Fallen London

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Socratease, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    in general for early game, go as far as you can as fast as you can and avoid combat
    terror isn't life-threatening until about 90, although 100 is game over if you have more than 4 zailors (without really good stats or luck)

    Using [F]ull power to flee from enemies you can't handle is pretty safe - explosions always seem to do less than your current hull unless you only have like 1.
    If you have good veils you can just turn off your lights and sneak past or away from things, even if they've seen you
    Don't even try to engage crabs until you have an engine fast enough that you can outrun their charges while backing up.
    For ships, try to stay right on their ass stern, which usually means continually holding down your turn button and then being ready to slow down if they do so you don't overshoot them and get into their firing arc. Dreadnoughts and a couple boss ships can fire behind them, although they technically have blind spots at about 5 and 7 o-clock. Better to just avoid them, tho.
    Bats you are probably not going to be able to shoot down without taking a hit. Either run as per above, or turn your lights on them so you can shoot them back after they hit you.

    just take the obvious criminal dude up on his offer, honestly
    For money, always gather a port report at every port you pass, which will allow you to at least recoup your fuel and supplies costs at the admiralty.
    Talk to the first curator in zombietownVenderbight - every color you fetch for him will get you an item you can cash in at the university in london for a sweet 1000e
    Save 1 secret from your first trip to unlock the university.
    somewhere along the very north edge of the map there will be DOOMY GATE OF DOOM avid horizon, where you can use 77 fragmets to pull a pelgin eyeball out of the ice. if you run out of supplies getting there, devil volcano mt. palmerston will also be on the north edge of the map and is a good place to resupply. the far northeast also always has supplies, but is pricey
    also at avid horizon, there is a 50% chance of getting a skull you can cash in for irrigo, with the "beginner's luck" option
    you can also always shoot murder sea urchins flukes for irrigo, but that requires fairly good weaponry or combat skills
    you can get viric at mirror mcmirrorcity in the far southeast on your second visit, or if you've picked up the tireless engineer at frostfound and fed him he gives you an errand for it.
    if you're a cannibal and have nightmares you can go to the candlebell cannibal island near avid horizon for gant. you can also become a cannibal there, so really you only need nightmares
    don't turn in strategic information right away, wait till you've got two and combine it into vital intelligence, which you can get more for from the admiral and unlocks spying shit and someone you can get even more for your vital intelligence for
    searing enigmas are also 1000e at the university, if you get one early for whatever (far southeast and far northeast are good places to get one free) don't sell them all, though, you'll want some for later
    after you've been around a bit, there's a merchant in london who will give you fetch quests for loads and loads of cash
    if you find port cecil, you can play chess for a bunch of pages and secrets (mind your terror) and eventually get 7 scintillack (490e at london, also a thing the merchant wants sometimes for double that) and fetch quests you can do to get that much again. also an officer with a squidface you can smooch eventually, depending on the choices you make.
    200e and 20 units of spare cargo space means you can carry stone from the lions to london for 300e profit. you can only do this a few times, though

    once you know the map a bit, you can grind money with a couple good trade routes:
    buy coffee in adam's way (38e a load), trade coffee for linen in irem, sell linen back to adam's way for 25e profit apeice. you can also restock fuel and supplies at either end, although adam's way is a good deal cheaper. you can also go a bit out of your way for super cheap fuel at the iron republic. all these ports are always in the same place, too, so that's nice.

    if you have enough cargo space to hold like 25 units of fuel (22 to get to the surface, plus enough to get to the canal up), enough supplies and some spare for goods, buy mirror boxes in khan's shadow for 250e each and do unlimited runs with them between the surface and london for 400e a box a trip, at least until you get caught or go sun-nuts(you can also take the boxes to the isle of cats, where there's no cops but you lose a box for half of what it's worth if you fail a veils check)
    when you're done with the boxes, fill them up with dream-snakes and sell them back at khan's shadow for twice what you bought them for
    the cops only show up if you have something awaits you, so you can try discharging that at mutton island to the south of london before docking
    if you have even more cargo space, you can also buy coffee and ship it up to vienna for 100% profits at least (depending on where/how cheap you got it)
    • Like x 1
  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Oooh. While I had figured some of that out (like combat being best avoided) there are things there that I will keep in mind. Especially the trade route thing.

    I have amazingly managed to not die and have like 500 echoes. Also my crew and three officers. My veils I am powergaming because fuck it. I want to. Or attempting to. Currently it is at like...67?
  3. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    well combat becomes a lot more rewarding once you have a ship that can take a forward weapon and have upgraded your guns

    there's some other trade routes possible too, but those are the one's i've used the most
    wine from london to port carnelian, sapphires from port carnelian to the chelonate, ivory from the chelonate to polythreme, clay men from polythreme to london should also be pretty good, but requires a bit more starting cash because sapphires ain't cheap
  4. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I want to become the fucking god of running away. Though becoming a hellish gun ship of death sounds fun to try at some point too...
  5. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    Also try to buy a townhouse and will. Once you do that, you can start passing on stuff to the next captain and have a better start. I have a good deck weapon I like to pass on which makes the bats and crabs easy to deal with even if I can't afford anything else.
  6. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    how do i manage that
  7. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    Start with Wiwaxia's tips, you'll get there. It took me a lot of deaths at first too.
  8. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    No I mean like where do I physically go. It took me ages to even figure out that I could buy shit.
  9. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    well not physically go but yeah

    Would it be in the stores or my house journal story menu place thing?
  10. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    your lodgings in london, i believe
  11. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

  12. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    So what are some good ways to gain Making Waves without gaining nightmares?
  13. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Meanwhile, my making waves is too high to increase nightmares on the attracting visitors card :V

    @Mala i know there's some cross-category item conversions that make waves, but that might be a bit action-heavy?
  14. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    I don't know how I didn't notice this thread before, but eeeee, Fallen London.

