"I am sorry but no. We only just got here not but a few moments ago and had the most pleasant scare of the door closing on us only to discover it is not locked like some of us feared. " I paused for a second. "Do you know where you are? It seems to me you are not so sure what happened to you." I look at the rest of our group as to start pulling the puzzle together. Giving a motion of well she is in here I wonder who or what else is. "Are you the only one here or were you with others as we are a strange and interesting group?"
I held the sword tip down at my waist, "I didn't see it on the way in." I didn't feel like rehashing what the assassin said, so I moved on to something less difficult to think about. "Might as well look for it."
I noticed a whole bunch of eyes swing my way and shuffled down the row of shelves to my right. I'd be damned if I knew where the Woldo was, but I wanted to look around the room anyway. "It'll be a better search if we all spread out," I point out, turning left down the maze of books. As I went farther into the room, I saw that books were crammed into every conceivable crevice of the shelves. For a university, the place was horribly organized. Every time I'd heard someone talk about school, they always talked about how tidy the places were and how everything had to go in a specifically marked spot. To wreck the order of a classroom, I'd heard some boys say in a butcher's shop, was enough for a teacher to whip a student. I keep an eye out for the bladed weapon as I walk down the aisles, but the floors are covered in yet more books and pieces of paper. Not only was the volume of books increasing, but the mess got worse, too. Plus, it felt like I should have been at the other side of the room a lot faster than I was. When I looked around, though, the room didn't seem any bigger than it looked from the outside. "Hey Kwon," I called out from a tight triangle of shelves that stretched almost to the cavernous ceiling, "where was the last place you had this thing?"
[DM's prerogative to keep the story moving. If you want to build an item to use in the quest, it isn't completely game-breaking, and you could conceivably find it in an ancient library, you are fully welcome to find it as you are searching the Hall of Magics.]
"Yeah orin I would agree splitting up would hasten the search. I'll go this way ( pointing down another path) who knows what we'll find." I start looking along the books and the floor shuffling my feet carefully to see if I can feel anything under the dust and dirt. I notice a shiny piece of metal and bend down to pick it up. It was attached to 2 straps of leather like a collar for a dog or some kind of pet with out a hook for a lead. "I found a...........(looking at it closer I notice its a rose).. wait a minute...... no how did this get here..... I haven't been here before so what is my choker doing here? " I continue my search looking for anything else from my family. I turn the corner to find a statue. I scream for a second only to realize it is just a stone statue. "Who is this of?"
"Sounds like a plan" I take the forward path. "Hopefully I can find some kind of front desk or lost and found." I think to my self surely there has to be some more rooms here. I continue to walk for what feels like forever and think about my journey and how it got me here. "Jeez Mimos, how did you get to this point. You had a great life and now your with a group of strangers wandering a library." Ahead of me I see something shine in the dust. Out of excitement I run to it. "Finally something other than a book." As I get closer I see a skeleton in shredded rags and covered in dust holding a short sword. I slow down and stay on guard. The skeleton is really old and is surrounded by stacks of books. It looks as if this person was a lost adventure that took shelter here. "Well at least I didn't end up like you." I say quick prayer for the dead and ask to use their sword. Then I grab the sword and head on forward.
I start looking at these retreating figures with a slight smile on my face, how kind these strangers are to help me find my most precious weapon. Truly I'm just glad they didn't kill me right off. I start back down the path that I had come up from hoping that maybe it was somewhere around where my nook was. I hear one yell, the one called Orin I believe, asking about when I last saw it. These ones are good with questions, I wish I had more answers myself. I yell in retort, "It must have been sometime when I first got here, I can't quite remember my purpose of coming here, but I must have been looking for something in the books. I might have left it leaning against a shelf somewhere while I was searching for. . ." I trail off, what was I here for, was I really searching for something? I must have been, why else come to a library? I continue my shout with a far away sounding" . . . something." (DM would you mind explaining the area in a bit more detail so that we know how many rows and paths we can actually go down?)
I remember to shout, " If you find it, please be careful, It's quite heavy for people who are unused to it and it is very sharp!"
