"You definitely eat like a half-orc." The lack of horns makes me think he's probably just a poorly mannered human, but you never know. "We're going to go with 'or' here. I'm human enough to pass. Anything more than that is just round-eared superfluousness. Does it matter?"
Shyly I walk closer and take a deep breathe. "I'm Victoria, I am half-elf." (Starts to ask a question but stops mid sentence) "Could I perhaps have...........?" "Nevermind." I sit down kinda to the side trying to find the right words to say since I am not sure how to ask for help. I pull out my dagger and stick and start shaving the end.
While the awkward newcomer is whittling sticks -quite a few sticks too. It looks like she'll be at this a while- I move to expore the ruins of the universitarium. This place should be overgrown and crumbling, but other than moss and weeds it looks as though it were abandoned yesterday. How odd. I look back at my interesting new companions. "Did you come all this way to sit in the woods and eat rodents or are you going to come adventuring?"
(Eyes open wide) "Adventuring you say young one? I should say I am up for a spot of fun." Pulling out 2 short swords with interesting and colorful markings on them each one different from the other. " What say you chaps, are you game or are you too busy stuffing your guts?"
I pick up my whittled sticks and put them in to my arrow quill. Then and get ready to move as soon as the rest of the group is ready. "So does anyone know who's place this is or something was?"
I stand up and pull out a big knife. "I could go for some adventure. We won't get anything done sitting here." I then pick up my bag and say to all my new friends holding out my hand, " The name is Mimos but you all can call me Cuddles."
"Cuddles? Ok odd name but nice to meet you all the same. " "I am ready when everyone else is." Looks around at the rest of the group , then at the structure that we are about to inbark on and studying everything I can see to check for movement.
(Apologies for the delay in response)"I'd be up for some adventure and I am a full blooded elf. I stick to the wooded area nearby and help wondering travelers who get lost but no one has walked through in quite some time."
"Glad to make your acquaintance, and you speak as if that is not normally the case around here. You would happen to remember perhaps when your last wondering traveler came through here?" Thinking to myself 'Hopefully this might shine some light on what is going on around here.'
They're talking about adventure. I didn't come here with a specific objective, other than arrival, and the man with the food seemed to want to leave, so I hastily scaled the pine tree behind me and pulled my pack from the branches. "Might as well look at some of the buildings." I said it with a shrug while I tied my lone scabbard to my belt and carefully set the flat of my other short sword on my shoulder. I would have to find my lord at some point and get him to teach me how to make a scabbard. The one I'd pilfered off of a sleeping orc on my way to the universitarium was on its last legs. "What about that one?" I pointed to a building down the hill. It had four levels, and the walls were checkered with dirty, dark windows. "I bet there's something fun living in that one." Probably only ghouls, or maybe a few goblins, but it's time to move. As I tightened the straps of my battered, mostly empty leather pack, I realized my claymore was still up in the tree. Sighing, I stepped up on one of the branches and plucked it out of the boughs. It was wrapped in tough leather, and I had yet to use it. The blasted thing was as long as I was tall.
" Rather nice blades you have there and looks like you could use something for your short sword." Putting my swords behind my back as most assassins do, I pull out of my pack a braided leather band. "Try this, I made it myself a long time ago and only pull it out when I am being lazy." (This would be the strap I sometimes wear on my leg) "I would have to say there would be as good a place as any to start"
"A scabbard, halfling. Unless you want him to cut his own damned leg off you can put the bracelet away." Half the blood, half the brains, was that the saying? I'd heard it somewhere before, I'm sure. It had likely been a biting insult at the time. Now, I was starting to see the truth in it. "Quite the sword. Swords. Do you have an extra arm hidden somewhere or do you wield that big brute one-handed?" I try to imagine it and can't. The sizes simply don't relate, even for an orc. It would be interesting to see him try to use it. Watching him try to carry it was a source of entertainment on its own. I follow his gaze to the tallest of the three buildings. "The Hall of Magics, if my sources are correct. It's said to be home to the largest collection of magical tomes this world has ever seen. Was said. My information may be a few years out of date. Still, worth a look, don't you think? We may find something useful. If not, I'm sure there's something fun inside to keep us occupied." I smile, showing perhaps a few too many teeth.
Studdies the amount of blades Orin has and the heith he climbed up the tree "I'm supprised you got a clamore up there much less the fact it stayed. I've not much care for fancy blades, all I have is my bow and a small dagger but I assume we better head out before it gets late" heads off toward the old hall of magics "so what do you think we will find in there?"
"Both hands," I said indignantly. "Doesn't matter why I've got it anyway." I tugged the unwieldy sword's strap so that it wasn't digging into my neck. Nobody needed to know I hadn't used it yet. Seeing it was intimidating enough, I decided. I didn't need to actually swing it. "Don't know shit about magic. Let's go." Tightening my grip on the sword in my left hand, I strode forward. Hopefully I wouldn't have to try to read anything.
"Anyway I like it and it startled me seeing you with it." " yes let's go see what kinda mess we can get into."
I start walking to this hall of magics. "Only magic I'm familiar with is of the dark kind, like curses and stuff like that. Have to say I don't like any magic that much or trust it. Nothing like a good blade to take care of your troubles. Unfortunately since I was in such a hurry to get out of my home land I didn't get to bring mine only a few knives to carry."
"I quite agree except when it comes to making my blades poisonous. " I follow suit always keeping and eye and ear open to the sites and sounds around me.
"Magic is graceful and can be used for many good things, the elvish magic I know serves me well and hopefully I can learn more from this hall of magics" I studdy the group and the tasks ahead and pray to my ancestors to help keep the harmony between us all and guard us through our journey.
You enter the Hall of Magics and are struck first with the sense of size. The room you are in is enormous, long and tall, with doors that promise even more behind them. It looks like some strange and not entirely successful blend of a library and a school, built of alternating warren-like mazes of shelves crammed with thick, leather bound books and open areas for reading and study. Here and there are what look like impromptu classrooms built by shifting desks and pulling chairs from other parts of the building. Here and there are tables filled with bottles, but whatever was in them has long since crumbled to dust. The second sense you get is of age. There is an ancient quality to this place that stretches beyond its long abandonment. You get the feeling that this place was already old when the Universitarium was founded and that the passing decades haven't meant as much in here as they have outside. There is a thick layer of dust over everything, but other than that it seems undisturbed, as though it was left untouched and sealed away until you unwary adventurers stepped in and disturbed the silence. If you are perceptive you will notice that it is a bit larger on the inside than it appears on the outside. Not much, but the maze of shelves definitely extends farther than it should and the ceiling is more than four stories high. If you are truly observant you will notice that the quality of light coming in through the windows doesn't match that of the forest outside. It is brighter and lacks the green tint of a deep forest. As you are taking this all in, the door slams shut behind you. What will you do?