Escape From Homeworld

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Gray Pearl, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    "This is why mine is a bit more sturdy. Much quieter and practical." While the two of them caught up, Smoke took the opportunity to give a polite, subtle wave and mouth "Hello."
  2. Call Me Lavender

    Call Me Lavender Has To Stop Talking | 18+

    Lavender was overjoyed! That was the most she had talked to anyone but Amethyst since they came back from the frontlines a few weeks back. And Smoke seemed so nice! She still thought she'd love to dance with Rose Pearl, too, but with how Amethyst and Smoky Quarz were talking she would probably be matched up with Smoke. Which was also very exciting! But she could see that Smoke would probably prefer a more deliberate, slow and accurate dance style and so she did her best to draw herself up into her best posture, no surplus motions. She was a proper Pearl afterall.
  3. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    Smoke had to smile as Lavender attempted to put herself in a serious posture. She was definitely a good sort, and now that she thought about it, Smoke decided she'd be fine with dancing with her.
    She might have been a bit biased, since this was the most friendly imteraction she'd had in a while. Mostly, Smoke only talked to people besides Smoky Quartz when she was organizing events or similar things.
  4. Call Me Lavender

    Call Me Lavender Has To Stop Talking | 18+

    Lavender was just about to open her mouth again as Amethyst looked at her. She froze. This look usually meant she'd either be punished or sent away...
    "Pearl, darling", The huge Quarz drew the word out sarcastically. "Don't you want to go and start on your stretches? Away from your Mistress and Lady Smoky Quarz?"
    Lavender almost couldn't bite back the sigh of relief but she just nodnodnoded obediently and took off to an empty corner near the stage to do her warm up. And maybe chat with the flutist who'd looked at her earlier! If she was sneaky her Mistress would never know!
  5. Rose Pearl

    Rose Pearl Member

    Almandine looked around, spying Smoky Quartz and Amethyst talking. She paused for a moment, wondering if she ought to mingle with the soldiers. Certainly, they were beneath her...but then, she could do them a favor and grace them with her presence. It might make the two of them look good if an aristocrat was seen talking to them, and Almandine prided herself on helping others look good. Some of her personal favorite Quartzes had even been known to receive early promotions and special audiences with the Diamonds. So, after some consideration, she decided to join the conversation. After all, it was going to be a bit before anything really started happening, and there was no harm in talking to the two Quartzes.
    So she nodded at Rose Pearl briefly and made her way over, having regained her composure and now seeming completely calm. "Good evening," she greeted the two Gems.
    Rose Pearl followed along behind her mistress, hands clasped behind her back and posture perfectly straight. She kept her eyes forward, not daring to glance over at Lavender Pearl in the corner or Smoky Pearl until she was sure her mistress was distracted. As soon as she was positive Almandine wasn't paying attention, she shifted her gaze to Smoky Pearl and offered a quick smile, praying that neither the Quartzes nor Almandine would notice.
  6. Gray Pearl

    Gray Pearl Pearl of Onyx

    Onyx, who had been engaging a Jasper in a conversation about tactics for large groups of combatants, noticed Amethyst directing her Pearl to the corner.

    "Hold that thought," she said to the Jasper, who nodded politely - she and Onyx were of similar rank, and had engaged in training exercises together - and she turned to Gray Pearl. "Go prepare for the commissioning ceremony. Return to me once it is complete."

    Gray Pearl sank into a bow, directed at both Onyx and the Jasper, and upon rising again she turned and walked towards the Lavender Pearl.

    "Well-trained Pearl you got there," the Jasper said as Gray walked away. "Silent and obedient? You don't usually get both."

    Gray, now that her back was to her mistress, allowed herself the luxury of rolling all three of her eyes.
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  7. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Smoke returned the smile quickly, sure that no one was paying attention to her. Sure enough, no one else even looked at her until Lavender was sent off.
    "Go watch over Amethyst's Pearl, would you? She seems so...fidgety. You'll be able to keep her in line."
    Obediently, Smoke made her way gracefully to the corner with Lavender. Hopefully, Rose Pearl would be sent over there too, and they'd be able to interact.
  8. Carnelian

    Carnelian Amusing, hopefully

    Carnelian shrugged. "It's a job. I need something to do, might as well be a thing I like." Even if I hate the rest of this, she thought. The Pearls were the ones on display here, but that just meant it was more dangerous for them.
  9. Rose Pearl

    Rose Pearl Member

    Almandine noted the other Pearls being sent away, and nodded in Rose Pearl's direction. "Rose Pearl, join the other Pearls while we talk. Remember your place."
    Rose sighed internally; she knew what that meant. No interacting with the other Pearls if her mistress was paying any attention...but Rose Pearl knew Almandine quite well, and knew enough that her mistress wouldn't pay her any mind, assuming that Rose Pearl would simply obey her without any need of reminders. Which meant Rose would be free to talk to the other two Pearls. She smiled to herself and then quickly made her way to the corner, where the other three Pearls were. Arriving in the corner, she glanced over to make sure Almandine really wasn't watching, and then turned towards the other Pearls and quietly offered a, "Hello."
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  10. Gray Pearl

    Gray Pearl Pearl of Onyx

    Gray nodded at the new arrival, and continued stretching carefully. She also took the time to arrange her hair over her third eye - a considerable number of Gems were significantly disturbed by her flaw, and drama was the last thing she wanted ... as boring as this was going to be.

