Escape From Homeworld

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Gray Pearl, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Celestine

    Celestine Follower of Blue Diamond

    "It's ok! They agreed," Celestine said, keeping her hands away from her Gem. "Wait - you know these Pearls?"
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  2. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    "I just met them," Melon admits, "but I know the Smoke Pearl, because I got her out of there and discorporated that awful Smoky Quartz. I want to help them."
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  3. Celestine

    Celestine Follower of Blue Diamond

    Celestine tried to remember the Quartz in question. Ah yes, that one... "Well, we talked with the Pearls. We thought it'd be easier to escape if they were hidden inside of our Gems, since we wouldn't be noticed the way they would. I was going to use my comm to tell the Quartzes running around that the Pearls had gone to ground in a different area."
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  4. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    "That sounds like a good plan. I'm Watermelon Tourmaline, and if you're wondering...yes, that one." Melon smiled. "You know we're all going to have to get off this ridiculous planet if we don't want to be ground down to dust, don't you?"
  5. Tektite

    Tektite The True Warp Master

    Tektite had only barely registered what had happened. "So," she asked as quietly as possible, coming in as close as she comfortably could, "we're just...carrying them out, then? And leaving Homeworld?"

    She had to admit, an adventure like that sounded rather appealing. She'd read a few comics that other technician Gems had stashed around, science fiction stories about alien explorers, and she'd always thought the idea of traveling the galaxy was nice. And since she knew her position wasn't one that would lead her off-planet much, unless they deigned to let her test one of her warp pads...hey, she was down for whatever. She didn't have any real friends or attachments here on Homeworld, or even any especially prized possessions--well, save for the little Robonoid she'd adopted, but Robo (as she'd rather uncreatively nicknamed the little thing) lived in her gem, so it wasn't like she needed to get her out of her quarters or anything.

    "...That sounds really cool! Can I come with?"
  6. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    "Do you want to be a pirate?" Melon shrugged. "Though I suppose you don't have to. Once you get far enough away, you don't have to do anything really, except stay far enough away from Homeworld's expansion."
  7. The Singing Spinel

    The Singing Spinel New Member

    "It's a temporary housing tower," Spinel says. "Gems come and go all the time. No one will notice a few more, not even a dramatically colored Tourmaline." She shrugs slightly. "As long as you don't all approach my room at the same time, no one will notice."
  8. Citrine

    Citrine Young and Stupid

    "Man, I wanted to discorporate Smoky Quartz." Citrine pouted, but she was laughing. She had been on her guard when the big Tourmaline had run up to them with that look on her face, but relaxed when it turned out she was not only an ally, but she had the little Tech with her as well! She was glad the little green-clad gem had gotten out unbroken. And she was a pirate! "I feel like I've been really sheltered - I didn't know that there were so many rebels to the Authority's rules. Hey, Tech, glad you got out okay."

    She outlined the intial plan once more, then said, "Uh, Tourmaline? Do you want to come with us to hide the Pearls with my friend? Smoke's your buddy as well, and the more people that can protect them, the better."
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  9. Tektite

    Tektite The True Warp Master

    Oh hey, the Citrine was back! "Thanks, I'm glad too!" Tektite said with a smile. "I didn't know there were all these rebels either, but I also never really did any rebel-y stuff, so I guess it makes sense that I wouldn't know, right?" She shrugged, still smiling. Yes, she was nervous--but she was also incredibly excited, and found herself a bit surprised by that excitement.
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  10. Carnelian

    Carnelian Amusing, hopefully

    "I think we all just figured out what was wrong at the same time."
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  11. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    "I don't know that I'm really a rebel," Melon says with a shrug, "but I'm only on Homeworld because I needed a part I couldn't get anywhere else. Most of the time I am out on the edges of the Authority's reach, doing whatever I can to prevent the Authority from destroying everything that's ... not the Authority." She shrugs again. "I'm not brave like Rose Quartz, that's for sure, although there have been times I've wanted to thank her for putting on a good show and distracting whoever was trying to crush me."
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  12. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    "I will absolutely help you, Citrine. I'm surprised that there's someone out there who lasted in the military even a shorter time than me. Surprised and impressed that is."
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  13. Gold Pearl

