "Left facet hall, third level six. Near enough to the shipyard that it won't be too difficult to get everyone there."

    She was doing this. This was a mad impulse, and those had gotten her into trouble often enough - but if it hadn't been for singing where a rebel Quartz could hear, her life wouldn't have had any joy in it, either.
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  13. Carnelian

    Carnelian Amusing, hopefully

    "Yes, I can take Smoke. I'm Carnelian." She tucked the gem into her belt as delicately as possible.
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  14. Pinfire Opal

    Pinfire Opal Red Topaz's Opal

    Black Opal followed Red Topaz out. Her master was currently quietly seething, but Black Opal knew it wouldn't last. It would go like this: Red Topaz would go home, and of course begin gossiping with other courtly Gems - oh, it was so dreadful, the Pearls must have been cracked - until the next morning, where they would attend the execution (all of Red Topaz's associates with their Pearls, if they had them, in tow and with a clear view.) Thereafter, Red Topaz would gather with the others - Blue Diamond shall need a replacement Pearl now, I wonder what style she'll pick? to The Diamonds acted justly, of course, and then Red Topaz would steer the conversation into how her Opal, yes, that special custom job, one-of-a-kind you know, disincorporated the rogue Rose Pearl, just like that! And then, she handed the Gem directly to the Diamonds, followed by various impressed and envious compliments. Black Opal kept her hands flat at her sides. Clenching them now wouldn't do.

    They reached the car, Black Opal settling smoothly into the driver's chair.
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  15. Celestine

    Celestine Follower of Blue Diamond

    "It might look suspicious if we all go back to the same tower," Celestine pointed out. "And even if it's more cautious, I don't think we should keep the Pearls bubbled and separated for so long."
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  16. Citrine

    Citrine Young and Stupid

    "Yeah, it's not good to be cooped up like that," Citrine agreed, then thought. "Do you guys know the old shipyard, down below the new ones? Building cut three? My friend works there - maybe if you and me, Carnelian, if we go there first, then leave the Pearls hiding with Hematite..."

    She bit her lip, thinking, then glanced up at Celestine and back down to Spinel. "Do you ladies have comms I can signal? I've got a cheap little unit all recruits are given in basic, but I can't... I don't think it's likely to be a secure line."

    It felt a bit exciting, talking about secure lines and all that. Like the tall tales Hematite had shown her online. They probably weren't regulation, either, but they were fun, and that was what mattered to the young Quartz.
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  17. Celestine

    Celestine Follower of Blue Diamond

    "Well, I've got a good comm, but it's meant for keeping in touch with a base while I'm flying reconnaissance, you know? I don't know how secure it is," Celestine said.
  18. Carnelian

    Carnelian Amusing, hopefully

    "I can come with you, Citrine." She was still nervous around the Quartz, but allies could only help.
  19. Citrine

    Citrine Young and Stupid

    "Great!" Citrine grinned at Carnelian, then took out her comms unit and offered it to Celestine. "Here. Either we can switch units which might be easier for contacting each other because we know the codes, or you can preset yours on mine and I'll do the same with whatever you give me."
  20. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    Melon panicked briefly when Smoke jumped down from her shoulders--shard it, that little Pearl was too brave for her own good--and watched in shock as all the Pearls were discorporated. She knew she ought to run back to her own ship and get off Homeworld, but she'd never had much sense, and...they didn't look like enforcers.

    "Spinel! Citrine! Carnelian! What did you just do to my friend and her friends?"
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