I sped up my stride as I moved past shelf after shelf heaped with dusty tomes. I had never been to school, but the sheer volume of books in this one made me know I would have hated going. I heard Kwon shout that she didn't remember where the weapon was, or why she'd even come in here in the first place. "That makes two of us," I muttered to myself. Kwon said the weapon is heavy and sharp. I hoped it wasn't laying flat on the floor with its blade aimed at me. My boots were mainly made up of holes. The room never darkened as I walked; an odd trait for any building to have, especially given the lack of lanterns. Occasionally, the glint of a metal piece of a book cover would catch my eye and trick me. "How tall's this thing?" I called through the library. I was deep into the maze of shelves, and hoped someone heard me.
After the shock of the statue I hear Kwon yelling bout her weapon, the fact that its heavy and sharp, the sharp part did not bother me but the heavy part I did. I am not weak for someone my size. I can hold my own weight well enough and move and climb like an ape when I have too but heavy is not my thing. As I move along I feel like something is watching me. I pause for a second and look up at the wall. A picture of an older gentleman hung on the wall and I look as I move and it was if the eyes moved with me which I was not about to stand there and see if the rest of him did too. I find in my search another statue that looks like it has leather on it and I remove it from the statue of a lady. It is a strap for a sword and a belt with a pouch on it. Turning another corner I yell out, " I think I found a doorway or at least it looks like one."
I stay with Kwon while the others search. Lost weapons don't interest me much. Swords go missing all the time. It isn't so often that one finds a woman covered in dust. "So, are you human?" She looks it, but everyone looks human these days. The ears only give it away about half of the time, and you can never tell with the teeth.
As I gaze at the last 2 members (or three I suppose, with the wolf) of the party, when I hear a faint yell. Something about tall? Probably asking about the weapon. I can barely make it out, 'is this place really that big?' I wonder. I strain my vocal chords to shot out, " It's about 6 to 6 1/2 feet tall." I return my attention back to the rest of this party and move back towards them, maybe I can get some answers out of them as to where, and when, I am. It might be good to first remember when and where I was from though. I reply to the question asked by one of the two," What does it really matter what I am? Who are you any ways? What is this ragtag group? I didn't get any names from anyone. I'm suddenly thrust back from I don't even now where and I'm surrounded by faces and places that I can't remember." I finish sounding frustrated and more than a little irate. I try to calm myself down. 'Focus on your breathing' a voice inside me says. It's not my own voice, a memory of someone perhaps?
For an idea of the building you are in, imagine an average old library times about ten, built, filled, and organized over the course of hundreds of years by absolutely psychotic librarians. Now pretend that somewhere along the line equally insane teachers moved in and tried to build classrooms by reorganizing bookshelves and study tables, much to the displeasure of the librarians, who have done everything in their power to make the task more difficult. Now imagine that everyone involved is magic. Added to that is the fact that so much magic has been used in and on this place that nearly everything is soaked in it, some of it has come partially to life, and the building itself is nearly sentient. That should give you a rough idea of what you're looking at. If that doesn't do it for you, just think of a really confusing alternate dimension McKay's.
"We met in the woods outside about twenty minutes ago. Names are about all I know right now." I give her a brief rundown of who's who and what we're doing here, what I know anyway. It's a pretty short conversation. "Race is a matter of curiosity for me. You look pretty human. Are you cursed maybe? I've heard turning people to stone has been popular lately, and that would explain the dust and the fact that you're not dead and mummified."
The maze of shelves yields absolutely nothing. I ran down row after row, shelves becoming more complicated and twisted as I went. Eventually, I stop in front of Kwon, Awolf, the wolf, and Sethrial. "I reckon we need a bloody incantation or something to find Waldo." The place is magic, after all. To me it seemed that anything to do with magic always required an unnecessarily complicated solution.
"In my experience, magic tends to be ten percent direction of energy and ninety percent incomprehensible nonsense. WALDO, COME TO ME!" I raise my arms above my head and shout. Nothing happens for a few seconds, then there's a solid wooden thump from the other end of the library. There are a few much louder crashes, followed by dusty silence, followed by me saying, "Well something just happened. Let's go find out what."