Well yes, okay, so I had an idea. Well, I've had this idea for years and toyed with it (and tweaked it) over the years, but here it is. Anyway, questions? Comments? Thoughts? Feelings? Ideas? It would be focused on these poor fucks finding their way / surviving but also probably with a twist towards trying to figure out what caused this mess? Literally anything with the label of 'disease' would work, even genetic and hereditary diseases. Older diseases that are near extinction (like Black Death) generally are considered dangerously powerful since they're a few steps from being guardians. This would probably have a lot of uh... Bloody / gross themes? Since diseases? But I'd want to make sure that no one gets hurt. Anyway. Yes?
I am interested! Do the "normal" vectors of catching a disease play a part in how the Disease embodiment needs to isolate themselves to avoid spreading accidentally? So like people who are an airborne disease wearing airfilters put in the "opposite" way and stuff like that? Do people with more obscure epidemic vectors have it easier to blend in/can be more social?
Pretty much yeah! So like airborne vectors would transmit it airborne but it would be the 'normal' form of it, if that makes sense? I imagine the 'normal vector passing' would rise and wane with environmental factors, but all of them pass it via touch in a hyper-aggressive form. More obscure (or more minor I'd imagine) diseases do have an easier time blending in, but touch-passed versions of diseases are incurable due to how aggressive they are? So like, a Flu would probably wear a face mask all the time while something like a genetic disease would be able to seem 'normal' besides having to aggressively not touch people.
Absolutely nothing! They can touch each other as if they were all normal people, mostly because as embodiments they can't catch disease so no harm can happen.
You can totally do that As a side note I'm considering Rabies, Kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or Sporadic Fatal Insomnia. Leaning towards SFI or Kuru rather heavily tbh.
*whispers* Rubella is fucking called "German Measels" I know what I wanna have... But that's likely to be oooooooold, traditional childhood diseases are fucking ancient after all~
I will aaaaaaaah all over this concept when I am home but I'm leaning towards playing a relatively new disease as a 15 or 16yo kid because I would like to have IC shit fits and also maybe a disease who doesn't even properly know what they can do because research is still being conducted.
I'm thinking my SCA embodiment is actually like, 200 years old, but looks about 15 because she was a teenager when the previous embodiment died and she got empowered. She is very excited to see how the human race advances in the next 200 years and has no desire to die.
Problem with Kuru: It's 'extinct' basically, though the positive is Guardian? But...???? Idk Other problem is that I may have fallen back in love with the idea of Rabes because let's be real. And omg sparkles I like that idea
So. I might have a problem http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?.locale=de&id=206793080 Their name is Jo and they are a tall androgynous young adult of indeterminate age. Is that name short for a girlname or a boy name? No. Their Name is Jo. They are amused by faking a German accent occassionally, especially towards other Diseases. Are they German? Who knows. Will they tell you? no. Also they are kinda crazy about children and babies (#Problematic for obvious reasons) and tend to be The Parent Friend. Bandaids? Yes. Snacks? Yes. Waterbottles? Yes. All offered without comment. Don't you dare comment.
Omfg. So as a note Ebola was my first character I ever made with this idea, he was this tiny waifish little kid who was so bitter about his condition and the world that he tricked people into touching him. He was so starved of affection (because of the history of that body and well... ya know) that he was willing to watch people bleed to death in his arms. Probably not going to do him, because I'd like to leave the disease Ebola open (Unless folks would like him to be in the mix, I can throw him in) and I'd like to make a new one. I'm really thinking Rabes, since that would be an older disease that still ravages the world but is sloowly being eradicated.
btw my discord is Moons#8019 if u add me I'll toss you into the server! I've decided to run with Rabies who probably runs a home / clinic for Diseases since he is older. Due to Rabies being kinda slowly being beaten he's probably getting closer and closer to Guardianship, but it's taking a while and he couldn't care less. His current body was a big lumber jack / mountain man who got bitten by a racoon in the middle of the woods. At least that was the 'start' of it? His former-self found the shack that his current self was sick and dying in and decided to transfer the power to the body that is currently Rabies. He's just a grumpy old man