    Gold Pearl Just a Pearl

    Today was not Gold Pearl's day. No, it really wasn't.
    First, she had been dragged to some big event--Diamonds only knew how Amber, a tech Gem, had managed to finagle her way into getting an invitation to that. Ordinarily, Amber would have left her 'idiot Pearl' at home, feeling she would look better without Gold fucking things up around her. But this time, Amber had known it was a high society event, and had known that other Pearls would be their with their owners, and being shown off--and so she'd opted to bring Gold, dragging her along to the event and making her stand next to her the whole time until finally, Gold had been abandoned in a corner.
    From there, she had watched from her corner in awe and shock as the Seafoam Pearl had been invited into the dance by the Lavender Pearl, and then seen the Rose Pearl leap into the dance and fuse with Blue Pearl. She'd watched as they fused into one giant Violet Pearl, and seen the Violet Pearl poof the Almandine, the high-ranking gem who was clearly the Rose Pearl's owner, and then she'd stood, frozen in shock, as the Lavender Pearl snatched the Rose Pearl right from the Diamonds, and then chaos had broken lose. She'd immediately begun to look around for Amber, desperate to get out of there and certain Amber would want to leave--only to see Amber dashing off after the Quartzes going after the escaped Pearls. Of course. Naturally, Amber wanted to be the hero yet again, wanted to prove herself as she had before and win herself more respect and standing, because the power-hungry Gem was never happy with what she had.
    So, with a sigh, Gold Pearl had gone after her mistress, following her down the hallway as Amber struggled to keep up with the Quartzes. The shorter Gem had inevitably fallen behind, and then gotten lost, which she'd blamed Gold Pearl for--and then, finally, finally, Amber and Gold Pearl had found a group of other Gems. They looked to be a motley crew, Gold thought, though she thought she recognized that Tourmaline. Gems, she noticed, were scattered across the floor--Quartz Gems, from the pursuers who had gone after the Pearls! These Gems had to have been helping the Pearls--and in fact, there was one on the floor, right there!
    Amber came to this realization at the same moment as Gold Pearl, and with a snarl, Amber drew her weapon from her Gem--a sword, light orangey in color, the same shade as Amber's skin.
    "Wait!" Gold exclaimed, leaping in front of the Tourmaline as Amber slashed with her sword, the only thought in Gold's mind that she needed to help these Gems to escape with the other Pearls, she had to help her fellow Pearls somehow!
    Amber didn't pause in her slash and cut right through Gold, who promptly poofed into nothingness, her Gem clattering to the floor.
    Amber growled. "Stupid Pearl!" she exclaimed, glaring down at Gold's Gem. "Stupid, stupid Pearls!" Her eyes lit on a nearby Coral Pearl, lying on the floor, and without a second thought, she stamped down on it, smashing it to bits.
    Then she realized that the other Gems had been protecting these Pearls. Oh no. Her eyes shifted to the other Gems standing there, knowing they would attack at any second, and knowing she couldn't take them on....
    So without a second word, she vanished her weapon and took off down the hallway. She needed to get to someone who could do something about this situation! Someone...someone like....Red Topaz! Yes!
  14. Carnelian

    Carnelian Amusing, hopefully

    There was a moment of stunned silence.
    Unsure what else to do, Carnelian stepped forward and gingerly picked up the gold Pearl's gem, tucking it into her belt alongside Smoke Pearl. At least she could be safer now. Hopefully.
  15. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    "We need to leave--when she comes back she will not be alone."
  16. Celestine

    Celestine Follower of Blue Diamond

    "Oh, shards," Celestine muttered. "Here, I'll get out, let some of the others know that I'm pursuing the Pearls heading to the Eastern facet dwelling area. Be anywhere but there, ok? I'll see you later." She leaped into the air, heading off away from them.
  17. Red Topaz

    Red Topaz Diplomatic Attaché to Blue Diamond

    Black Opal had already started the shuttle, and Red Topaz was just about to leave when the tech gem - an Amber - came running up to her. She sighed heavily and pointedly. Clearly today was a terrible day for Gems staying in their place.