    The Rose Pearl seemed nice. Gray still had her reservations about the Lavender - so flighty. She knew Smoke Pearl slightly; head screwed on tight, very sensible.
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  11. Call Me Lavender

    Call Me Lavender Has To Stop Talking | 18+

    "Hi! I've been yearning to talk for aaaaaaages."
    Lavender sank into a graceful stretch.
    "Are you excited for the dance?"
  12. Rose Pearl

    Rose Pearl Member

    "I can relate to that," Rose Pearl said in reply to Lavender. "I've been wanting to talk all night...but my mistress refuses to let me, she thinks Pearls shouldn't speak unless spoken to...and sometimes not even then." At Lavender's question about the dance, Rose sighed. "Oh...I'm afraid I'm not allowed to partake in the dance. Dancing is one of my special skills, and, well, my mistress doesn't want me dancing for just anyone, I won't be part of the dance or the fusion." She sounded and looked sad about this fact, and she was rather sad about it. "Is it fun, have you done it before?"
  13. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    Smoke nodded at the newcomer, and paused in her stretching to say hello. It was good that the group was balanced, Lavender's enthusiasm could be muffled a bit by Gray's quiet and her own nature. Rose seemed nice enough, and relatively calm too. That could be helpful.
    She resumed stretching and said to Lavender, "Not exactly. It's a necessary part of the proceedings, I suppose."
    She looked oddly at Rose.
    "You won't be joining us? Too bad, but I wouldn't call it fun, really. You aren't missing much."
  14. Call Me Lavender

    Call Me Lavender Has To Stop Talking | 18+

    Lavender straightens back up and looks at Rose with big eyes full of pity.
    "Aw what a shame I'd hoped that we... ah nevermind. I've not done it yet. I'm a bit new and I've not been at a huge event like this before. I'm mostly used by my Mistress as an armory hand but she wanted to show off. It's supposed to be fun! Ad far better than standing around all night."
    Stretching her arms and legs in preparation for the dance like this, talking with the others... She felt like she wasn't just a thing. Which was silly of course. But also sort of nice.
  15. Rose Pearl

    Rose Pearl Member

    Rose sighed. "No, I won't mistress is very particular about who I dance for, and when, and what I do. I've never even been part of a fusion, she won't let me..." It was relatively common for Pearls to have to fuse at events like this, but Rose had never been a part of it. "At least I'm not missing much, but I do love dancing and I really wish she'd let me partake...but she's an aristocrat, a member of White Diamond's court, and it is within her right to forbid me from partaking." She smiled slightly at Lavender. "I hope you have fun, though."
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  16. Gray Pearl

    Gray Pearl Pearl of Onyx

    Gray straightened, and stretched her arms behind her head, meeting the Rose's eyes. "It's...interesting. But not terribly different. You wear different clothes and you're larger."

    She could say more, but so many words at once already felt strange. The Rose could ask further if she wanted. Gray stretched her other arm.
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  17. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    Smoke was honestly surprised at how much Lavender and Rose seemed to enjoy the idea of the upcoming dance and subsequent fusion. It had always seemed like a chore to her, but maybe, just maybe, this time she could try to have some fun with it. Not too much, of course. That would be ridiculously absurd.
    "Anything is better than standing around all night. All I've done tonight is fall over and remind my mistress of when we were supposed to leave."
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  18. Rose Pearl

    Rose Pearl Member

    "Interesting...." Rose murmured, thinking to herself. "I've always're bigger. Do you feel...more powerful? Like you anything?" She liked to imagine that was what fusion felt like--to be so big, to be able to do what you wanted, to maybe even--woah. All right. That was going a bit dark.
    Suddenly Rose realized what she'd said and flushed a bright pink. "Oh, shards, forget what I said!" She waved her hands frantically. "I--I didn't mean anything by it, honestly!!" Stepping out of line that far and calling yourself powerful was an almost breakable offense, as it signified you were considering yourself above the other Gems when you were beneath everyone. "P-please don't tell anyone."
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  19. Smoke Pearl

    Smoke Pearl Active Member

    " feel like more. More than you. It's an odd feeling," Smoke said quietly.
    "No one will say you said anything, I believe."
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  20. Gray Pearl

    Gray Pearl Pearl of Onyx

    Gray shakes her head. "We won't get you in trouble."
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