    It's come up already, but - Seeking is back. I'd...agree that it should probably get spoilers, especially the end parts. (Any bits that are Fate-locked should also get spoilers, as a courtesy thing to the folks over at Failbetter.)

    Boiled down to its essence: flip cards to pursue various goals and learn more about the world and, in doing so, hear interesting stories. There is a candle (or two, if you pay a small fee) that tracks how many actions you can take; most things cost at least one action, some things cost anywhere up to five (occasionally more); these actions renew at a rate of one every twenty minutes, and you can take twenty actions per candle.

    You can marry the squid monster, if you are determined enough. Make an honest squid out of it.

    This is both a problem and a delight to me, I admit - things are very spread-out and scattered. It is nigh-impossible for any one person to collect and piece together all the fragments and figure out what's going on. But it means that I end up feeling Very Clever when, months later, I sit up and go "wait a second..."

    Thematically, all wells tie back to Mr. Eaten, this is true. Also (tangentially) to the Bazaar, for all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.

    Unaccountably Peckish, if I'm remembering right! But yes, it ties back to Mr. Eaten (for Reasons); you also get it for things like eating Weird stuff and, I think, dreaming specific strange dreams.
    The reason it's a result of cannibalism in Sunless Sea and not-obviously-related in Fallen London is twofold: first, London is more genteel - properly bred ladies and upright gentlemen do not eat other people, it's Just Not Done, it's dreadfully scandalous and in a way that tends to unsettle rather than delight even Gardenfolk. Second is tied into how Mr. Eaten died and what happened to at least part of his body afterwards.

    Do not fuck the Vake. You won't even stop at the Tomb Colonies, you'll just go straight to the boat with no way off.

    How boring it'd be would depend on whether anyone realized they were forgetting what they were doing and started making notes for themselves.

    Depends on how into story-revealing you are, really. These days, becoming a Delicious Friend (if I'm remembering right) also means that you get access to the monthly exclusive-access stories. (These stories do become available to folks without that backstage pass, three months after the Delicious Friends get them, but they are fate-locked content which means that you're going to have to cough up cash to get it.)

    Kinda-sorta! There's at least one permanent way to die, gamewise, but it's only if you're Seeking (afaik) and the rest is - well. In-story, tomb colonists are people who died so often that their physical form is starting to show significant signs of wear and not quite holding together like it used to; they get around this by wrapping themselves in bandages and looking like rather cantankerous mummies. It is true that death doesn't quite stick as well as it ought to, in the Neath! This, uh, is a reason why some people don't try to leave the Neath; not everyone can survive seeing sunlight any more. Also, story-wise, anyone who dies out at zee is gone forever; this is why Sunless Sea requires you to restart if your captain dies.

    I don't find it so? But, uh, I am probably not a good judge there. It is true that there's a lot of various metaphysical states in the Neath, and several of them prohibit one from seeing the sun again.

    Bleh, the combat system. It didn't used to be that way - I was one of the backers and had beta access, and it used to be a card-based system like FL is. The new one is...faster, certainly. But less - I'm not sure what word I want here. Not 'less forgiving'; that wasn't really so. It's less oriented towards someone who is not, perhaps, particularly good at top-down, twitchy-reflex shooters. Less friendly, is what I wanted.
    I wish they'd kept the old system, or at least given an option to switch between the two. But the new one was the one that got the popular vote, and I can understand that they didn't want to spend time coding in something that had a very small vocal base when they could be spending that time on things which would add more flavour and body to the game. (That doesn't mean I don't still miss those cards, and being able to be good at the combat.)

    (Edited to fix the spoiler bracket.)
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
  15. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Oh I an gppd at top down shooters generally. The boat controls fucking shit for that though. Also aiming is bullshit.
  16. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

  17. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    • Like x 1
  18. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Whenever I equip my bejeweled cane to get rid of a merry gentleman card, I like to imagine i'm literally running him off waving it around.
    "Is this enough of a diamond for you, you smarmy grinning bastard? Now git! Git!"
    • Like x 3
  19. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Today Fallen London is giving out two cups of Darkdrop coffee when you log in, because "You have a good reason to stay in the Neath a while longer today. You could use a boost."

    edit: Whoops, I didn't add the link. :X http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/a/DarkdropAid
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
    • Like x 6
  20. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    I just started the "found a kingdom" quest in Sunless Sea.

    Aestival looks pretty nice this time of century, actually. Think I'll move to the fictional hell-dimension. That way I can go insane and die somewhere where it doesn't feel like such a personal affront.
    • Like x 3
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