    When the little Amber simply bounced from one foot to the other instead of going away like Red Topaz clearly wanted her to do, she growled deep in her throat and spoke. "Yes?"

    "Pearls! Getting help!" huffed the Amber, still far too excited.

    Red Topaz blinked, her frown deepening. "I seriously hope you're not asking me to help the Pearls who are set to be crushed. I doubt I need to remind you that doing so would almost certainly be a breakable offense on its own." She prepared to draw her weapon. If this little tech was a rebel, it would be best to disincorporate her and deliver her to the authorities. And if indeed this tech was a rebel, she might have information about other rebels, which would almost certainly raise Red Topaz's profile among Blue Diamond's court...

    The Amber took a couple deep breaths and calmed down, then saluted respectfully. "I'm sorry ma'am," she said, "I was trying to say that the Pearls are being aided by other Gems - a yellow Quartz, and a flying blue Gem, and a colour of Tourmaline I've never seen before. I think the bigger Gems had disincorporated the Quartzes that had gone after them in the hall. I thought you would know what to do."

    The frown did not leave Red Topaz's face, and her brow furrowed to match it. If what the Amber said was true, then it was quite possible the Pearls would successfully reach hiding. If it was the Tourmaline she suspected it might be, they would almost certainly make it into hiding.

    This was turning out better than her little fantasy of catching one little rebellious tech. Watermelon Tourmaline alone would be a serious catch for the Diamond Authority. A flying blue Gem? Sounded like a Celestine. That was interesting. And a yellow Quartz - well, that didn't say much, but if it turned out to be one of the new Quartzes, that would be one hell of a crack in Yellow Diamond's side ... and Red Topaz was always ready to play politics.

    She smiled at the little yellow Gem. "Thank you for bringing me this information. You made the right decision. I suggest you also stay low: they know that you know what they're up to, and they will almost certainly try to disincorporate you... if not outright crush you." She loomed slightly over the short Gem, her smile turning to a serious eyebrow raise. "Whatever you do, don't follow them.

    "Black Opal," she continued, turning to face her pilot, "we are going to go after those Pearls. Stay low until you can find out whether or not that Tourmaline is dangerous: if she is who I think she is, she's a serious threat. Beyond that... I-- we'll... be handsomely rewarded if we bring the Diamonds a satchel of rebellious Gems."
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
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  18. Pinfire Opal

    Pinfire Opal Red Topaz's Opal

    "As you say." Black Opal said. Of course. She had thought... but no. The Pearls wouldn't escape Homeworld. It was nice to think that they could have, while it lasted. She waited until Red Topaz was nearly secured in her seat, before placing her hands into the control panel and sending the shuttle hurtling forward. She had an idea of where the Pearls would head; there were only so many routes out of the Hall that they could know about. She kept out of easy sight as she curved around the massive structure, eye focused forward.
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  19. Citrine

    Citrine Young and Stupid

    One of them had dropped the last Pearl. She had dropped her, and now she was... she was...

    Citrine snarled, a core-deep sound of real Quartz fury, and advanced on the Amber. She had tensed to run after her, as automatic as a dog with a thrown ball, then Tourmaline's voice brought her back to herself a little. No. No, she had better things to do than revenge right now. She had to get Rose and Lavender somewhere safe. She touched the lump in her belt where they were both wrapped, suddenly seeming intensely small and fragile.

    She roared low in frustration and punched the wall, cracking the marble tile effortlessly, then fought herself back under control. She stalked back past the little group and beckoned, trying not to snarl more and scare the non-combatants. "Come on, you're right. We gotta get out of here. Tech, you go with Spinel, okay? You'll be safe with her."

    Without waiting for further answer, she turned and began to head up out of the great hall. "If anyone tries to stop us, they're mine."
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  20. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    "We're going to need more than one ship to get out of here. There's room on my ship, but probably not enough for everyone to be comfortable once they've regenerated. Fortunately it's not that hard to steal things--nobody ever seems to expect it. If we're all going up to the residence we should shapeshift; if can meet me in the shipyard."
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